Eastern Mojave Vegetation

Detailed Area Plant List for Lippincott Ranch, Jefferson County, United States.

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Edited by Tom Schweich

This list is assembled from personal collections, herbarium vouchers, and published lists. For California, much of the data is provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria as indicated by a single dagger “†.” Their web site is at: (http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/). For Colorado, much of the data is provided by the Southwest Environmental Information Network as indicated by a double dagger “‡,” which web site is found at (http://swbiodiversity.org). See their respective websites for copyright information and recommended citation formats.

For a complete list of Locations included in this Area List, see the Locations Included section, below.

For a check list, please see: Check List for Lippincott Ranch, Jefferson County, United States.


Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescens Underw.  Hairy Bracken Fern. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2865. 7/2/2022. .


Marchantiophyta Liverwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Deferred, to match with Coll. No. 2171. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, northern portion of property, sunny site on the south bank of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2073. 6 Jun 2019. ( GoldenComb. w/ 2171 ) Sunny site on the south bank of Bull Gulch, running water at base of large boulder. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, northern portion of property, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2171. 21 Jul 2019. ( Golden ) .


Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm.  Forked Spleenwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Rock outcrop on north side of gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, north side of gulch, 473 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.53 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. John Vickery, with Tom Schweich 2671.1 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD75617 OBI183406 ) .


Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescens Underw.  Hairy Bracken Fern. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Sunny southeast-facing slope. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Along the western parcel boundary below the Union Pacific railroad, north of the power line and south of Bull Gulch, 1.10 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2746. 7 Sep 2021. ( CIBO JCOSs.n. Error 14.6(b)-7c KHD76204 OBI183780 ) .


Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.  Brittle Bladderfern. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Plants, terrestrial, to 35 cm.; Fronds, petiole scales very sparse, widest at middle, bipinnately compound + lobed, abaxial surface glabrous, margins flat; Sori, between midrib and leaflet margin, round, indusium hood-like at base then divided into filiform segments. (Described from Coll. No. 2890, 20 July 2022.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep ponderosa pine forest growing from bases of rocks. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, bottom of a small gulch, below the railroad embankment, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2498. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott.  Male Fern. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Ponderosa pine forest, also collected here: Jamesia americana, Heuchera bracteata, Urtica dioica, and Elymus glaucus. Northern portion of the ranch in Boulder County, very close to the western parcel boundary, base of boulders above south fork of Spring Creek, 2.33 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.67 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2826.1 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD78902 ) .

- Bull Gulch, Many collections here, such as: Juncus ensifolius, Populus deltoides, Melilotus albus, Trifolium fragiferum, Ribes inerme, Chamerion angustifolium, Epilobium brachycarpum, and Anaphalis margaritacea. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In Lippincott Ranch, in stream channel adjacent to sand/gravel/cobble bar, just upstream of the ranch road crossing of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2507.1 4 Jun 2021. ( KHD75585 ) At the base of a boulder, high on the south bank of the gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, north side of gulch, 434 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.49 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2671. 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD75665 ) . .

Woodsia oregana D.C. Eaton ssp. cathcartiana (B.L. Rob.) Windham.  Rocky Mountain Woodsia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Of the three characters that distinguish subsp. cathcartiana from subsp. oregana, two, spore size and adaxial epidermal cell size, require measuring in units of µm, something outside the usual abilities of the field botanist. The third character, regarding the cells on pinnule margins being irregular in shape making the margins appear ragged, can be seen with a good microscope.

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep shade. Determined by comparison to Coll. No. 2069, which was made from the same plants. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south bank of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2019. 18 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD 72524 ) Deep shade. Same as Coll. No. 2019, 18 Apr 2019. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south bank of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2069. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD72525 ) .


Equisetum CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2151. 6/4/2021. .


Juniperus communis L.  Common Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, top of ridge in ponderosa pine forest Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2176. 7/20/2021. . .

Juniperus communis L. var. depressa Pursh.  Common Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2033. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Southwest corner near the railroad tracks, in deep forest duff of a ponderosa pine woodland. Tom Schweich 1764. 7/13/2019. . .

Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.  (Syn: Sabina scopulorum Sarg.(Sarg.) Rydb. ) Rocky Mountain Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north bank of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2032. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, In a (mostly) ponderosa pine woodland, in the southwest corner near the railroad tracks. Tom Schweich 1765. 7/13/2019. .


Pinus ponderosa Laws.  Ponderosa Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north bank of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2030. 5/6/2021. .

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north side of Spring Brook, lower edge of large boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2171. 7/20/2021. . .

Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco.  (Syn: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. glauca (Mayr) Franco ) Douglas Fir. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north bank of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2031. 5/6/2021. .


Rhus glabra L.  Smooth Sumac. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2074. 5/6/2021. . .

Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene.  Western Poison Ivy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, scattered in forest openings. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2434. 9/7/2021. .


Aletes acaulis (Torr.) J.M. Coult. & Rose.  Stemless Indian Parsley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Edge of Bull Gulch, north side, above the crossing. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2350. 8/7/2021. . .

Anthriscus caucalis M. Bieb.  Bur Chervil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 25 cm., Stem, branched above, glabrous; Leaves, basal, withered, cauline, base sheathing stem, stipules, 0, compound, 3× pinnate, petiole, 13 mm., blade, triangular to lanceolate, 30 mm. × 27 mm. wide, leaflets petiolate, ultimate leaf segments, 9 mm., adaxial glabrous, petiole, abaxial surface, and leaflet margins, sparsely hispid; Inflorescence, umbels simple and compound, subtended by 5 bracts, 2.0-3.5 mm., entire, long ciliate. Pedicels 3 mm., Corolla, unknown; Fruit, schizocarp, central axis obvious, elongate body 2.3 mm. × 0.9 mm. wide + beak 0.5 mm. + stylopodium 0.2 mm., brown, pappillate, uniformly covered with short ±0.2 mm. hooked bristles, oil tubes and ridges ± obscure. (Described from Coll. No. 2546, 29 June 2021.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Under ponderosa pines, with Pseudostellaria. Coordinates estimated with GoogleEarth. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In the narrow “wasp waist” part of the ranch, 525 m. northwest of the main gate, 22.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2492. 4 Jun 2021. ( s.n. ) In scattered ponderosa pines, with Phacelia heterophylla, Descurainia sophia, Opuntia fragilis, and Malva neglecta. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. EDDMapS Record ID 12006501. Southern "panhandle" part of the ranch, on a ridge in the north-central to northwest part, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2546. 29 Jun 2021. ( s.n. KHD75520 OBI183675 ) . .

Cymopterus Raf.  Spring-Parsley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Later collected, No. 2023 Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 1681. 4/24/2019. . .

Harbouria trachypleura (A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose.  (Syn: Thaspium trachypleurum A. Gray ) Whiskbroom Parsley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, top of ridge in ponderosa pine forest Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2175. 7/20/2021. dry southeast-facing ridge Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2883. 7/2/2022. . .

Heracleum maximum Bartr.  Common Cow Parsnip. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2078. 5/6/2021. . .

Ligusticum porteri J.M. Coult. & Rose.  Porter's Licorice-Root. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Deep grasses in openings of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.2 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2610. 20 Jul 2021. ( s.n. KHD75389 OBI183794 ) Sunny spot, more plants in vegetative state in shade. Along the north fork of Spring Brook, 2.53 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.42 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2833. 2 Jul 2022. ( COLO ) . .

Lomatium orientale J.M. Coult. & Rose.  Salt-and-Pepper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 20 cm., woody taproot; Leaves, compound, pinnate, 75 mm. × 26 mm. wide, ultimate divisions, ≤3 mm., ≤1 mm. wide, villous, tips, obtuse, (with a very small white “spine”); Inflorescence, compound umbel; Involucel Bracts, glabrous; Flowers, white; Anthers, red; Ovary, glabrous, stylopodium, absent; Fruit, 5 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, ovate, glabrous, dorsally compressed, lateral ribs winged (Described from Coll. No. 1837, 17 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), tentative, no fruit Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2039. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, In thick soil and forest duff on the exposed east side of a ridge. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, east side of ridge, 25.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2031. 26 May 2019. ( CDA0052284 CIBO JCOS s.n. ) . .

Musineon divaricatum (Pursh) Raf.  Leafy Wildparsley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Heavy clay soil. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south parcel, high prairie above Rocky Flats, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 2023. 24 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD 70556 ) . .

Osmorhiza Raf.  Sweet Cicely. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2081. 5/6/2021. . .

Osmorhiza berteroi DC.  Sweet Cicely. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Terrace above Spring Brook, edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.3 km. north of the main gate, 23.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2619. 20 Jul 2021. ( s.n. KHD75387 OBI183683 ) . .

Osmorhiza depauperata Phil.  Blunt-Fruit Sweet-Cicely. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south bank of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2069.1 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD 75523 ) .


Apocynum ×floribundum Greene.  Dogbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 35 cm.; Leaves, cauline, opposite, spreading horizontal, petiole 2 mm. + blade 50 mm. × 24 mm. wide, ovate, margin revolute; Sepals, 2.5 mm.; Flowers, bell-shaped, 6 mm. × 5 mm. wide, >2× calyx; Petals, fused at base, tube  mm. + lobes 2 mm., pink, drying purple, lobes erect to spreading, none reflexed; Stamens, 5. Filaments, distinct; More like A. androsaemifolium than A. cannabinum, but it seems to best fit the description of the hybrid A. ×floribundum. (Described from Coll. No. 1442, 22 June 2016.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Seasonally wet slope with a few ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southeastern "panhandle" portion of ranch, on the north boundary of Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space, nearly under the power line, 21.8 km. north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2534. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) .


Composite. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Ratibida cylindrica? cottony. Mid-slope berween railroad tracks and unnamed stream. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2438. 9/7/2021. . .

Achillea millefolium L.  (Syn: A. lanulosa Nutt. , A. m. L. var. alpicola (Rydb.) Garrett , A. m. L. var. lanulosa (Nutt.) Piper , A. m. L. var. occidentalis DC. ) Common Yarrow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb to 50 cm.;; Leaves alternate, tendrils absent, finely dissected, aromatic when fresh; Inflorescence, heads enclosed by an involucre, in flat-topped clusters; Phyllaries in 2+ series; Receptacles bearing scale-like bracts (paleate); Perianth in 2 or more whorls, parts in 5s; Phyllaries in 2+ series, not all subtending ray flowers; Flowers open, bisexual, two kinds, some with strap-shaped corollas; Petals fused into a tube; Ray flowers, white, lobe ovate; Disc flowers, white; Stamens = in number to corolla lobes; Ovary inferior. Pistils, 1 per flower (Described from Coll. No. 482, 30 Nov 2011, and Coll. No. 1023, 24 Jul 2013).

- Lippincott Ranch, Edge of open ponderosa pine woodland at break in slope. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2083. 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072417 REGIS ) . .

Ambrosia psilostachya DC.  Western Ragweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm., woody at base; Leaves opposite below, alternate above, 50 mm. × 22 mm., ovate, pinnately divided; Inflorescence indeterminate, appearing raceme-like, 2 kinds of flowers, pistillate heads many, distal, carpellate heads few, clustered in distal leafy axils; Phyllaries fused into a cup; Receptacle not chaffy; Pappus absent (Described from Coll. No. 1068, 8 Oct 2014).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2896. 7/2/2022. . .

Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Bentham & Hooker.  Western Pearly Everlasting. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Additional colonies seen further up the gulch. South bank of the gulch, in an area not scoured out in the floods of September 2013. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 72 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.35 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2657. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075627 ) . .

Antennaria neglecta Greene.  Field Pussy-Toes. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In shade along the north fork of Spring Brook, 2.56 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.36 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vikery 2834. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078899 ) . .

Antennaria parvifolia Nutt.  Small-Leaf Pussytoes. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 10 cm., stoloniferous; Stem, tomentose; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, petiole, gradually expanding into blade, blade, 16 mm. × 6.7 mm. wide, oblanceolate, entire, glandular, tomentose, tips, pointed, cauline, 10 mm. × 2 mm. wide, linear; Inflorescence, heads enclosed by an involucre, #3 per stem, not showy; Involucre, 7 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, cylindric; Phyllaries, 5+ series, 4 mm. × 2 mm. wide to 8 mm. × 1 mm. wide, green proximally to white (pinkish) distally, tomentose, margins, flat, scarious, tips, rounded; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, of 1 kind; Disk flowers, many, 6.5 mm., white; Pappus, many, well-developed, bristles, 8 mm., ±equal; Cypsela, 0.8 mm. × 0.3 mm. wide, brown, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1909, 31 May 2018.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2049. 5/6/2021. . .

Arctium minus Bernh.  Lesser Burdock. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2077. 5/6/2021. . .

Arnica cordifolia Hook.  Heart-Leaf Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), in seed Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2863. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Steep northwest slope in ponderosa pine and Douglas fir, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2144. 6/4/2021. . .

Arnica fulgens Pursh.  Shining Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb of wetlands, moist, or somehow equible areas, to 35 cm., glandular hairy throughout; Leaves, mostly basal and few cauline, basal, axils with 5 mm. brown wavy hair, petiole 50-70 mm. + blade 60-100 mm. × 12-30 mm. wide, 3.3-5 × longer than wide, lanceolate, tip obtuse, cauline, opposite, sessile, ±2 pair, much reduced; Inflorescence, showy, single heads on peduncle to 80 mm., flowers of two kinds; Involucre, 13-15 mm. × 22-30 mm. wide; Phyllaries, 2 ±equal series, 11-14 mm.× 3-3.5 mm. wide, margins, flat, tips, obtuse green with dark tips glandular-hairy abaxially; Receptacle epaleate; Rays, #12, fertile, tube 3-5 mm. + blade 16-19 mm. × 7-7.5 mm. wide = 19-24 mm., corolla yellow; Disc flowers, tube 7-7.5 mm. + lobes ≤1 mm. = 8-8.5 mm.; Pappus, bristles, 9 mm., white, barbelate; Anther, yellow; Achene, 5 mm., short hairy. Described from Coll. Nos. 1119, 1371, and 1871. Subtribe Arnicinae is a sister subtribe to Madiinae (tarweeds) and Hulseinae, which contains both Hulsea and Eatonella, both common in the Mono Lake basin. Described by Pursh in Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 527 “On the banks of the Missouri,” but this is not a Lewis & Clark collection. Perhaps it is a Nuttall collection from 1810. Holotype: BM?, Isotype: PH.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), tentative, vegetative Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2040. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Open prairie in small saddle. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south of Bull Gulch approximate centroid of parcel, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2038. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00071103 REGIS ) With mixed grasses and forbs in a gently sloped, open ponderosa pine woodland. Narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2080. 17 Jun 2019. ( CAS CDA0052291 CIBO COLO2433498 CS OBI183230 UC UCR ) . .

Artemisia campestris L.  Field Sagewort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 60 cm., longer lived than biennial; Stem, 4± per caudex, reddish; Leaves, basal mostly withered, cauline, 8 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, tomentose; Inflorescence, 130 mm. × 20 mm. wide; Heads, many, 2 mm. × 2 mm. wide; Phyllaries, 2+ series, 1.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, green to scarious; Receptacle, naked. Described fromColl. No. 1767, 1 Sep 2017. Note: It is important to note presence or absence of a basal rosette when collecting.

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north side of Spring Brook, lower edge of large boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2173. 7/20/2021. . .

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt.  Silver Wormwood. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2067. 5/6/2021. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2189. 7/20/2021. . .

