Eastern Mojave Vegetation Trench Canyon, Mono County, California.

Query: G.N.I.S.

See also: Cedar Hill.

See also: Alkali Valley.

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Canyon northwest of Cedar Hill.

Russell (1889) describes Trench Canyon:

Riding southward we traverse the long, deep pass that attracted our attention from the hills above, connecting Aurora and Mono Valleys. From the particular form of this straight, narrow gorge we name it Trench Caņon. Advancing, we observe that the ancient beaches seen about Aurora Valley extend entirely through, as parallel horizontal lines on each side of the trough, at an elevation of about 200 feet, and are marked in places with tufa deposits. At the south end of Trench Caņon the bottom rises to within eighty feet of the highest ancient beaches, and shows evidences of having been eroded by the currents that once set through it. The terraces on either side of the caņon, where it opens out into Mono Valley, are more strongly defined and more numerous than at any other locality thus far seen during our ride (Russell, 1889, p. 272)

Elevation: 6716ft, 2047m.

Articles that refer to this location:


Literature Referring To This Location:

  • Bureau of Land Management. 2005. Evaluation of Pinyon Removal Effects Typical of a Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fuels Reductin Project Mono Basin. BLM CER Number: CA-170-05-36. Bishop, California: Bureau of Land Management, 2005. {TAS}
  • Dohrenwend, J. C. 1982. Map Showing Late Cenozoic Faults in the Walker Lake 1° By 2° Quadrangle, Nevada - California. Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1382-D. Washington, DC: United States Geological Survey, 1982. {TAS-map}
  • Halford, F. Kirk. 1999. The Trench Canyon Prescribed Burn: An nalysis of Fire Effects on Archeological Resources Within the Sagebrush Steppe Community. Symposium on Fire Effects to Obsidian. Society for California Archeology, 33rd Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California, 1999. {TAS-pdf}
  • Higgins, C. T., T Flynn, R. H. Chapman, D. T. Trexler, G. R. Chase, C. F. Bacon, and G. Ghusn, Jr. 1985. Geothermal systems of the Mono Basin - Long Valley region, eastern California and western Nevada. DOE/SF/12230-T1. {TAS-pdf}
  • Russell, Israel C. 1889. Quaternary history of Mono Valley, California. Eighth Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey. Washington, DC: United States Geological Survery, 1889. {TAS}
No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:4:50:22 PM, 9/22/2024.