Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 309, Syntrichopappus fremontii |
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Scanned 23 October 2013. Coll. No. 309, 25 May 2003, characters observed while keying: Annual, tap-rooted, to 15 cm., generally tomentose throughout; Stem, decumbent to ascending; Leaves, alternate, 16 mm. × 3 mm. wide, tip 3-lobed; Inflorescence, solitary heads on peduncles (10 mm.), flowers of two kinds, radiate; Phyllaries, 5, in one series, free at base, 7.5 mm. × 2.5 mm. wide, margins slightly scarious, tip acuminate without tack-shaped gland; Receptacle, flat, epaleate; Ray flowers, 5, 5 mm., yellow; Pappus of bristles on both ray and disc flowers, single row, short plumose; cypsela, black, short plumose.
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Date and time this page was prepared: 8/26/2024 3:13:18 PM |