Brickellia grandiflora (Hook.) Nutt.  Tasselflower Brickellbush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, On loose rock of the embankment below the Union Pacific Railroad, in the partial shade of a cottonwood and rocky mountain maples. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, 1.11 km. west northwest of the main gate, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2743. 7 Sep 2021. ( COLO2707321 Golden ) . .

Carduus nutans L.  (Syn: Carduus nutans L. ssp. macrolepis (Peterman) Kazmi ) Nodding Plumeless Thistle. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 55 cm., tap-rooted, branched at base; Leaves, basal, withered at flowering, cauline, alternate, decurrent 40 mm. + blade 75 mm. × 25 mm. wide, pinnately lobed, margins spiny; Inflorescence, single heads on spiny tomentose peduncles 2.5-15 cm.; Phyllaries, many graduated series, 9-20 mm. × 1-3 mm. wide, thick at base, mostly green, purplish at margins, mid-vein prominent, tip spiny; Receptacle, alveolate (honeycombed), flat, bristly; Disk flowers, 25 mm., color purple; Pappus, capillary bristles, 18 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1517, 24 July 2016.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2075. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, One rosette seen. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 1683. 4/24/2019. . .

Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.  (Syn: Breea arvensis (L.) Lessing ) Canada Thistle. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 70 cm., tap-rooted; Leaves, cauline, alternate, sessile but not obviously decurrent, 85 mm. × 20 mm. wide, margin sinuate, spiny, adaxial thinly tomentose, abaxial tomentose; Inflorescence, panicle(?); Heads, many, 30±, 15 mm. × 8 mm. dia., disk flowers only, dioecious, staminate heads, pappus < corolla, pistillate heads, pappus > corolla; Phyllaries, many (6-7) series, outer 3 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, inner 15 mm. × 1 mm. wide, dark dorsal ridge, tips, spinulose, reflexed; Receptacle, soft bristles, 10 mm.; Pappus, plumose bristles (Described from Coll. No. 1512, 24 July 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2084. 5/6/2021. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2890. 7/2/2022. . .

Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng.  Wavy Leaved Thistle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial thistle, to 30 cm., stout tap root; Stem, leafy, 20 cm.; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, petiole 25 mm. + blade 180 mm. × 55 mm. wide, oblanceolate, pinnately lobed more than half-way to mid-rib, cauline, reduced above, decurrent 5 mm., 45 mm. × 14 mm. wide, lanceolate, surface, adaxial, thinly tomentose, abaxial, tomentose, margins, spiny; Head, 35 mm. × 40 mm. wide, indented around top of peduncle; Phyllaries, many (7?) series, 13 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, + robust spine 5-6 mm., body dark dorsal ridge, outer and middle reflexed; Flowers, 1 kind; Disk flowers, 25-36 mm., corolla pink-purple; Pappus, plumose bristles; Cypsela, 5 mm., apical collar unremarkable. (Described from Coll. No. 1460, 27 June 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2070. 5/6/2021. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2889. 7/2/2022. . .

Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.  Bull Thistle. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Leaves, adaxial face with slender appressed bristle-like prickles.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2059. 5/6/2021. . .

Dieteria bigelovii (A. Gray) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman.  (Syn: Machaeranthera b. (A. Gray) Greene , Machaeranthera varians Greene ) Bigelow's Tansy Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 60 cm.; Stem erect, stipitate-glandular, more dense above; Leaves, basal, unknown, cauline, alternate, sessile, 50 mm. × 4-5 mm. wide, reduced above, lance-linear, spinulose toothed; Inflorescence, panicle, heads borne singly on pedicels 10-20 mm.; Involucre, 8 mm. × 12 mm. wide; Phyllaries, 5+ series, imbricate, chartaceous below, green and stipitate-glandular above, tips, acuminate, reflexed; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers of 2 kinds; Rays, fertile, corolla, tube 4.5 mm. + laminae 10 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, spatulate, blue; Disk flowers, corolla, 6 mm., yellow; Pappus, capillary bristles, 6 mm.; Cypsela, 3 mm., hairy. Described from Coll. No. 1299, 23 Sep 2015.

- Bull Gulch, Several rattlesnakes here. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Variety bigelovii if infraspecific names are to be applied. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 222 m. west from the eastern boundary, north bank of the gulch, 1.36 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2663. 7 Aug 2021. ( COLO2706349 Golden ) . .

Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nutt.  (Syn: Machaeranthera c. (Pursh) A. Gray ) Hoary Tansyaster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Bull Gulch, north side, above the crossing. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2349. 8/7/2021. . .

Erigeron divergens Torr. & A. Gray.  Spreading Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual or short-lived perennial, to 15 cm., tap-rooted, ±spreading hairy throughout, becoming minutely glandular above, hairs multicellular with clear crosswalls; Leaves, basal, absent or withered; cauline, alternate, petiole ±10 mm. + blade ±12 mm. × 2.4 mm. wide, uniformly hairy, somewhat reduced above; Inflorescence, heads borne singly on leafy stems, peduncles spreading or decurved, but cannot be described as “heads nodding;” Involucre, 3 mm. × limb 12 mm.; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, 2 kinds; Rays, corolla, 3.5 mm., white fading blue; Disk flowers, corolla, 1.7 mm., yellow; Pappus, short scales and longer capillary bristles, similar on ray and disk flowers; Cypsela, 0.8 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1489. 13 July 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Sunny spot among ponderosa pines above the creek, also collected or seen nearby: Humulus lupulus, Rumex acetosella, Castilleja rhexifolia, and Smilax lasioneuron. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Left bank of the north fork of Spring Brook, 2.59 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.31 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2835. 2 Jul 2022. ( KHD00079103 ) . .

Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray.  Trailing Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 5-6 cm., with scapose inflorescence to 9 cm., spreading by leafy stoloniferous branches; Leaves, basal and cauline, entire, basal, linear-oblanceolate, 35 mm. × 2.5 mm., cauline, linear, 13 mm. × 1.5 mm.; Inflorescence, single heads on scape to 8 cm.; Receptacle epaleate; Phyllaries, 2+series, ±equal, 4 mm., hairy abaxially, ascending multicellular hairs with clear crosswalls, glandular between hairs; Flowers of 2 kinds; Pappus of bristles, 2 mm., + short scales, that of ray and disc flowers alike; Rays, #±80, corolla white, fading lilac, 8 mm. × 0.5 mm.; Disc flowers, corolla yellow, lobes triangular; Achene, short hairy. (Described from Coll. No. 1116, 28 May 2015).

- Lippincott Ranch, Near the former clay mine headquarters. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2139. 6/4/2021. Open seasonally wet grassland, also nearby: Potentilla hippiana var. effusa, Amorpha nana, and Gentiana affinis. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the "panhandle" southern part of the ranch, near the powerline, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2537.1 29 Jun 2021. ( COLO2706505 Golden OBI183419 ) . .

Erigeron speciosus (Lindl.) DC.  Aspen Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 75 cm., rhizomatous; Stem, glabrous, to glandular distally, purple at base; Leaves, basal, absent, lower cauline, petiole 20-25 mm. + blade 25-45 mm. × 6-10 mm. wide, elliptic, margin ciliate, upper cauline, sessile, 25-42 mm. × 5.0-7.5 mm. wide, lanceolate, gradually reduced, finely glandular, tips, small rounded tip (apiculate?), margins, entire, ciliate; Inflorescence, >leaves, 2-3 heads per stem, showy; Involucre, 5 mm. × 13 mm. wide, base glandular; Phyllaries, 3± series, 4-5 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, outer ±= inner, outer green, inner yellow-tan, curved distally, finely glandular; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, of 2 kinds; Ray flowers, many, tube 2-3 mm. + blade 10-12 mm. × 0.5-1.0 mm. wide, lavender, or white fading lavender, fertile; Disk flowers, many, tube 2.0-3.3 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm., yellow, open, bisexual; Pappus, two series, short and long, long, 2 mm. sometimes (undescribed) or tawny; Cypsela, 1.3 mm. compressed, brown, hairy. (Described from Coll. No. 2612, 29 July 2021, and Coll. No. 2645, 5 Aug 2021.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Deep grasses in openings of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.2 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2612. 20 Jul 2021. ( COLO2718427 Golden ) Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2880. 7/2/2022. . .

Gaillardia aristata Pursh.  Blanketflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm.; Leaves, alternate, entire to toothed; Inflorescence, single heads on peduncles 13-18 cm., flowers of 2 kinds; Phyllaries, 2+ series, 17 mm. × 2.7 mm. wide, lance-linear; Receptacle, epaleate, setae, to 10 mm.; Rays, sterile, corolla, 21 mm. × 10 mm. wide, yellow, deeply 3-lobed; Disk flowers, corolla, 7 mm., purple; Pappus of 6+ aristate scales, 4 mm., awn 2×> body. Described from Coll. No. 1205, 12 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Open prairie on north-facing slope, scattered ponderosa pines, nearing terrace above Spring Brook. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.27 km. north of the main gate, 23.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2617. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Bromus japonicus, Dianthus armeria, Heterotheca villosa, Potentilla recta, and Veronica anagallis-aquatica. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2116. 1 Jul 2019. ( JCOS s.n. ) Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2117. 1 Jul 2019. ( CDA0052297 CIBO COLO2434215 KHD00072733 ) . .

Grindelia hirsutula Hook. & Arn.  (Syn: Grindelia humilis H. & A. , Grindelia robusta Nutt. var. angustifolia A. Gray , Grindelia stricta DC. var. angustifolia (A. Gray) M. A. Lane ) Hairy Gumweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial shrub, faint camphor scent, to 50-60 cm, glabrous throughout, Leaves alternate, coriaceous, lanceolate to 8 cm., entire, Involucre gummy, 12-13 mm. dia., Phyllaries in 4-5 series, outer phyllary without oil glands, gradually narrowing to tips, tips acute, erect, not coiled, Heads radiate, with both ray and disk flowers, Rays 20, yellow, Disk flowers yellow, Pappus bristles, "flattened" (actually appear triangular in cross-sections, but definitely not cylindric), Habitat salt marsh and tidal flat (Described from Collection No. 882, 10 August 2012).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2186. 7/20/2021. . .

Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal.  Curlycup Gumweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Heterotheca foliosa, Pericome caudata, Senecio spartioides, and Urtica dioica. Variety squarrosa per leaf proportions in Ackerfield (2015) if infraspecific names are to be applied. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2213. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00074449 OBI186070 REGIS ) . .

Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby.  (Syn: G. linearifolia Lag. ) Broom Snakeweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, tap-rooted, to 9 cm.; Leaves, alternate, linear, 20 mm. × 1 mm. mm. wide, dotted with embedded oil glands, very few short hairs; Peduncle, 0.5-1.5 mm.; Inflorescence, some flowers with strap-shaped corollas, flowers of two kinds in same heads, Involucre, 3.5 mm. × 2.5-3.0 mm. wide, obconic, not gummy; Phyllary, 2-3 unequal series, inner folded around ovary of ray flowers, dotted with embedded oil glands, tips appressed; Receptacle, epaleate; Rays, #5, yellow; Disk, #4; Pappus, a well-developed crown of scales on both ray and disk flowers; (Described from Coll. No. 144, 3 Oct 1997: keys easily to Gutierrezia sarothrae. However, inner phyllaries are folded around ovary of ray flowers, a character not mentioned in keys or description.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Open recent growth ponderosa pine woodland, also seen/collected here: Achnatherum nelsonii, and Elymus elymoides. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, approx. centroid of parcel, atop spoils pile of clay pit, 22.5 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2211. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00074454 OBI183228 REGIS ) . .

Helianthus pauciflorus Nutt. ssp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) O. Spring & E. Schilling.  (Syn: Helianthus rigidus (Cass.) Desf. ssp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Heiser , Helianthus subrhomboideus Rydb. ) Stiff Sunflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

[Description pending verification of determination for Coll. No. 1260. -- 27 Dec 2015] Perennial from rhizomes (not a tap-rooted annual), to 1 mm.; Leaves, cauline, opposite, 135 mm. × 32 mm. wide, rhomboid, margin, straight, short-toothed, green, not glaucus, adaxial scabrous-hispid, abaxial scabrous; Inflorescence, solitary heads on long peduncles; Peduncle, 25 cm.; Phyllaries in 3+ imbricate series, all similar, 8-9 mm. × 4 mm. wide, ovo-lanceolate, margin, ciliate, tips, erect; Receptacle, hemispheric, paleate; Paleae, 8 mm., ciliate distally; Rays, sterile, pappus, 2 scales 2.5 mm., corolla, 24 mm. × 6 mm. wide, yellow; Disk flowers, fertile, pappus, crown of scales with 2 elongated to 4 mm., corolla, 5 mm., yellow to dark red distally; cypsela, 3.3 mm., compressed quadrangular. Described from Coll. No. 1260, 26 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Steep east-facing grassy slope. Also collected here: Heliomeris multiflora var. multiflora. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest segment of parcel, nearly up to the railroad tracks, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2223. 29 Aug 2019. ( KHD00074460 REGIS ) . .

Heliomeris multiflora Nutt. var. multiflora.  Showy Golden Eye. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Steep east-facing grassy slope. Also collected here: Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest segment of parcel, nearly up to the railroad tracks, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2224. 29 Aug 2019. ( CAS CIBO COLO2433480 JCOS s.n. KHD00074459 ) . .

Heterotheca foliosa (Nutt.) Shinners.  (Syn: Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners var. foliosa (Nutt.) V.L. Harms ) Hairy False Goldenaster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 40 cm.; Stem, spreading hairy, glandular; Leaves, cauline, alternate, 33 mm. × 9 mm. wide, oblong, margin entire, tip acute, appressed hairy; Peduncle, 15 mm.; Bracts, leafy, 10-16 mm. × 2.5 mm., lanceolate, some exceeding heads by 4-7 mm.; Involucre, 9 mm. × 14 mm. wide; Phyllaries, in 4+ graduated series, 4-9 mm. × 1 mm. wide, lanceolate, slightly keeled proximally, mostly green, abaxial surface glandular and hairy, margin hairy; Receptacle, epaleate, short (0.5 mm.) scales; Flowers, 2 kinds; Rays, sterile, corolla, 11 mm., yellow; Disk flowers, corolla, 7 mm., yellow; Pappus, short (0.6 mm.) and long (6 mm.) bristles, ≥disk corolla; cypsela, 1.3 mm., hairy. Described from Coll. No. 1258, 26 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Grindelia squarrosa, Pericome caudata, Senecio spartioides, Nepeta cataria, and Urtica dioica. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2215. 27 Aug 2019. ( CIBO COLO2433571 JCOS s.n. KHD00074448 OBI186068 ) . .

Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners.  (Syn: H. v. (Pursh) Shinners var. nana (A. Gray) Semple , H. v. (Pursh) Shinners var. villosa ) Hairy False Goldenaster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, cauline alternate, entire, 1-veined, distal perpendicular to stems, hairs > glands; Heads solitary, with both ray and disk flowers; Phyllaries in 2+ series, unequal, to 7 mm.; Rays, 9 mm.; Pappus double, outer narrow scales ≤ 1 mm. (easier to see on mature fruit), inner bristles, 6.5 mm., white; Fruit, disk 3 mm., hairy.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2065. 5/6/2021. Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, top of ridge in ponderosa pine forest Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2179. 7/20/2021. dry southeast-facing ridge Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2886. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, At edge of small creek; also collected here: Dianthus armeria, Prunella vulgaris, Potentilla recta, and Veronica anagallis-aquatica. Variety minor if infraspecific names are to be applied. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2113. 1 Jul 2019. ( CDA0052296 CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070537 ) . .

