Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 217, Castilleja chromosa  


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  Orobanchaceae Castilleja chromosa
Scanned 10 Jan 2014.

Coll. No. 217, 27 April 2000, characters observed: Perennial subshrub, to 25 cm., green, hairs simple, not glandular anywhere especially proximal to inflorescence, pinyon-juniper woodland; Leaves alternate (sometimes nearly appearing opposite), sessile, 50 mm. × 5 mm. wide, lanceolate to 5-lobed distally, not fleshy; Calyx, 18 mm., cleft ab- and ad-axially 5 mm. (28%), lobes not curved upward; Corolla, tube 11 mm. + beak 13 mm. = 24 mm., straight, not curved through abaxial side of side of calyx sinus, upper lobes tip open, projected forward, lower lip small; Stamens, 4, fused in pairs; Anther, sacs per stamen obscured by twinning, looks like at least 3 sacs per pair of stamens; Stigma, lobes obscured by pollen.

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