Hieracium albiflorum Hook.  White-Flower Hawkweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, along the north branch of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2181. 7/20/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, In ponderosa pine woodland, thick forest duff, with Juniperus communis and J. scopulorum, and Berberis repens. Most plants show some evidence of herbivory. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2150. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072738 ) Southeastern portion of ranch, in deep forest duff in (mostly) ponderosa pine woodland, relocation of plants found in 2019. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2143. 6/4/2021. . .

Lactuca ludoviciana (Nutt.) Riddell.  Biennial Lettuce. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2869. 7/2/2022. . .

Lactuca serriola L.  Prickly Lettuce. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual herb, Stems erect, Leaves basal 0 at flowering, cauline coarsely lobed, margins prickly-toothed, Fruit beak slender, many-ribbed, ~8 adaxial, ~5 abaxial (Described from Collection No. 911, 4 Oct 2012).

- Lippincott Ranch, Edge of a dry watercourse, in deep ponderosa pine forest duff. Also collected here: Symphoricarpos rotundifolius and Viola sp., cf. V. canadensis. About mid-way between Bull Gulch and the county boundary, 1.74 km. north northwest of the main gate, 23.4 km. north northwest of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2821. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) . .

Liatris punctata Hook.  Dotted Blazing Star. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 32 cm.; Leaves, cauline, alternate, 78 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, gradually reduced above, linear, glandular punctate, margins, entire, revolute, sparsely hairy; Inflorescence, single heads in axils on short pedicels; Involucre, 16 mm. × 7 mm. wide, ±cylindrical; Phyllaries, in 2+ series, inbricate, 14 mm. × 3.8 mm. wide, glandular-punctate abaxially distally, margin, ciliate, scarious, tip acute; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, one kind; Disk flowers; Corolla, tube white 8 mm. + lobes purple 2.5 mm.; Pappus, bristles, one series, 10 mm., plumose; Cypsela, 7 mm., hairy. Described from Coll. No. 1264, 29 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Drier rocky knoll at edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, north segment of parcel, south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2220. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00074464 OBI186064 REGIS ) . .

Nothocalais cuspidata (Pursh) Greene.  Prairie False Dandelion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Common, widely scattered. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 1682. 4/24/2019. . .

Packera fendleri (A. Gray) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve.  (Syn: Senecio fendleri A. Gray ) Fendler’s Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, In the bed of the gulch, among boulders. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2354. 8/7/2021. . .

Packera plattensis (Nuttall) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve.  (Syn: Senecio plattensis (Packera) Nutt. ) Prairie Groundsel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, 14 cm., from taprooted caudix, sap not milky; Stem, light green, tomentose, densely so in axils; Leaves, mostly basal and few cauline, alternate, petiole 8 mm., blade 10 mm. × 5 mm. wide, oblanceolate, surface, upper thinly tomentose, lower moderately tomentose, especially the mid-vein, margin, crenulate; Inflorescence, head enclosed by involucre, showy; Heads, #10, pedicels, 12 mm.; Involucre, 7 mm. × 5-6 mm. wide, thinly tomentose; Phyllaries, equal, in 1 series, 5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, green, flat; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, of 2 kinds; Ray flowers, #10, tube 3 mm. + blade 7 mm., yellow, fertile; Disc flowers, many, tube 4 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm., yellow; Pappus, many, well-developed, bristles, 4 mm., ±equal, Style, 2-branched; Fruit, 1 mm., green, beak-less, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1817, 12 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch, South margin of a small meadow in saddle between hogback and flatiron, quite wet from runoff of the meadow. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2064. 6 Jun 2019. ( CAS CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072528 ) South-facing slope with grasses and forbs. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2085. 17 Jun 2019. ( CAS CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070527 ) . .

Pericome caudata A. Gray.  Mountain Tail-Leaf. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2212. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00074453 OBI186069 REGIS ) On loose rock of the embankment below the Union Pacific Railroad, in the partial shade of a cottonwood and rocky mountain maples. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, 1.11 km. west northwest of the main gate, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2744.1 7 Sep 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Pseudognaphalium canescens (DC.) Anderberg.  (Syn: P. canescens (DC.) W. A. Weber [illeg.] ) Wright's Rabbit-Tobacco. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 25 cm.; Leaves, alternate, petiole 16 mm. + blade 30 mm. × 10 mm. wide, tomentose (slightly less so adaxially), sessile glandular beneath the tomentum; Inflorescence, terminal and axial on leafy stems; Phyllaries, 3 series, 3.7 mm. × 1 mm. wide, green center, mostly scarious, innermost glabrous; Receptacle, epaleate, flat; Flowers, 2 kinds (heads disciform); Rays, small, inconspicuous, sterile; Disk flowers, corolla, 2 mm., yellow; Pappus, capillary bristles, >corollas. (Described from Coll. No. 1549, 1 Sep 2016.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Along the western parcel boundary, just north of the power line, at the base of a rock outcrop below the Union Pacific railroad, 1.16 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2745. 7 Sep 2021. ( Golden ) Open ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In the saddle between Spring Brook and Bull Gulch drainages, very close to the Boulder/Jefferson County boundary, 2.11 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.78 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2839. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) . .

Pseudognaphalium macounii (Greene) Kartesz.  Macoun’s Rabbit-Tobacco. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual (?) to 45 cm.; Leaves, cauline, alternate, 40 mm. × 4 mm. wide, decurrent, lance-linear, entire, stalked glandular, tomentose abaxially; Inflorescence, branched axial and terminal; Heads in tight clusters, disciform; Involucre, 4 mm.; Receptacle, epaleate; Phyllaries in 4+ series, hyaline; Pappus, bristles. Described from Coll. No. 1257, 26 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Loose rock on an embankment below the Union Pacific Railroad, just coming out of the shade from the ponderosa pine woodland to the south. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, 1.10 km. west northwest of the main gate, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2741. 7 Sep 2021. ( KHD00075266 ) . .

Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Woot. & Standl.  (Syn: Rudbeckia columnifera Nutt. ) Upright Prairie Coneflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm., tap-rooted; Leaves, cauline, to 11 cm. × 3 cm. wide, 1-pinnate, pinnae to 39 mm. × 4 mm. wide, some toothed; Inflorescence, single heads per stem, >> leaves; Involucre, 14 mm. diameter; Phyllaries, 1 series, lanceolate, hairy abaxially; Receptacle, cylindric, paleate; Rays, #5, 17 mm., × 13 mm. wide, elliptic-ovate, sterile, corolla yellow; Disk, cylindric, 20-45 mm. × 9-12 mm. wide; Palea, folded around but not enclosing disk flowers; Disk flowers, many, corolla greenish-yellow; Pappus, short crown of scales; Fruit, compressed, but maybe not strongly, ciliate adaxially(!). Described from Coll. No. 1198, 12 July 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2892. 7/2/2022. . .

Rudbeckia laciniata L.  Cut-Leaf Coneflower.. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), beginning to bud Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2864. 7/2/2022. . .

Rudbeckia laciniata L. var. ampla (A. Nelson) Cronquist.  Cut-Leaf Coneflower.. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, In the boulders of the streambed. The only variety of R. laciniata accepted by Ackerfield (2015). Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2360. 8/7/2021. . .

Scorzonera laciniata L.  (Syn: Podospermum laciniatum (L.) De Candolle ) Cutleaf Vipergrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm., Leaves, basal and cauline, 7-20 cm., pinnately dissected into near-linear lobes, reduced but still well-developed above; Inflorescence, few heads on long stems; Phyllaries, in ±3 series, graduated, 4-13 mm. × 1.5-9 mm. wide, margins chartaceous, tips dark; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, ligulate (1 kind, 5-lobed), corolla yellow; Pappus of plumose bristles, Introduced, Europe (Old French: viper) (Described from Coll. No. 1399, 8 June 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch, Trampled by vehicles and eaten by cows. Also collected in this junction: Capsella bursa-pastoris, Collinsia parviflora, and Draba nemorosa, with Taraxacum officinale nearby. Northernmost Jefferson County, jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, in the junction of the ranch road and quarry road, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2164. 21 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070789 OBI ) . .

Senecio integerrimus Nutt.  Columbia Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2048. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep forest litter in cracks of ridge bedrock. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, east side of ridge, 25.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2029. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00071107 ) Ponderosa pine woodland where the highest Great Plains meets the Rocky Mountain Front Range, parcel disturbed by cattle grazing and clay mining. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2059. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO COLO2434652 CS JCOS s.n. KHD00072494 REGIS ) . .

Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray.  (Syn: S. multicapitatus Greenm. ex Rydb. ) Broomlike Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, basal, unknown, cauline, alternate, 90 mm. × 3 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, reduced above to 30 mm. × 1 mm. wide, variously hairy in axils and ±lower surface; Involucre, 12.5 mm. × 6 mm., narrowly campanulate, bractlets not prominent; Phyllaries, 2 series? or 1 series with 2 forms? outer, 7.5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, all green, inner, 7.5 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, centrally green with margins chartaceous, all tips dark; Receptacle, epaleate; Rays, fertile, corolla, tube 5 mm. + blade 9 mm. × 2 mm. wide, yellow, lobes 3; Disk flowers, corolla, 6 mm., yellow; Pappus, 1 series of fine capillary bristles, 5 mm.; Cypsela, 4 mm., 5-angled, dark gray, “hirtellous” throughout (not just the angles). Described from Coll. No. 1298, 23 Sep 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Grindelia squarrosa, Heterotheca foliosa, Pericome caudata, Nepeta cataria, and Urtica dioica. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2216. 29 Aug 2019. ( CAS CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00074447 UCR ) . .

Solidago nana Nutt.  Baby Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm., short white hairy throughout; Leaves, basal, withered (late in season), cauline, alternate, 95 mm. × 9-10 mm. wide (includes 15 mm. winged petiole? below) veins, 1 (others discontinuous), margin hairs similar to surface hairs, i.e., not ciliate, gradually reduced and sessile above; Inflorescence, heads numerous and small, involucre, 5.5 mm.; Phyllaries, 3-4 series, imbricate, graduated, 3-4 mm., veins 1; Receptacle, epaleate, (scales? to 0.5 mm.); Flowers of 2 kinds; Rays, few (3-4), fertile? (stigma visible but cypsela not as developed as those of disk flowers), corolla, 6 mm., yellow; Disk flowers, few (6-8), corolla, 4 mm., yellow; Pappus, capillary bristles; Cypsela, 1.5 mm., short hairy. Described from Coll. No. 1292, 9 Sep 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), determination tentative Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2891. 7/2/2022. . .

Solidago rigida L. var. humilis Porter.  Stiff Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Herbaceous perennial, to 70 cm., apparently reproducing in part by offsets (“caudices branching”), short spreading hairy throughout; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, #3-8, petiole, 15 cm., blade, 12.5 cm. × 6 cm. wide, ovate, entire, withered at flowering, cauline, alternate, sessile, 60 mm. × 27 mm. wide, ovate, entire, reduced above; Inflorescence, cymose, heads borne singly on short pedicels; Phyllaries, 2+ series, graduated, largest, 4.5 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, tip obtuse, veins 3, ciliate distally; Receptacle, convex, epaleate; Flowers of 2 kinds; Rays, fertile, corolla, 5.5 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, yellow; Disk flowers, corolla, 5 mm., yellow; Pappus, bristles, 1 series; Cypsela, 1 mm., glabrous. Described from Coll. No. 1280, 28 August 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, in grasses, east-facing slope, edge of Ponderosa pine woodland. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2427. 9/7/2021. . .

Solidago velutina DC. ssp. sparsiflora (A. Gray) Semple.  Three-Nerve Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 130 m. west from the eastern boundary, north bank, approx. opposite the giant boulder, 1.36 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2659. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075628 OBI183409 ) . .

Symphyotrichum ericoides (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom.  (Syn: Virgulus ericoides (Linnaeus) Reveal & Keener ) White Heath Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, woody at base, stems ascending, to 40 cm., spreading vegetatively, short hairy and minutely glandular throughout; Leaves, alternate, sessile, narrowly lanceolate or oblong, 7-9 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, entire, strigose, tip, small white spine; Heads, borne singly along stem, occasionally 2 per stem, on leafy pedicels; Flowers, of 2 kinds; Involucre, 4 mm. × 5 mm. wide, bell-shaped; Phyllaries, 2+ series, 3-4 mm. × 0.7-0.8 mm. wide, white below with 1 brown or green vein, rhomboid green above, tip with very small spine; Receptacle, epaleate; Rays, corolla, white, tube 2 mm + ligule 5.0-6.5 mm., fertile; Disc flowers, corolla, yellow, tube 3.5 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm., (some?) lobes reddish; Pappus, bristles, fine, barbelate, 4 mm.; Cypsela, 1 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1558, 3 September 2016 and Coll. No. 1743.5, 23 August 2017).

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, in grasses, east-facing slope, edge of Ponderosa pine woodland. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2428. 9/7/2021. Coordinates estimated from Coll. No. 2749. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern portion of the ranch, on the northwest bank of an unnamed drainage that is tributary to Bull Gulch, 1.11 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2750. 7 Sep 2021. ( CDA54535 JCOSs.n. Error 14.6(b)-7c UCR297676 ) . .

Symphyotrichum laeve (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve.  Smooth Blue Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 70 cm., rhizomatous or rooting at nodes; Leaves, alternate, cauline, linear, 120 mm. × 8 mm. wide, reduced and more lanceolate above, glabrous, margin very shallowly toothed and lightly ciliate, entire above; Inflorescence, panicle with 1° and 2° branches; Heads borne singly on 10-15 mm. pedicels, 8 mm. × 10 mm. wide; Phyllaries in 3+ graduated series, 3-10 mm. margins white to tips diamond-shaped green, all tips acute, few hairs; Receptacle epaleate; Flowers of 2 kinds; Ray flowers, fertile, tube green 3.5 mm. + blade blue 9.5 mm. × 1.5 mm, spatulate-oblanceolate; Disk flowers, outer reddish-purple, inner yellow, corolla, 6.5 mm.; Pappus, bristles, 5 mm.; Cypsela, 3 mm × 1.2 mm. wide, glabrous, veins, 4, prominent. Described from Coll. No. 1278, 20 August 2015. Only var. geyeri is recognized in Colorado per Weber & Wittmann (2012) and Ackerfield (2015). However, the green apical zones of these phyllaries are more diamond-shaped than lanceolate suggesting var. laeve, especially if the phyllaries are described as strongly unequal. The possibility that these plants should be assigned to var. laeve or that var. geyeri should be considered a synonym of var. laeve is discussed in FNANM.

- Lippincott Ranch, Highest prairie at edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Heavily grazed by cattle. Also collected here: Hypericum perforatum, a Colorado Noxious Weed List C plant. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, north segment of parcel, south side of Bull Gulch, 22.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2222. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO COLO2433472 JCOS s.n. KHD00074461 REGIS ) . .

Symphyotrichum porteri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom.  (Syn: Aster porteri A. Gray ) Smooth White Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 35 cm., eglandular, generally not hairy; Stem ascending; Leaves, cauline, alternate, sessile, 53 mm. × 3 mm. wide, lance-linear, many rolled, tip pointed, maybe spinulose, generally glabrous except some distal margins; Inflorescence, crowded, ±flat-topped; Heads borne simgly on short pedicels; Involucre, 5 mm. × 8 mm. wide; Phyllaries, 2+series, 3.5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, ±equal, inner ≥ outer, mid-vein green, margins white proximally, green distally, tip acute; Receptacle, epaleate, convex (if not conic); Flowers of two kinds; Rays, fertile, corolla, 6.5 mm., white; Disk flowers, corolla, 3.0 mm., yellow; Pappus, bristles, barbed, single, 2.5 mm.; Cypsela, 0.7 mm., sparsely hairy. Described from Coll. No. 1266, 29 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Grindelia squarrosa, Heterotheca foliosa, Pericome caudata, Senecio spartioides, and Nepeta cataria. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2219. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO COLO2433522 JCOS s.n. KHD00074465 REGIS ) . .

Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg.  (Syn: T. laevigatum (Willd.) DC. ) Common Dandelion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Gentle slope at edge of ponderosa pine forest. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate center of property. 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2015. 18 Apr 2019. ( CIBO COLO2434736 JCOS s.n. KHD00072411 ) . .

Tragopogon dubius Scop.  (Syn: Tragopogon dubius Scop. ssp. major (Jacq.) Vollman ) Yellow Salsify. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Peduncle inflated distally, flowers yellow, phyllaries in 1 overlapping series, ligules 3-5 mm. shorter than phyllaries.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2063. 5/6/2021. .

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north side of Spring Brook, lower edge of large boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2174. 7/20/2021. .


Berberis repens Lindl.  (Syn: Mahonia repens (Lindl.) G. Don ) Creeping Barberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2034. 5/6/2021. .

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north side of Spring Brook, lower edge of large boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2172. 7/20/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Slope under ponderosa pine growing around rocks. Tom Schweich 1675. 4/18/2019. In a (mostly) ponderosa pine woodland, in the southwest corner near the railroad tracks. Tom Schweich 1766. 7/13/2019. .


Betula occidentalis Hook.  (Syn: Betula fontinalis Sarg. ) Water Birch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, This collection may actually be 12 m. inside the Lindsay/Jeffco parcel of Boulder OSMP as indicated by GPS geographic coordinates and ArcGIS mapping, though the locations of fences and gates suggest the location is in Lippincott Ranch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. South side of Bull Gulch very near the property line with Lindsay/Jeffco, 1.26 km. north of the main gate, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2751. 7 Sep 2021. ( CAS CIBO COLO2706422 JCOSs.n. Error 14.6(b)-7c ) . .

Betula pendula Roth.  European White Birch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, bottom of a small gulch, below the railroad embankment, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2497. 4 Jun 2021. ( COLO2706224 Golden KHD75544 ) . .

Corylus cornuta Marshall.  (Syn: Corylus cornuta Marshall var. cornuta ) Beaked Hazelnut. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, In deep shade of Spring Brook. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, on the banks of Spring Brook, 2.38 km. north northwest of the main gate, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2628. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden KHD00075384 ) .

- Bull Gulch, South side of the gulch, shaded, numerous nuts cracked open found on nearby boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2351. 8/7/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern portion of the ranch, in an unnamed drainage that is tributary to Bull Gulch, 1.05 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2747. 7 Sep 2021. ( COLO2706166 OBI183778 UCR297661 ) .


Asperugo procumbens L.  German Madwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In the bed of a small intermittent stream near its mouth at Bull Gulch, near the location of the ranch road crossing of the gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2505. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Cryptantha virgata (Porter) Payson.  (=Oreocarya virgata (Porter) Greene) Miner"s Candle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Gentle rocky southwest-facing slope with forest duff near edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest base of hogback in center of parcel, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2157. 13 Jul 2019. ( CAS CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070774 ) . .

Cynoglossum officinale L.  Gypsyflower. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2062. 5/6/2021. .

- Bull Gulch, In boulders in the streambed. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2361. 8/7/2021. . .

Hydrophyllum fendleri (A. Gray) A. Heller.  Fendler's Waterleaf. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2076. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected nearby: Besseya plantaginea. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, along an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, 22.5 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2499. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD75543 ) . .

Lithospermum incisum Lehm.  Narrowleaf Stoneseed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial … cleistogamic flowers present, in fruit usually with recurved pedicels. Flowers monomorphic.

- Lippincott Ranch, Edge of ponderosa pine woodland exposed to prairie to the south. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, north-central area of parcel, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2067. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. OBI183239 REGIS ) . .

Lithospermum multiflorum Torrey ex A. Gray.  Many Flowered Stoneseed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial … cleistogamous flowers absent. Flowers heterostyled and dimorphic.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Deep grasses in openings of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.2 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2615. 20 Jul 2021. . .

Lithospermum occidentale (Mack.) Weakley, Witsell & D. Estes.  (Syn: Onosmodium bejariense DC. ex A. DC. var. occidentale (Mack.) B. L. Turner , Onosmodium molle Michx. ) Western Marbleseed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, East-facing swale; also collected here: Calochortus gunnisonii and Claytonia rosea. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2107. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070543 REGIS ) . .

Mertensia ciliata (Torr.) G. Don.  Tall Fringed Bluebells. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, In the bed of Bull Gulch that was scoured out by the thunderstorms and floods of 11-12 September 2013. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed by Bull Gulch from west to east, 1.37 km. north northwest of the main gate, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2630. 20 Jul 2021. . .

Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC.  Prairie Bluebells. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, with spreading-ascending branches to 20 cm.; Stem, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, petiole 55 mm. + blade 50 mm. × 12.5 mm. wide, lanceolate, distinct lateral veins, papillate adaxially, margin, entire, appressed ciliate; cauline, sessile, 40 mm. × 4 mm. wide, without distinct lateral veins, papillate to strigose (oriented toward apex) adaxially, margin, entire, appressed ciliate; Inflorescence, panicle; Calyx, not divided to base, tube 1.5 mm. + lobes 2-3 mm.; Corolla, tube 4.0-6.5 mm. + lobes 4.5-7.5 mm., free 2.0 mm., limb 5-10 mm., deciduous, blue, small tufts or a ring of hairs near (2.2 mm.) base of throat; Stamens, #5-6, inserted, attached just below (0.5 mm.) throat/fornices; Filaments, 2.0-3.5 mm., strap-shaped, filaments ≥ anthers; Anthers, 1.8-2.3 mm., versatile, yellow; Ovary, 0.7 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, partially fused to calyx; Style, 7.0-7.5 mm., single, ±≥anthers; Stigma, simple; Fruit, #4 nutlets, 1.7 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide. (Described from Coll. Nos. 1906 & 2035.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep ponderosa pine forest duff. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, north of Bull Gulch about half way to north boundary, west side of ridge, 23.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2035. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO EIU JCOS s.n. REGIS ) . .

Myosotis micrantha Pall. ex Lehm.  Small-Flowered Forget-Me-Not. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep forest duff in ponderosa pine woodland, with Collomia linearis, Eriogonum umbellatum, Hypericum perforatum, and Campanula rotundifolia. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2154. 13 Jul 2019. ( KHD00070794 ) Small colony below rocks. Also here: Amorpha nana, Ceanothus herbaceus, Gentiana affinis, Solidago rigida, and Symphyotrichum ericoides. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. West-central portion of ranch, in rocky grassland below the ponderosa pines. 22.2 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2493. 4 Jun 2021. ( COLO2706182 Golden ) . .

Myosotis scorpioides L.  True Forget-Me-Not. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Also collected here: Agrimonia striata. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, in the bed of Spring Brook, 2.37 km. north of the main gate to Lippincott Ranch, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2621. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden KHD00075386 OBI183688 ) . .

Phacelia heterophylla Pursh.  Varileaf Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Described by Pursh (1814) from a collection by M. Lewis Jun-Jul, 1806 on the banks of the Kooskooskie (Clearwater) River.

- Lippincott Ranch, Open ponderosa pine woodland with a lot of cheatgrass. Subspecies heterophylla if infraspecific names are to be applied, as this is not the subspecies virgata found in northern California and Oregon. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2081. 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072419 OBI183226 ) .


Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Margin of a small meadow in saddle between hogback and flatiron. Very wet. Collected with Veronica arvensis and V. biloba. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2063.2 6 Jun 2019. ( JCOS s.n. ) . .

Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.  Garden Yellowrocket. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Probably a biennial or perennial, to 40 cm., terrestrial but growing in flowing water, glabrous throughout; Leaves, lower cauline, 150 mm. × 45 mm. wide, pinnafitid, lyrate, lobes, #9, terminal lobe 47 mm. × 40 mm. wide, auriculate, auricles, glabrous, leaves reduced upward, upper cauline, sessile, 35 mm. × 18 mm. wide, lobes, 3; Inflorescence, not bracted; Flowers, radial; Sepals, 2.5 mm. × 1.8 mm. wide, ovate, rows, #1, color, yellow; Petals, 6 mm., obovate, claw not conspicuously differentiated from blade, margin, entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #6; Filaments, 4 mm., plain; Anthers, 1 mm.; Fruit, pedicels, 5 mm., glabrous, mature, 19.5 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, spreading, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1818, 16 May 2018.)

- Bull Gulch, In the streambed of Bull Gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2191. 7/20/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also seen or collected here, Actaea rubra, Lathryrus sp., and Gratiola neglecta. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, along an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, in the stream bed, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2502. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden OBI183540 ) . .

Boechera fendleri (S.Watson) W.A.Weber.  (Syn: Arabis fendleri (S. Watson) Greene ) Fendler's rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial (short-lived?), terrestrial, herb, tap-rooted, to 50 cm., branched hairs proximally, glabrous distally; Leaves, basal, petiole 9 mm. + blade 19 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, oblanceolate, entire, hairs 3-4 branches, cauline sessile, spear-shaped, 21 mm. × 4 mm. wide, auriculate, 1.0-1.5 mm.; Inflorescence, raceme, 125 mm.; Sepals, #4, 4 mm., ovate; Petals, #4, 6 mm., entire, lavender; Stamens, #6; Filaments, 3 mm., narrowly winged; Anthers, 1.5 mm.; Fruit, pedicels, 10 mm., glabrous, 50 mm. × 0.8-1.0 mm. wide, recurved; Ovules, many, biseriate (Described from Coll. No. 1812, 10 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2861. 7/2/2022. . .

Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC.  Little-Podded False Flax. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, terrestrial, herb, 45 cm. to 80 cm. tall; Stem, erect, mostly single, some branched mid-stem, proximal, simple and forked hairs, distal, glabrous; Leaves, basal, absent or withered, cauline, #11-25, sessile, distal basally lobed 1.2 mm., 26-62 mm. × 6.5-10 mm. wide, reduced above, lanceolate, hairs simple and forked; Inflorescence, to 220 mm. × 35 mm. wide, not bracted, not one-sided; Flowers, radial; Pedicels, 4-8 mm., glabrous; Sepals, #4, rows, #1, 2.4-2.7 mm. × 0.8-1 mm. wide, ovate, color, green, margin chartaceous, tip purplish, abaxially hairy; Petals, 3.7-4.0 mm. × 0.7-0.9 mm. wide, oblong-spatulate, margin, entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #6, 3 mm.; Filaments, plain or maybe very narrowly winged; Anthers, 0.7 mm., ovate; Ovary, 1.8 mm. × 0.9 mm. wide; Style, 0.8 mm.; Stigma, capitate, 0.4 mm. wide; Fruit (mature), pedicels, 15 mm., 3 × than fruit, spreading, 5 mm. × 3.2-3.5 mm. wide, wider above middle, somewhat flattened, parallel to replum, coriaceous, short-winged (or strong-margined), valve mid-vein apparent but not prominent; Seeds, many, 1.0 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, angled, papillate (Described from Coll. No. 1876 and 1883).

- Lippincott Ranch, Open ponderosa pine woodland with a lot of cheatgrass. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2081.1 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072418 ) . .

Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.  Shepherd's Purse. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, scapose, to 27 cm., hairs, sessile, stellate, 3-4 points, throughout; Leaves, basal, oblanceolate, 55 mm. × 16 mm. wide, deeply lobed, but not all the way to mid-rib; cauline, 4-5 stem leaves, lanceolate, 25 mm. × 10 mm. wide, base sagittate; Flowers, small, petals white; Fruit, obcordate, 4 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide. The single species in this genus; described by some as the second-most common weed on Earth (Described from Coll. No. 1336, 11 May 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2894. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Disturbed places, in this case an old road, along with other early annuals, such as Collinsia parviflora and Draba nemorosa. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate center of property. 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2017. 18 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072413 ) . .

Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC.  Crossflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, hairs 0, sparsely stalked-gland-dotted; Leaves basal, withered at flowering, cauline simple, not basally lobed or clasping; Flowers radial; Corolla purple; Stamens 6; Ovary linear when young; Fruit linear, bilateral, to 4 cm, seed in proximal 2.5 cm., tip pointed; Seeds in two rows, brown, 1 mm (Described from Coll. No. 301, 5 Nov 2012).

- Lippincott Ranch, Coordinates estimated by GoogleEarth. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south parcel, high prairie above Rocky Flats, 21.5 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 2022. 24 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070559 ) . .

Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb.  Tansy Mustard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, 30 cm. (to 50 cm. when growing among grasses), not scapose; Tap root; Stem simple at base, branched distally; Hairs many-branched; Leaves basal 0, cauline compound, 2-3 pinnately dissected, sessile, not basally lobed, sagittate, or clasping; Inflorescence not bracted; Pedicel, in fruit diverging 30–45°; Petals yellow, 2.5 mm.; Ovary linear; Stigma ±entire (there are clearly two separate segments of the stigma that are receptive, but there is no central cleft between them); Fruit (7-15 mm.) -25 mm., linear (not fusiform or club-shaped), glabrous, not appressed; Septum veined Seeds, multiseriate (Described from Coll. Nos. 404, 854, and 935).

- Lippincott Ranch, Open ponderosa pine woodland with a lot of cheatgrass. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2081.2 17 Jun 2019. ( JCOS s.n. ) . .

Draba nemorosa L.  Woodland Whitlow Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual terrestrial herb, 11 to 25 cm., hairs vary: none, simple, forked, but not dolabriform; Stem, proximal, hairs simple and forked, distal, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, Basal, simple, 12 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, hairs forked; Cauline, #5-6, sessile, 11 mm. × 4 mm. wide, sparsely dentate, hairs, simple and forked; Inflorescene, raceme; Sepals, rows, #1, 1.3 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, ovate, color, green turning yellow, abaxial hairs wavy; Petals, 2 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #4 or 6, 1.3 mm.; Anthers, 0.3 mm.; Style, very short; Fruit, pedicels, 20 mm., puberulent, body, 7 mm. × 2 mm. wide, ascending, short straight appressed hairs (Described from Coll. No. 1821, 16 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch, Disturbed places, in this case an old road, along with other early annuals, such as Collinsia parviflora and Capsella bursa-pastoris. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate center of property. 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2018. 18 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072414 ) . .

Lepidium campestre (L.) W. T. Aiton.  Field Pepperweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, herb, in dry and wet habitats, 15 cm. to 35 cm. tall; Roots, tap; Hairs, simple, on stems and leaves; Stem, erect, leafy, branched above or not; Leaves, basal, sometimes absent, petiole 10 mm. + blade 40 mm. × 12 mm. wide, oblanceolate, margin wavy, tip rounded, cauline, 12-21 mm. × 3.5-7 mm. wide, lance-linear to lanceolate, base auriculate, 2 mm., margin dentate (scalloped, though the term is rarely used), anthocyanic; Inflorescence, terminal raceme, 35-72 mm. × 17-21 mm. plus occasional several axillary racemes, not bracted, not one-sided; Sepals, #4, rows, #1, 1.2 mm. × 0.6-0.8 mm. wide, ovate, cream-green, purple distally, margin chartaceous; Petals, 1.3-1.5 mm., spoon-shaped, margin, entire, white; Style, #1, 0.5 mm., persistent; Fruit, pedicel, horizontal to spreading, 5 mm., silicle, 4.0-4.5 mm. × 3 mm. wide, margin, winged apically, 0.2 mm. at middle, 1 mm. at apex. (Described from Coll. No. 1413, 10 Jun 2016, and Coll. No. 1918.1, 3 June 2018.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2893. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Actaea rubra, Barbarea vulgaris, Lathyrus lanszwertii var. laetivirens, and Gratiola neglecta. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, on the bank of an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2503.1 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Noccaea fendleri (A. Gray) Holub ssp. glauca (A. Nelson) Al-Shehbaz & M. Koch.  (Syn: Noccaea montana (L.) F. K. Meyer , Thlaspi montanum L. var. montanum ) Alpine Pennycress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herbs, with basal leaves and flowering stems to 8 cm., glabrous, prior year flowering stems persistent; Leaves, basal, 8 mm. × 4 mm. wide, ±obovate, margin entire, abaxially purple, petiole 5 mm., cauline, 8 mm. × 5 mm. wide, base auriculate, margin entire; Flowers, white, fading purple; Petals 4.5 mm.; Fruit, a silicle, 5.5-7.0 mm. × 2.5-3.0 mm. wide, obcordate, winged distally (Described from Coll. No. 1085, 25 April 2015, and Coll. No. 1328, 5 May 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch, Northwest facing forested slope. Collected with Besseya plantaginea and Viola canadensis. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south of Bull Gulch approximate centroid of parcel, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2037.1 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. ) . .

Turritis glabra L.  (Syn: Arabis glabra (L.) Bernhardi ) Tower Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Short-lived (?) perennial, terrestrial, herb, 45 cm. to 90 cm. tall; Roots, tap. Stem, erect, #1, (1 of 4 specimens has 2 stems), leafy, proximal, simple and forked hairs, distal, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal simple, petiole, 6 mm., blade, 60 mm. × 15 mm. wide, oblanceolate, hairs, simple and forked, margin, dentate, tip, obtuse; cauline, #20, sessile, lobed, 2.5 mm., 40 mm. × 10 mm. wide, lanceolate, reduced above, margin, entire, becoming glabrous distally; Inflorescence, raceme, 70 mm. × 11 mm. wide, not bracted, not one-sided; Pedicels (at anthesis), 3-4 mm., glabrous; Sepals, #4, 2.5 mm. × 1.1 mm. wide, ovate, green, margin chartaceous; Petals, 4.5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, spatulate, margin entire, color, pinkish, fading lavender; Fruit, (24-) 80-85 mm. × 0.9 mm. wide, ascending-appressed, glabrous, flattened, parallel to replum, style, base 0.4-0.5 mm. wide, stigma, 0.8-0.9 mm. wide; Ovules, biseriate, many, 0.7 mm. × 0.3 mm. wide, tan, translucent, wing not apparent. (Described from Coll. No. 1887, 28 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2860. 7/2/2022. .


Escobaria missouriensis (Sweet) D.R.Hunt.  (Syn: Coryphantha missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose ) Missouri Foxtail Cactus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, At base of boulder near Bull Gulch. Tom Schweich 1677. 4/18/2019. . .

Opuntia fragilis (Nuttall) Haw.  Brittle Pricklypear. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2879. 7/2/2022. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2882. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, In the eastern panhandle, near the northern boundary and top of the slope. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2161. 6/29/2021. In the eastern panhandle, near the northern boundary and top of the slope. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2164. 6/29/2021. Mostly open prairie, with just a few ponderosa pines. This cactus was also observed among rocks and ponderosa pines along the crest of the ridge to the north. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest quadrant of the "panhandle" southern part of the ranch, on a bench between two ephemeral streams, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2543. 29 Jun 2021. ( KHD00075522 ) . .

Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm.  Western Pricklypear. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial cactus, not distinctly mat-forming; Stem, segments, 90 mm. × 60 mm. wide, flattened, bluish-green, areoles, #5-6 per diagonal row, spaced 8-14 mm., proximal, glochids only, distal, glochids and spines, spines, #2, #1, 28 mm., erect, brown to tan at tip, #1, 12 mm., recumbent, nearly white; Flowers, petals, 36 mm. × 22 mm. wide, wedge-shaped, color yellow; Stamens, many, 18 mm., yellow; Style, 20-24 mm., stout; Stigma, lobes, #6-8, 3 mm.; Fruit, 38 mm. × 17 mm. wide, narrow at base, fleshy, green, areoles, mix of glochids and short spines. (Described from Coll. No. 1948, 15 June 2018.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Gentle rocky southwest-facing slope at edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest base of hogback in center of parcel, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2156. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. ) . .

Pediocactus simpsonii (Engelm.) Britton & Rose.  (Syn: Echinocactus simpsonii Engelm. , Pediocactus simpsonii (Engelm.) Britton & Rose var. minor (Engelm.) Cockerell ) Mountain Ball Cactus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, in rocks with Mertensia lanceolata, Berberis repens, and Viola nuttallii. Tom Schweich 1686. 5/26/2019. .


Campanula rotundifolia L.  Harebell. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm.; Leaves, basal, ?, cauline, alternate, ±lance-linear, 52 mm. × 2.5 mm. wide; Inflorescence, solitary and loose racemes; Pedicel, 9 mm.; Calyx, tube 2.5 mm. + 5 lobes 2.5 mm. = 5.0 mm.; Corolla, 13 mm, blue-purple; Capsule, nodding, 5.5 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, opening by pores near the base. Described from Coll. No. 1246, 24 July 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, More sprawling than erect, deep forest duff in ponderosa pine woodland, with Collomia linearis, Eriogonum umbellatum, Lappula occidentalis, and Sedum lanceolatum. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2151. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO COLO2435386 JCOS s.n. KHD00070796 ) .


Humulus neomexicanus (A. Nelson & Cockerell) Rydb.  New Mexican Hops. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), moderate size patch, mostly sprawling on the ground, sunny spot on left bank Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2875. 7/2/2022. .

- Bull Gulch, Staminate plant. Growing on fallen trees on south side of gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2359. 8/7/2021. .


Lonicera tatarica L.  Tatarian Honeysuckle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Shrub to small tree, 2 m.; Leaves, opposite, 24 mm. × 17 mm. wide, simple, entire, petiole, 1.5 mm.; Peduncle, 10-13 mm.; Flowers, in pairs, subtended by bracts, bisexual; Bracts, small, at base of calyx; Calyx, tube 2.0 mm. + lobes 0.5-1.0 mm.; Corolla, tube 12.5 mm. + lobes 12 mm., pink, hairy inside; Ovary, inferior; Stamens, #5, exserted, versatile; Style, #1, exserted, hairy; Stigma, capitate. Disturbed places, native to Siberia, sporadic escapee from cultivation, berries possibly toxic. (Described from Coll. No. 1591, 2 May 2017.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected or seen here: Corylus cornuta, Clematis hirsutissima, Frasera speciosa, Ranunculus sceleratus, Besseya plantaginea, Persicaria hydropiper, and Urtica dioica. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, along an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, in the stream bed, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2501. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075541 OBI185100 ) . .

Symphoricarpos Duhamel.  Snowberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2045. 5/6/2021. . .

Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook.  Western Snowberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Woody perennial to 50 cm., forming dense colonies in moist open swales, [spreading by long sparsely-branched rhizomes,] Twigs without lenticels, minutely hairy when young; Leaves opposite, ovate, to 7 cm. × 5 cm. wide, reduced above, thick, approaching leathery, pinnately veined, upper surface glabrous, lower few short white hairs, margin slightly wavy, slightly rolled under, sparsely curved hairy; Petioles to 7 mm.; Inflorescence axillary (and terminal?); Floral bracts triangular, 3 mm.; Flowers in dense axillary clusters, bisexual, ±radial, possibly slightly bilateral, 2 or more whorls; Corolla fused at base, tube 2-3 mm., throat with recurved hairs, lobes 5, 2.0-3.5 mm, slightly longer than tube, hairy within at level of stamen insertion, white with magenta mottling; Stamens 5, alternate, exserted or barely exserted; Filaments, 3.3-3.6 mm., tapered; Anthers versatile; Ovary inferior Pistil 1; Style exserted or barely exserted; Stigma entire; Fruit a berry, green when young, mature color and size unknown. (Described from specimen seen on Green Mountain, 2 August 2014 and Coll. No. 1252, 26-Jul-2015).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Open prairie on north-facing slope. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.23 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2616. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray.  (Syn: S. oreophilus A. Gray , S. rotundifolius A. Gray var. parishii (Rydb.) Dempster , S. rotundifolius A. Gray var. rotundifolius , S. vaccinioides Rydb. ) Roundleaf Snowberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Shrub, to 70 cm.; Leaves, opposite, 12 mm. × 9 mm. wide, ovate, margin entire; Inflorescence, terminal racemes on short branches; Calyx, 1.5 mm.; Corolla, tube 10 mm. + lobes 1.7 mm., color ochroleucus, few hairs near base of tube (around the style); Stamens, #5; Filaments, free 2 mm.; Ovary, inferior; Style, 3.5 mm., glabrous; Fruit, berry, white. Described from Coll. No. 1654, 1 Jun 2017.

- Lippincott Ranch, Near a dry watercourse in open ponderosa pine forest. About mid-way between Bull Gulch and the county boundary, 1.74 km. north northwest of the main gate, 23.4 km. north northwest of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2822. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078904 ) .


Cerastium arvense L. ssp. strictum Gaudin.  (Syn: Cerastium strictum L ) Field Chickweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Common early-flowering perennial, to 20 cm.; Leaves, opposite, broadly linear, 15 mm. × 3 mm. wide, stipules absent, tufts of leaves in lower axils; Sepals free; Petals >> sepals, white, notched; Styles (4)5.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2035. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Common early spring forb, growing with Mertensia lanceolata, Thermopsis, Prunus virginiana, and Pinus ponderosa. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, grassland in a ponderosa pine woodland, 23.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2028. 26 May 2019. ( CDA0052283 CIBO CS EIU ) Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south parcel, high prairie above Rocky Flats, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 2021. 24 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070561 REGIS ) . .

Cerastium brachypodum (Engelmann ex A. Gray) B. L. Robinson.  (Syn: Cerastium nutans Raf. var. brachypodum Engelmann ex A. Gray ) Short-stalked mouse-ear chickweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Collected with Phleum pratense and Poa secunda. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2118.1 1 Jul 2019. ( KHD00072732 ) . .

Cerastium fontanum Baumgarten ssp. vulgare (Hartman) Greuter & Burdet.  Common Mouse-Ear. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Many collections here, such as: Juncus ensifolius, Populus deltoides, Melilotus albus, Trifolium fragiferum, Ribes inerme, Chamerion angustifolium, Epilobium brachycarpum, and Anaphalis margaritacea. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In Lippincott Ranch, in stream channel adjacent to sand/gravel/cobble bar, just upstream of the ranch road crossing of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2507.2 4 Jun 2021. ( OBI183538 ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, northern portion of property, sunny site on the south bank of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2072. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072422 ) . .

Dianthus armeria L.  Deptford Pink. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2055. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Heterotheca villosa, Potentilla recta, Prunella vulgaris, and Veronica anagallis-aquatica Found at this location and numerous places downslope, and in the adjacent northwest corner of Ranson/Edwards. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2110.1 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070540 OBI149556 UCR ) . .

Eremogone fendleri (A. Gray) Ikonnikov.  (Syn: Arenaria fendleri A. Gray ) Fendler's Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, tufted, to 30 cm.; Stem, proximal glabrous, distal short glandular hairy “peg-like hairs”; Leaves, mostly basal, cauline, stipules absent, opposite, 50 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, linear to needle-like, erect to appressed, margin finely scabrous, tip small spinulose; Inflorescence, open cyme; Pedicels, 3-8 mm.; Sepals, #5 distinct, 4.5-5.0 mm. × 1 mm. wide, glandular hairy (or stipitate glandular); Petals, white, 5 mm., entire; Stamens, #10; Anthers, purple; Styles, #3. Described from Coll. No. 1270, 1374, and 2372.

- Lippincott Ranch, Wet gravelly grassland with a few ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southeastern "panhandle" part of the ranch, near its west end, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2533. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden OBI183421 ) . .

Pseudostellaria jamesiana (Torr.) W. A. Weber & R. L. Hartm.  (Syn: Stellaria jamesiana Torr. ) Tuber Starwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Osmorhiza depauperata and Woodsia oregana. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south bank of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2069.2 6 Jun 2019. ( Golden KHD00073903 ) . .

Saponaria officinalis L.  Bouncingbet. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, just north of Spring Brook and near eastern boundary. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2072. 5/6/2021. . .

Silene drummondii Hook.  Drummond's Campion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, on a small ridge between the two branches of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2182. 7/20/2021. . .

Silene latifolia Poir.  (Syn: Lychnis alba Mill. , Melandrium dioicum (L.) Cosson & Germain ) Bladder Campion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Bank of south fork of Spring Brook, 2.35 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.63 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2828. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) .

- Bull Gulch, South-facing slope above the bed of Bull Gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 94 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.35 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2654. 7 Aug 2021. ( COLO2706257 Golden KHD00075613 ) .


Chenopodium simplex (Torr.) Raf.  Maple Leaf Pigweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, On the steep eroded south bank of Bull Gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed by Bull Gulch from west to east, 1.37 km. north northwest of the main gate, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2630.1 20 Jul 2021. ( KHD00075381 ) Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 190 m. west from the eastern boundary, in soil high on the south bank of the gulch, 1.36 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2660. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden OBI183408 ) . .

Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants.  (Syn: Chenopodium b. L , Teloxys botrys (L.) Weber ) Jerusalem Oak Goosefoot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, In sand and gravel in currently dry north channel. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, north side of gulch, 346 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.49 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2669. 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD00075667 ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, On loose rock of the embankment below the Union Pacific Railroad, in the partial shade of a cottonwood and rocky mountain maples. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, 1.11 km. west northwest of the main gate, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2744.2 7 Sep 2021. ( Golden OBI183779 ) .


Polanisia dodecandra (Linnaeus) de Candolle ssp. trachysperma (Torrey & A. Gray) H. H. Iltis.  (Syn: Polanisia trachysperma Torrey & A. Gray ) Sandyseed Clammyweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, On loose rock of the embankment below the Union Pacific Railroad, in the partial shade of a cottonwood and rocky mountain maples. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, 1.11 km. west northwest of the main gate, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2744. 7 Sep 2021. ( Golden KHD00075267 OBI183781 ) .


Sedum lanceolatum Torr.  (Syn: Amerosedum lanceolatum (Torr.) A. Löve & D. Löve ) Spearleaf Stonecrop. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Type collected by Edwin James on the Long Expedition, described by Torrey, 1827.

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep forest duff in ponderosa pine woodland, with Collomia linearis, Eriogonum umbellatum, Lappula occidentalis, and Campanula rotundifolia. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2152. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070795 UCR ) .


Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel.  (Syn: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel ssp. adenotricha (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) Calder & Roy L.Taylor ) Bearberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2357. 8/7/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, bedrock slab just below railroad, openings in ponderosa pine and douglas fir. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2435. 9/7/2021. . .

Pterospora andromedea Nutt.  Woodland Pinedrops. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep forest duff in Ponderosa Pine forest. Tom Schweich 1689. 5/26/2019. In a (mostly) ponderosa pine woodland, in the southwest corner near the railroad tracks. Tom Schweich 1767. 7/13/2019. .


Amorpha nana Nutt.  Dwarf False Indigo. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, only one, east-facing slope, edge of Ponderosa pine woodland. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2429. 9/7/2021. In the eastern panhandle, under the power line, only one, rocky east-facing slope. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2158. 6/29/2021. . .

Astragalus agrestis Douglas ex G. Don.  Purple Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Coll. No. 1398, 8 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 15 cm., caulescent, basifixed straight appressed hairy throughout; Leaves, cauline, alternate, stipules, 5 mm., connate opposite petiole, compound, odd-pinnate, leaflets, #13, 8 mm. × 2 mm. wide, straight hairy, tip round; Inflorescence, upright ovoid cluster; Calyx, tube 4.5 mm. + lobes 3.5 mm. = 8 mm., mix of white and black hairs; Flowers, zygomorphic, 11 mm., blue-purple; Style, 7 mm., persistent; Legume, immature, 5 mm. × 1.7 mm. wide, stipe very short (0.4 mm.?), dense long straight soft hairy (Described from Coll. No. 1398, 8 June 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected nearby: Erigeron flagellaris, Trifolium repens, Prunella vulgaris, Carex nebrascensis, Juncus bufonius, and Alopecurus carolinianus. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Central part of ranch, at the south end of the clay pit, where the emphemeral stream has been diverted through the pit, 22.2 km. north northwest of Golden. Tom Schweich 2491. 4 Jun 2021. ( CDA54487 Golden ) . .

Astragalus laxmannii Jacq.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, on a small ridge between the two branches of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2184. 7/20/2021. . .

Dalea candida Willd. var. oligophylla (Torr.) Shinners.  White Prairie Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southern "panhandle" part of the ranch, about in the middle, on a southeast-facing slope up to the ridge from the ephemeral stream, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2544. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075521 OBI183416 ) . .

Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh.  American Licorice. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In the eastern panhandle, next to the creek. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2159. 6/29/2021. . .

Lathyrus lanszwertii Kellogg var. laetivirens (Greene ex Rydb.) S. L. Welsh.  (Syn: L. laetivirens Greene ex Rydb. ) Aspen Pea. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In grasses, also collected nearby: Actaea rubra, Barbarea vulgaris, and Gratiola neglecta. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, on the bank of an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2503. 4 Jun 2021. ( KHD00075539 ) . .

Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.  Narrowleaf Birds Foot Trefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Juncus interior, Veronica anagallis-aquatica and Dianthus armeria. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2110. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070541 OBI186019 ) . .

Lupinus L.  Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), L. caudatus has been collected just to the south. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2079. 5/6/2021. . .

Lupinus caudatus Kellogg var. argophyllus (A. Gray) S.L. Welsh.  (=Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. argophyllus (Gray) S. Watson) Kellogg's Spurred Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 1 m.; Leaves, cauline, petiole 35-40 mm., palmately compound, 44 mm. × 70 mm. wide, leaflets, 7-9, 36 mm. × 9 mm. wide, oblanceolate, veins 1, adaxial glabrate, abaxial appressed hairy; Inflorescence, well above the leaves, 25 cm. × 3.5 mm. wide; Pedicel, 3.5 mm., recurved, silky hairy; Calyx, silky hairy, lower lobe, 9 mm., upper lobe, 6 mm., spur, more a bump, ≤1 mm.; Banner, 9 mm., reflexed 2.5 mm from tip, folded tightly over wings, back hairy inside folds; Wing, 10 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, claw, 1.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide; Keel, 10 mm., hairy on bottom, tip dark, recurved <3 mm. giving closed appearance; Style, glabrous; Stigma, small, 4-lobed. Described from Coll. No. 1675, 19 Jun 2018.

- Lippincott Ranch, Openings in ponderosa pine woodland. The collector was competing with the cows to collect these before the cows ate them all. Northernmost Jefferson County, jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, moderate slope above and on the north side of Bull Gulch, 23.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden Tom Schweich 2169. 21 Jul 2019. ( CAS CIBO COLO2435410 JCOS s.n. KHD00072736 OBI186011 UCR ) . .

Melilotus albus Medik.  White Sweet Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 81 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.32 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2652. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075222 ) . .

Pediomelum tenuiflorum (Pursh) A. N. Egan.  (Syn: Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh , Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydb. ) Slimflower Scurfpea. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), atypical growth form Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2898. 7/2/2022. . .

Trifolium fragiferum L.  Strawberry Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Sunny, muddy banks of Bull Gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 84 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.32 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2651. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075625 OBI183727 ) . .

Trifolium pratense L.  Red Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, erect, to 50 cm., hairs not hooked at tips; Stem, spreading hairy; Stipules, 21 mm. × 5 mm. wide, connate, scarious with several green nerves; Leaves, ternately compound, leaflets, 38 mm. × 20 mm. wide, margins slightly wavy tip short mucronate (easier to see on young leaves), both sides long wavy hairy; Heads, sessile, subtended by stipules and a pair of leaves, many flowers; Fruit, unknown. Introduced. (Described from Coll. No. 1458, 27 June 2016.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2877. 7/2/2022. . .

Trifolium repens L.  White Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Juncus bufonius, Prunella vulgaris, and Alopecurus carolinianus. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, muddy places beside flowing water diverted through former clay pit, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2143. 13 Jul 2019. ( CDA0052305 CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070533 OBI ) . .

Vicia L.  Vetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, South side of the gulch, shaded, vetch with complex tendrils found several other times. V. americana nigra? V. ludoviciana? Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2352. 8/7/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2752. 7 Sep 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Vicia americana Willd.  American Vetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 30 cm.; Stem, not winged; Leaves, stipules, 3-4 mm. × 10-15 mm. wide, reduced above, lobed, not connate, nectary 0; cauline, compound, odd-pinnate, leaflets #6-8, + simple or 2(4)-forked tendril; Inflorescence, raceme, 4-5 flowered, pedicel 17 mm.; Flowers, zygomorphic, 14-20 mm., petals, ±white to blue distally, banner sometimes pink at point of inflection; Style, round, ring of hairs below stigma; Legume, stipe 5 mm. + body 20-32 mm. × 3-4 mm. wide + persistent style 2 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1387, 1 June 2016, and Coll. No. 1394, 1 June 2016). Specimens with fewer flowers per raceme and forked tendrils are determined variety minor.

- Lippincott Ranch, Edge of open ponderosa pine woodland at break in slope. Variety minor if infraspecific names are to be applied. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2084. 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072416 ) .


Corydalis aurea Willd.  Scrambled Eggs. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2742. 7 Sep 2021. ( Discarded ) .


Frasera speciosa Griseb.  (Syn: Swertia radiata (Kellogg) Kuntze ) Elkweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2056. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Open meadows. Tom Schweich 1676. 4/18/2019. Western portion of ranch, along unnamed stream tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid way between railroad and the gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2149. 6/4/2021. . .

Gentiana affinis Griseb.  (Syn: Pneumonanthe oregana (Engelm. ex A. Gray) Greene ) Pleated or Rocky Mountain Gentian.. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, in grasses, east-facing slope, edge of Ponderosa pine woodland. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2426. 9/7/2021. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2536. 29 Jun 2021. ( Sterile, discarded. ) .


Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. ex Aiton.  Hemlock-leav'd Crane's-bill. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Margin of a small meadow in saddle between hogback and flatiron. Very wet. Collected with Veronica arvensis and V. biloba. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2063.3 6 Jun 2019. ( JCOS s.n. ) .


Ribes cereum Douglas.  Wax Currant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2044. 5/6/2021. . .

Ribes inerme Rydb.  White Stem Gooseberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2085. 5/6/2021. Variety inerme if infraspecific names are to be applied. In Lippincott Ranch, jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. At the base of several boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, near the location of the ranch road crossing of the gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2504. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075538 OBI183541 ) .


Jamesia americana Torr. & A. Gray var. americana.  Fivepetal Cliffbush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Also collected nearby: Heuchera bracteata, Clematis hirsutissima, and Urtica dioica. In boulders on ridge above south fork of Spring Brook, 2.75 km. south of Eldorado Springs, 23.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2824. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden OBI183844 ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Southwest portion of ranch, along unnamed stream tributary to Bull Gulch, north bank, forested. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2145. 6/4/2021. .


Hypericum perforatum L.  Common St. John's Wort. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Treated in family Clusiaceae by Ackerman (2015). Hypericaceae retained at rank of Family by APG IV.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2042. 5/6/2021. Deep grasses in openings of ponderosa pine woodland. Colorado Noxious Weed List C. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.2 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2613. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep forest duff in ponderosa pine woodland, with Collomia linearis, Eriogonum umbellatum, Lappula occidentalis, and Campanula rotundifolia. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2153. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. ) Highest prairie at edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Heavily grazed by cattle. Also collected here: Symphyotrichum laeve. Colorado Noxious Weed List C. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, north segment of parcel, south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2221. 29 Aug 2019. ( CAS COLO2433530 KHD00074462 OBI186062 REGIS ) .


Mentha arvensis L.  (Syn: Mentha canadensis L. ) Wild Mint. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb; Stem erect; Internodes visible; Leaves ±equal in size upward; Infloresence axillary clusters distributed along stem; Calyx 5-lobed, radially symmetrical, lobes and tips equally hairy; Flowers radial, 3 mm; Stamens exserted, fertile 4; Style exserted (Described from Coll. No. 718, 20 Nov 2011).

- Lippincott Ranch, In mud with a little flowing water, also collected here: Gratiola neglecta and Juncus ensifolius. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern portion of the ranch, in an unnamed drainage that is tributary to Bull Gulch, 1.11 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2749.1 7 Sep 2021. ( CDA54534 s.n. ) . .

Mentha spicata L.  Spearmint. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), John Vickery 2090. 5/6/2021. Deep forest shade, also seen or collected nearby: Ligusticum porteri, Papaver orientale, and Populus tremuloides. Middle of small swampy area on the north fork of Spring Brook, 2.52 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.45 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2832. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2871. 7/2/2022. . .

Monarda fistulosa L.  Wild Bergamot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2046. 5/6/2021. Deep grasses in openings of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.2 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2609. 20 Jul 2021. ( COLO2718435 Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Damp places among ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, a little southwest of the clay pit and adit, 22.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2145. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO EIU JCOS s.n. KHD00070531 OBI ) . .

Nepeta cataria L.  Catnip. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm.; Stem, square, hispid; Leaves, opposite, petiole, 8 mm., blade, 40 mm. × 19 mm. wide, reduced above, deltoid-chordate, margin, crenate, abaxial densely hispid, rather than tomentose per Ackerfield (2015), tip, acute; Inflorescence, flower clusters arising from axils, flowers pedicillate; Calyx, lobes sharply acute but lacking spines or bristles; Corolla, 2-lipped, white (Described from Coll. No. 2214, 29 August 2019).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2061. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Grindelia squarrosa, Heterotheca foliosa, Pericome caudata, Senecio spartioides, and Urtica dioica. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2214. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00074452 OBI186065 REGIS ) . .

Prunella vulgaris L.  Common Selfheal. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, At edge of small creek; also collected here: Dianthus armeria, Heterotheca villosa, Potentilla recta, and Veronica anagallis-aquatica. Also Coll. No. 2144, about 550 m. northwest where the creek is diverted through the former clay pit. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2112. 1 Jul 2019. ( KHD00070538 ) Also collected here: Juncus bufonius, Trifolium repens, and Alopecurus carolinianus. Also Coll. No. 2112 about 550 m. southeast along a small natural stream. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, muddy places beside flowing water diverted through former clay pit, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2144. 13 Jul 2019. ( CDA0052306 CIBO JCOS s.n. UCR ) . .

Scutellaria brittonii Porter.  Britton's Skullcap. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2071. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, base of railroad embankment, openings in ponderosa pine and douglas fir. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2432. 9/7/2021. .


Mentzelia multiflora (Nutt.) A. Gray.  (Syn: Nuttallia multiflora (Nutt.) Greene ) Adonis Blazing Star. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Open gravelly slopes below railroad tracks. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, 1.11 km. west northwest of the main gate, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2743.1 7 Sep 2021. ( Golden KHD00075269 ) .


Malva neglecta Wallr.  Common Mallow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In the eastern panhandle, near the northern boundary and top of the slope. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2162. 6/29/2021. .


Claytonia rosea Rydb.  Rocky Mountain Springbeauty. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Openings in Ponderosa pine woodland, thin forest duff. Park jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, on a ridge between Spring Brook and its northern branch, 24.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2455. 6 May 2021. ( Golden UCR ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Slope under ponderosa pine. Tom Schweich 1674. 4/18/2019. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, grassland in a ponderosa pines woodland, 23.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2027. 26 May 2019. ( COLO2434751 OBI183244 REGIS ) Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south parcel, grassland with a few ponderosa pines, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 2020. 24 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072415 ) .


Ligustrum vulgare L.  Privet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.


- Bull Gulch, Shaded south bank of gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 295 m. west from the eastern boundary, south bank of the gulch, 1.43 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2665. 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD00075615 ) .


Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub.  (Syn: Epilobium a. L , Epilobium angustifolium L var. intermedium ) Fireweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Growing in the boulders and gravel of a mid-channel bar formed in the September 2013 flood. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 86 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.34 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2653. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075626 OBI183691 ) . .

Circaea alpina L.  Small Enchanter's Nightshade. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, In deep shade of Spring Brook. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, on the south bank of Spring Brook, 2.38 km. north northwest of the main gate, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2628.1 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden KHD00075383 OBI183684 ) . .

Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl.  Autumn Willow Herb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Coll. No. 1040, 15 Sep 2013, characters observed while keying: Late-season annual, from taproot, to 1 m, not glandular; Leaves, opposite at base, alternate above, stipules 0, petiole 4 mm + blade 46 mm × 6 mm wide, folded along mid-rib, toothed, glabrous; Flowers, parts in 4s; Sepals, 4.5 mm, deciduous after flowering; Hypantheum, 13 mm; Petals, 9.5 mm, notched; Ovary inferior; Stamens, in 2 unequal whorls of 4; Seeds, 1.3 mm, hair tufted, bug eaten.

- Bull Gulch, Growing in boulders and gravels of a mid-stream bar; the stream channel having been scoured out by the floods of September 2013. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 62 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.35 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2656. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Grindelia squarrosa, Heterotheca foliosa, Pericome caudata, Senecio spartioides, and Nepeta cataria. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2218. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO COLO2433514 JCOS s.n. KHD00074466 OBI186066 ) . .

Epilobium ciliatum Raf.  Fringed Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, along the north branch of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2180. 7/20/2021. . .

Oenothera biennis L.  King's-Cureall. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial (biennial?), to 60 cm., hairy throughout, hairs lacking red pustular bases; Stem, leafy; Leaves, basal, unknown, cauline, 90-115 mm. × 23-35 mm., elliptic to falcate, margin shallowly dentate, tip acute; Sepals, 11 mm., spreading to reflexed in maturity, tips barely free in bud; Flowers, solitary in leafy bracteate spike, petals, 10 mm., obovate, yellow, fading both orange and pink; Stigma, 4-lobed; Capsules, 17-21 mm., not mature (Described from Coll. No. 2416, 11 Aug 2020). Accepted by Ackerfield (2015). Will key to O. villosa in Weber & Wittman (2012) wherein this taxon is not recognized. Native to central and eastern US and the Pacific coast, but not to Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, or Arizona.

- Bull Gulch, South side of the gulch, shaded. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2353. 8/7/2021. .


Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb.  Splitleaf Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Grassy opening among ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.2 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2614. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden ) Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2878. 7/2/2022. . .

Orobanche uniflora L.  (Syn: Aphyllon uniflorum (L.) Torr. & A. Gray , Orobanche uniflora L. var. uniflora ) Naked Broomrape. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Single stem, O. uniflora assumed. Tom Schweich 1769. 7/13/2019. .


Papaver orientale L.  Oriental Poppy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), In deep shade beside north fork of Spring Brook, 2.49 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.49 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2831. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2895. 7/2/2022. .


Besseya plantaginea (James) Rydb.  (=Synthyris plantaginea (James) Benth.) White River Kittentails. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Northwest facing forested slope. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south of Bull Gulch approximate centroid of parcel, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2036. 26 May 2019. ( JCOS s.n. ) Northwest slope, deep shade. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.5 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2066. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO KHD00072526 ) Western portion of ranch, along unnamed stream tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid way between railroad and the gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2150. 6/4/2021. . .

Collinsia parviflora Lindl.  Maiden Blue-eyed Mary. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Forming carpets under trees in ponderosa pine woodland. Collected with Draba nemorosa and Capsella bursa-pastoris. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate center of property. 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2016. 18 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072412 ) . .

Digitalis purpurea L.  Foxglove. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2872. 7/2/2022. .

- Bull Gulch, There are five other collections of foxglove in Colorado, made from 1967 to 1995, all from Bull Gulch or Spring Brook, the next drainage to the north. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, north side of gulch, 485 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.53 km. northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2672. 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD00075220 ) . .

Gratiola neglecta Torr.  Clammy Hedge Hyssop. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Western portion of ranch, along unnamed stream tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid way between railroad and the gulch. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2441. 9/7/2021. In mud with a little flowing water, also collected here: Mentha arvensis and Juncus ensifolius. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern portion of the ranch, in an unnamed drainage that is tributary to Bull Gulch, 1.11 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2749. 7 Sep 2021. ( CIBO KHD183776 ) . .

Penstemon secundiflorus Benth.  Sidebells Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2897. 7/2/2022. . .

Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb.  Front Range Beardtongue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), dry southeast-facing ridge Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2887. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Highest Great Plains meets the Rocky Mountain Front Range, southern edge of a small meadow in a saddle, parcel disturbed by cattle grazing and clay mining. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.2 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2062. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072532 REGIS UCR ) With mixed grasses and forbs in a gently sloped ponderosa pine woodland. Narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2078. 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO COLO2434678 CS EIU ) . .

Plantago lanceolata L.  Narrowleaf Plantain. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 55 cm., scapose; Leaves, basal, 22 cm. × 1.5 mm. wide, lance-elliptic, glabrous; Inflorescence, spike, 42 mm. × 6-7 mm. wide, slightly wider at base; Sepals, outer two connate, 3 mm., mid-rib strong green, villous-ciliate distally; Corolla, scarious, lobes, #4, 2 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1217, 16 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Lowest slopes of hogback, among ponderosa pines, also collected here: Crataegus succulenta, Nassella viridula, and Potentilla fissa. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, west of the clay pit and adit, 22.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2147. 13 Jul 2019. ( JCOS s.n. KHD00072740 ) . .

Veronica anagallis-aquatica L.  Water Speedwell. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Dianthus armeria, Heterotheca villosa, Potentilla recta, and Prunella vulgaris. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2111. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070539 OBI149555 ) . .

Veronica arvensis L.  Corn Speedwell. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Margin of a small meadow in saddle between hogback and flatiron. Very wet. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2063. 6 Jun 2019. ( CDA0052290 CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072531 OBI183246 ) . .

Veronica biloba L.  (Syn: Pocilla biloba (L.) W. A. Weber ) Twolobe Speedwell. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Margin of a small meadow in saddle between hogback and flatiron. Very wet. Collected with V. arvensis. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2063.1 6 Jun 2019. ( JCOS s.n. KHD00072529 ) .


Collomia linearis Nutt.  Tiny Trumpet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual; Stem simple, unbranched; Leaves linear, 20-25 mm; Calyx membrane 0, lobes growing with capsule, becoming papery with age; Corolla white, 6-9 mm (Described from Coll. No. 713, 19 Nov 2011).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, on a small ridge between the two branches of Spring Brook. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2183. 7/20/2021. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2881. 7/2/2022. Accidental collection found in Coll. No. 2835. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2960. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2154.1 13 Jul 2019. ( Discarded ) .


Eriogonum alatum Torrey in L. Sitgreaves, Rep. Exped. Zuni Colorado Rivers. 168, plate 8. 1853.  (Syn: Pterogonum alatum (Torr.) Gross ) Winged Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In the eastern panhandle, near the northern boundary and top of the slope. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2160. 6/29/2021. . .

Eriogonum arcuatum Greene, Pittonia. 4: 319. 1901.  (Syn: E. bakeri Greene , E. jamesii Benth var. flavescens S. Watson ) Baker's Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), tentative, inflorescence absent Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2036. 5/6/2021. . .

Eriogonum flavum Nuttall, Cat. Pl. Upper Louisiana. no. 34. 1813.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In the eastern panhandle, near the northern boundary and top of the slope. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2163. 6/29/2021. . .

Eriogonum umbellatum Torrey, Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York. 2: 241. 1827.  Sulphur-Flower Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, top of ridge in ponderosa pine forest Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2178. 7/20/2021. dry southeast-facing ridge Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2884. 7/2/2022. . .

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. umbellatum.  Sulphur-Flower Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Type collected “near the Rocky Mountains” by Edwin James, 1820. Described by Torrey in 1827.

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep forest duff in ponderosa pine woodland, with Sedum lanceolatum, Hypericum perforatum, and Campanula rotundifolia. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2155. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070793 REGIS ) . .

Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A.Löve.  (Syn: Polygonum convolvulus L. ) Black Bindweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2069. 5/6/2021. . .

Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Opiz.  (Syn: Polygonum hydropiper L. ) Marshpepper Knotweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Growing in a little bit of flowing water. Also collected in this stream: Ranunculus sceleratus, Barbarea vulgaris, Gratiola neglecta, and Urtica dioica. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern portion of the ranch, in an unnamed drainage that is tributary to Bull Gulch, 1.09 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2748. 7 Sep 2021. ( KHD KHD75368 OBI183777 s.n. ) . .

Polygonum douglasii Greene.  (Syn: Polygonum majus (Meisner) Piper ) Douglas Knotweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 35-40 cm., generally glabrous; Leaves, cauline, alternate, some sort of papery tissue at base of leaf that could be an ocrea, 20 mm. × 1 mm. wide, linear to narrowly lanceolate, adaxial sparsely pitted, margins revolute; Inflorescence, flowers borne singly in axils; Flowers, stipe-like base; Perianth, #5 (looked like 3 outer and 3 inner to me) 2.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, outer, greenish with pink margins, inner, pink with green mid-vein; Stamens, #8 (I was able to count 6), 1.4 mm.; Filaments, winged below; Ovary, superior, 1 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide; Styles, #3, 0.3 mm.; Stigmas, 1 per style; Fruit, 2.5 mm., black. Described from Coll. No. 1718, 28 Jul 2017.

- Bull Gulch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, mid-channel bar, 342 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.49 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2668. 7 Aug 2021. ( COLO2706240 Golden ) . .

Rumex acetosella L.  (Syn: Acetosella vulgaris (K. Koch) Fourr. , R. angiocarpus Murb. ) Sheep Sorrel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Coll. No. 1841, 17 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb from woody rootstock, to 30 cm., dioecious (all plants in this collection staminate); Leaves, basal and cauline similar, ocrea, 7-10 mm., petiole 20 mm. + blade 12-24 mm. × 6 mm. wide, base hastate, lobes pointing outward, tip acuminate; Pedicels, 1-3 mm.; Flowers, bulbar-like base, described as stipe-like, but does not look stipe-like such as that seen in Eriogonum umbellatum; Pedicels, 1-3 mm.; Tepals, #6, 1.7 mm., reddish (Described from Coll. No. 1841, 17 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2873. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, With mixed grasses and forbs in a gently sloped ponderosa pine woodland. Narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2079. 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072420 OBI183238 UCR ) . .

Rumex triangulivalvis (Danser) Rech. f.  (Syn: R. salicifolius Weinm. var. triangulivalvis (Danser) J. C. Hickman ) Triangular-Valved Dock. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 15 cm., growing beside distributary of Mill Creek; Main stem, herbaceous (not clearly woody), decumbent; Leaves, cauline, lance-linear arcuate, 80 mm. × 10 mm. wide, 8 × longer than wide, margins wavy, adaxial surface sparsely short-hairy, esp. mid-rib, abaxial sparsely cobwebby, esp. mid-rib, petiole, 45 mm., not jointed; Inflorescence, monoecious, axillary, dense, interrupted; Flower, inner perianth lobes 3, 3 mm. × 1.8 mm. wide, triangular, notched bear base, tip acute, tubercule (callosity) 1 × 3 inner lobes = 3, ± equal, width 0.3 mm., 1/6 lobe, minute warty, outer perianth lobes mostly deteriorated and easily overlooked; Stamens, 6, yellow; Styles, 3, fringed; Seed, 3-angled, 1.4 mm × 0.7 mm. wide, brown (Described from Coll. No. 1009, 22 July 2013).

- Bull Gulch, Main channel of the gulch, near the north bank. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, north side of gulch, 386 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.51 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2670. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075616 ) .


Androsace CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In a (mostly) ponderosa pine woodland, in the southwest corner near the railroad tracks. Tom Schweich 1768. 7/13/2019. . .

Androsace septentrionalis L.  (Syn: Androsace septentrionalis L. ssp. subumbellata (A. Nelson) G. T. Robbins ) Pygmyflower Rockjasmine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Western portion of ranch, along unnamed stream tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid way between railroad and the gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2148. 6/4/2021. .


Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.  Red Baneberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Barbarea vularis, and Gratiola neglecta. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, on the bank of an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2502.1 4 Jun 2021. ( KHD00075540 ) . .

Anemone multifida Poir.  Pacific Anemone. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, In the slowly revegetating stream bed of Bull Gulch, last cleaned out in 2013. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2152. 6/4/2021. . .

Clematis hirsutissima Pursh.  (Syn: Coriflora hirsutissima (Pursh) W. A. Weber ) Hairy Clematis, Sugar Bowls. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Six-seven plants in bloom. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 1678. 4/24/2019. Also collected or seen here: Corylus cornuta, Frasera speciosa, Lonicera tatarica, Ranunculus sceleratus, Besseya plantaginea, and Urtica dioica. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, along an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2500. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD75542 ) Moderate northeast slope in ponderosa pine woodland, also seen nearby Corallorhiza maculata and Jamesia americana. Northern part of the ranch in Boulder County, 2.3 km. north northwest of the main gate, 23.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2823. 2 Jul 2022. ( Undist. ) . .

Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt.  Western White Clematis. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Vegetation tangle on the more shaded south side of the gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 264 m. west from the eastern boundary, south bank of the gulch, 1.43 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2664. 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD00075629 ) . .

Delphinium nuttallianum Pritz.  Twolobe Larkspur. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2052. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, In thick soil and forest duff on the exposed east side of a ridge. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, east side of ridge, 25.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2030. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. ) . .

Pulsatilla nuttalliana (DC.) Bercht. & J. Presl.  (Syn: Anemone nuttalliana DC. , Anemone patens L. var. nuttalliana (DC.) A Gray , P. patens (L.) Mill ssp. nuttalliana (DC.) ined. ) Pasque Flower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), On a north-facing grassy slope. Park jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, northernmost area near Spring Brook, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2454. 6 May 2021. ( COLO2704252 Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, One or two flowers. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 1680. 4/24/2019. . .

Ranunculus macounii Britton.  Macoun's Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Shade streambed under ponderosa pines, previously collected nearby: Corylus cornuta, Circaea alpina, Parietaria pensylvanica, and Glyceria elata. Prosartes trachycarpa also observed nearby. Rooted in water of the south fork of Spring Brook, 2.41 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.55 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2830. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078900 ) . .

Ranunculus sceleratus L.  (Syn: Hecatonia scelerata (L.) Fourr. ) Cursed Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, terrestrial herb of wet places, to 20 mm.; Leaves, basal, petiole 45 mm. + blade 20 mm. × 32 mm. wide, deeply lobed into 3 segments, lobes rounded, mostly withered, cauline, alternate, petiole 20 mm. + blade 20 mm. × 24 mm. wide, twice ternately lobed, lobes rounded, few long thin hairs; Flowers, actinomorphic; Sepals, 2.2 mm. × 1.2 mm. wide, thin, ovate, thin white hairs; Petals, 2 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, yellow, elliptic, not spurred; Achenes, 1.3 mm. × 1.0 mm. wide, green-tan, subglobose, small beak, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1960, 21 June 2018.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Western portion of ranch, along unnamed stream tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid way between railroad and the gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2146. 6/4/2021. .


Ceanothus fendleri A. Gray.  Fendler's Ceanothus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2073. 5/6/2021. dry southeast-facing ridge Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2885. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Openings in ponderosa pine woodland. Also collected nearby: Monarda fistulosa, Plantago lanceolata, Nassella viridula, and Crataegus succulenta. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, a little southwest of the clay pit and adit, 22.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2146. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070532 OBI ) . .

Ceanothus herbaceus Raf.  Jersey Tea. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Open Douglas fir forest on the south side of the gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, south side of gulch, 526 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.52 km. northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2674. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, gentle east-facing slope, at edge of ponderosa pine woodland, several at base of boulders. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2430. 9/7/2021. 4 plants in rocks, southeast exposure, found by John Vickery Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2141. 6/4/2021. . .

Ceanothus velutinus Dougl.  (Syn: C. L. , C. velutinus Dougl. ssp. velutinus ) Snowbush Ceanothus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial shrub; Twigs not thorn-like; Leaves alternate, ovate, 6-7 cm, 3-ribbed from base, leathery, sticky glabrous adaxially, puberulent abaxially, margin serrate, teeth gland-tipped; Stipules scale-like; Petioles 10-17 mm; Flowers conspicuous, white; Petals 5 (Described from Coll. No. 781, 24 Jan 2012).

- Bull Gulch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 177 m. west from the eastern boundary, south bank of the gulch, 1.36 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2661. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075657 OBI183704 ) .


Agrimonia striata Michx.  Roadside Agrimony. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Also collected here: Myosotis scorpioides, an introduced species. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, in the bed of Spring Brook, 2.37 km. north of the main gate to Lippincott Ranch, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2622. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden KHD00075385 OBI183686 ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Central area of ranch, in the muddy unnamed tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid-way between gulch and railroad tracks, in fruit. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2439. 9/7/2021. . .

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.  Saskatoon Serviceberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Shrub, to 1 m.; Stems, branches unarmed; Leaves, simple, petiole, 8 mm., blade, 22-32 mm. × 19-32 mm. wide, veins, pinnate, surface, sparsely hairy above, sparsely to moderately hairy below, margin, serrate; Flowers, borne singly, pedicels, 10 mm., petals 9 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, color cream; Ovary, inferior, tip hairy; Styles, #(4)5 (Described from Coll. No. 1800-1801, 7 May 2018)

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, among grasses and boulders, few ponderosa pines, mid-slope between railroad tracks and unnamed stream. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2437. 9/7/2021. . .

Crataegus succulenta Schrad. ex Link.  Fleshy Hawthorn. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Highest Great Plains meets the Rocky Mountain Front Range, bottomland between two hogbacks, parcel disturbed by cattle grazing and clay mining. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.2 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2061. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072533 ) . .

Geum aleppicum Jacq.  (Syn: Geum aleppicum Jacq ssp. strictum (Aiton) Clausen ) Avens. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Central area of ranch, in the muddy unnamed tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid-way between gulch and railroad tracks, in fruit. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2440. 9/7/2021. . .

Potentilla fissa Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray.  (=Drymocallis fissa (Nutt.) Rydb.) Bigflower Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, herb, caespitose, to 20 cm., terrestrial, not stoloniferous, rhizomatous, glandular-hairy throughout; Stem, erect, green, multicellular viscid hairs; Leaves, basal, 58-125 mm. × 16-26 cm. wide, pinnately compound, leaflets, #11; cauline, #3-4 per stem, alternate, stipules, 5 mm. × 2 mm. wide, lanceolate, entire to once shallowly toothed; petiole, 18 mm., prior years remaining on plant (as sometimes described for P. rupincola), multicellular viscid hairs, leaflets, #7-13, 40-51 mm. × 20-22 mm. wide, petiolulate (not decurrent), 12 mm. × 9 mm. wide, viscid hairy, terminal leaflet (8)10 mm. side, margin, flat, serrate, teeth, 4-6 per side, on distal ¾, tip dark reddish; Inflorescence, congested cyme, with 5-7 flowers; Flowers, limb, 15 mm.; Calyx, lobes, #5, 7-11 mm. × 2.7-4.5 mm. wide, fused ±½, viscid hairy, epicalyx bractlets, 3-5 mm. × 0.8-1.3 mm. wide, ±½ sepals; Receptacle, hairy, <1 mm., Petals, 7-9 mm. × 5-9 mm. wide, obovate, color yellow; Stamens, >25; Anthers, 1.4 mm. × 1 mm. wide; Ovaries, many, superior, glabrous; Styles, widest at middle, or thickest at base, tapered from middle, attached laterally below top of ovary; Stigma, #1; Achenes, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1364, 21 May 2016, and Coll. No. 1911, 31 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2037. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Growing with Potentilla recta which was not yet in bloom. GPS coordinates were doubtful and revised using GoogleEarth. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.2 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Anthony Massaro and Tanner Marshall 2060. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072534 ) . .

Potentilla hippiana Lehm. var. effusa (Douglas ex Lehm.) Dorn.  Wooly Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm., long straight hairy to wooly throughout, eglandular; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, compound, stipules, 18 mm., entire, petiole, 50 mm., blade, 50 mm. × 33 mm. wide, obovate, leaflets, #9, 23 mm. × 9 mm. wide, bases decurrent, margin, flat, toothed most of length; Inflorescence, cymose; Bractlets, 3 mm., slightly darker than calyx lobes; Calyx, lobes #5, 5 mm.; Petals, #5, 5 mm. × 4 mm. wide, yellow; Ovary, glabrous; Style, 2 mm., widest at base; Fruit, achene, #10, 1.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, brown, smooth, glabrous. Described from Coll. No. 1261, 29 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Open seasonally wet grassland, also nearby: Amorpha nana, and Gentiana affinis. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the "panhandle" southern part of the ranch, near the powerline, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2537. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075523 ) . .

Potentilla hippiana × pulcherrima.  Hybrid Potentilla. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In grasses around scattered ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In the saddle between Spring Brook and Bull Gulch drainages, very close to the Boulder/Jefferson County boundary, 2.08 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.82 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2840. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078705 OBI183845 ) . .

Potentilla norvegica L.  Norwegian Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 25 cm., erect, ±spreading stiff hairy throughout, 1.5 mm., glands, sparse, obscure; Leaves, cauline, stipules, large, 8 mm. × 4 mm. wide, lanceolate, petiole 19 mm. + blade 22 mm. × 24 mm. wide, ternately compound, leaflets, 3(4); Calyx, sepals, 3.5-4.0 mm. × 2 mm. wide, fused >½; Corolla, petals, free, yellow; 1.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide; Stamens, most seen, #8; Style, 0.7 mm., thickest at base; Achenes, 0.6 mm., tan, minutely papillate. Circumpolar. (Described from Coll. No. 1500, 13 July 2016).

- Bull Gulch, In the bed of the gulch, among boulders. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2355. 8/7/2021. . .

Potentilla recta L.  Sulphur Cinquefoil. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm., hairy throughout, short (0.3 mm.) hairs glandular, long (4 mm.) hairs straight spreading eglandular; Leaves, stem, 7-8 per stem, alternate, stipules, to 20 mm., lobed, petioles, to 80 mm., blade, palmately compound, leaflets, #5, 45 mm. × 14 mm. wide, lobed ½ to mid-rib, progressively reduced above; Calyx, 9 mm. × 9 mm. wide, flattened at base; Petals, 8 mm., yellow; Style, 1.3 mm., tapered throughout, not appearing warty; Achene, 1 mm., attached laterally, reticulate in color, but not texture. Described from Coll. No. 1680, 28 June 2017. “The long, stiff, spreading, tubercle-based hairs on stems and petioles of P. recta, overtopping a layer of short hairs and glands, also serve to distinguish this aggressive species from native P. gracilis at any stage of the life cycle (FNANM).”

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2038. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, At edge of small creek; also collected here: Dianthus armeria, Heterotheca villosa, Prunella vulgaris, and Veronica anagallis-aquatica. Colorado Noxious Weed List B. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2114. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070536 UCR ) . .

Prunus virginiana L.  Chokecherry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

The most useful distinction is between chokecherries found east of the Rocky Mountains, var. virginiana and those found from the mountains westward, var. demissa. Plants of the High Plains show intergradation between those of the Rockies and those of the East.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2047. 5/6/2021. .

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north side of Spring Brook, lower edge of large boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2170. 7/20/2021. . .

Rosa acicularis Lindl. ssp. sayi (Schwein.) W. H. Lewis.  (Syn: Rosa acicularis Lindl. , Rosa sayi Schweinitz ) Say's Acicular Rose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Prickles on new growth, leaflets 5-7(9), flowers 1-3

- Lippincott Ranch, Growing in and around Rhus trilobata, few ponderosa pines on rocky ridge. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southern "panhandle" part of the ranch, on a ridge in the north-central part, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2545. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Rosa eglanteria L.  Sweetbriar Rose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2082. 5/6/2021. Open ponderosa pine forest. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Right bank of the north fork of Spring Brook, 2.56 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.33 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2836. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00079748 OBI183828 ) . .

Rubus deliciosus Torr.  (Syn: Oreobatus deliciosus Torr.(E. James ex Torr.) Rydb. ) Delicious raspberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial shrub, to 1.5 m.; Stem, bark, shreddy; Leaves, simple, 17 mm. × 23 mm. wide, palmate veined, lobed, serrate, few straight hairs, petiole, 11 mm.; Flowers, white, solitary, 17-19 mm.; Fruit, unknown (Described from Coll. No. 1091, 30 Apr 2015).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2053. 5/6/2021. .

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north side of Spring Brook, lower edge of large boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2169. 7/20/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Highest prairie at edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, north-central area of parcel, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2068. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO EIU JCOS s.n. REGIS ) . .

Rubus idaeus L.  American Red Raspberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, under ponderosa pines, otherwise nearly bare ground. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2425. 9/7/2021. . .

Rubus idaeus L. var. strigosus (Michx.) Maxim.  American Red Raspberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Many collections here, such as: Juncus ensifolius, Populus deltoides, Melilotus albus, Trifolium fragiferum, Ribes inerme, Epilobium brachycarpum, and Anaphalis margaritacea. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, gravel bar in Bull Gulch, just upstream of the ranch road crossing of the gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2506. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075537 ) .


Galium aparine L.  (Syn: Galium aparine L. var. echinospermum (Wallr.) Farw. , Galium spurium L. ) Sticky Willy, Cleavers. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual/perennial unknown, weak-stemmed and scrambling through shrubs and grass; Stem, retrorsely scabrous on angles (but not densely so); Leaves, whorls of 6-8 (more leaves above, fewer below), 46 mm. × 4 mm. wide, oblanceolate, margins retrorsely scabrous, tips with a short spine; Flowers, corolla, greenish-white, lobes 1 mm.; Fruit, 1.3 mm., covered with hooked hairs (Described from Coll. No. 1395, 8 June 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep ponderosa pine forest duff. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, north of Bull Gulch about half way to north boundary, west side of ridge, 23.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2035.1 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00071105 ) . .

Galium boreale L.  (Syn: Galium septentrionale Roem. & Schult. ) Bedstraw. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 40 cm.; Stems, ascending; Leaves, in whorls of 4, tips rounded, 3-nerved; Flowers, cream-colored; Fruit, short-hairy (Described from Coll. No. 2374, 23 June 2020).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2187. 7/20/2021. Amid grasses and forbs under ponderosa pine canopy. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. South side of south fork of Spring Brook, 2.33 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.57 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2838. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) .


Populus deltoides Marshall.  Eastern Cottonwood. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2358. 8/7/2021. . .

Populus tremuloides Michx.  Quaking Aspen. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2080. 5/6/2021. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2868. 7/2/2022. . .

Salix bebbiana Sarg.  Bebb Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Shrub, multi-stem, > 1 m.; Stems, not pruinose, current year reddish brown; Leaves, alternate, elliptic, 20 mm. × 9 mm. wide, petiole 2-3 mm., pubescent both sides; Catkins, pistillate, 35 mm., open, loosely flowered, floral bracts, tan, stipe, 3 mm.; Capsules, 6 mm., pubescent. (Described from Coll. No. 2959, 14 Jun 2023.)

- Bull Gulch, Many collections here, such as: Juncus ensifolius, Populus deltoides, Melilotus albus, Trifolium fragiferum, Ribes inerme, Chamerion angustifolium, Epilobium brachycarpum, and Anaphalis margaritacea. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In Lippincott Ranch, in stream channel adjacent to sand/gravel/cobble bar, just upstream of the ranch road crossing of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2507. 4 Jun 2021. ( KHD00075536 OBI183539 ) . .

Salix irrorata Andersson.  Dewystem Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected nearby: Erigeron flagellaris, Astragalus agrestis, Trifolium repens, Prunella vulgaris, Carex nebrascensis, Juncus bufonius, and Alopecurus carolinianus. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Central part of ranch near the former clay mine headquarters, beside a former stream channel now abandoned to the new route through the clay pit, 22.1 km north northwest of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2490. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Salix monticola Bebb.  Park Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Many collections here, such as: Juncus ensifolius, Populus deltoides, Melilotus albus, Trifolium fragiferum, Ribes inerme, Chamerion angustifolium, Epilobium brachycarpum, Salix bebbiana and Anaphalis margaritacea. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In Lippincott Ranch, in stream channel adjacent to sand/gravel/cobble bar, just upstream of the ranch road crossing of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2507.3 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075597 ) .


Arceuthobium vaginatum (Willd.) J. Presl ssp. cryptopodum (Engelm.) Hawksworth & Wiens.  (Syn: Arceuthobium vaginatum (Willd.) J. Presl var. cryptopodum (Engelm.) Cronquist ) Pineland Dwarf Mistletoe. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, on boulders north side of and above Spring Brook, 2.4 km. north of the main gate, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2625. 20 Jul 2021. ( KHD00075287 ) .


Acer glabrum Torr.  Rocky Mountain Maple. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Described by Torrey (1827) from a collection by Edwin James of the Long Expedition (1820).

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected nearby: Juniperus communis and J. scopulorum, Berberis repens, and Hieracium albiflorum. One of several quintessential Jefferson County taxa, as the type was collected in Platte Canyon by Dr. Edwin James of the Major Stephen H. Long expedition of 1820. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, edge of forest at extreme southwest corner near the railroad tracks, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2149. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO COLO2435378 JCOS s.n. KHD00072739 OBI ) Also collected nearby: Corydalis aurea, Brickellia grandiflora, and Polansia dodecandra. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern corner of the ranch, at base of railroad embankment, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2496. 4 Jun 2021. ( COLO2706190 Golden ) .


Heuchera bracteata (Torr.) Ser.  Bracted Alumroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Inflorescence, secund …

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Ponderosa pine forest, also collected here: Dryopteris filix-mas, Jamesia americana, Urtica dioica, and Elymus glaucus. Northern portion of the ranch in Boulder County, base of boulders above south fork of Spring Creek, 2.33 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.67 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2826. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078903 ) . .

Heuchera parvifolia Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray.  Littleleaf Alumroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Inflorescence, (not secund) …

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2043. 5/6/2021. .


Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh.  Lanceleaf Figwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2870. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, At the edge of a meadow in central portion, in disused rock corral or shed. Tom Schweich 1687. 5/26/2019. .


Physalis hederifolia A. Gray.  Ivy-Leaved Ground Cherry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, north side of Spring Brook, lower edge of large boulder. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2168. 7/20/2021. . .

Physalis hispida (Waterf.) Cronquist.  Prairie Ground Cherry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Several rattlesnakes here. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 222 m. west from the eastern boundary, north bank of the gulch, 1.36 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2662. 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD00075666 OBI183407 ) .


Parietaria pensylvanica Willd.  Pennsylvania Pellitory. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, In deep shade of Spring Brook. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, on the south bank of Spring Brook, 2.38 km. north northwest of the main gate, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2628.2 20 Jul 2021. ( KHD00075382 ) . .

Urtica dioica L.  Stinging Nettle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Western portion of ranch, along unnamed stream tributary to Bull Gulch, about mid way between railroad and the gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2147. 6/4/2021. . .

Urtica dioica L. ssp. gracilis (Aiton) Seland.  Stinging Nettle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Ponderosa pine forest, also collected nearby: dryopteris filix-mas, Jamesia americana, Heuchera bracteata, and Elymus glaucus. Northern portion of the ranch in Boulder County, very close to the western parcel boundary, in streambed of south fork of Spring Creek, 2.32 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.68 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2827. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078901 ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Grindelia squarrosa, Heterotheca foliosa, Pericome caudata, Senecio spartioides, and Nepeta cataria. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, among boulders on the south side of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2217. 29 Aug 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00074467 OBI186067 UCR ) .


Verbena bracteata Lag. & Rodr.  Large Bract Vervain. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 15 cm., erect; Leaves, cauline, opposite, petiole 5 mm. + blade 20 mm. × 10 mm. wide, pinnafitid, toothed; Bract, 11 mm. × 2.2 mm. wide, entire; Calyx, 4 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide; Corolla, lobes, #5 tube 4 mm. + throat 1 mm. + lobes 2 mm., limb, 2.5 mm., color blue; Introduced (Described from Coll. No. 1500.2, 13 July 2016). Usually seen as a prostrate trailside herb. However, occasionally growing in grasses and herbs, and forced to adopt an erect habit.

- Bull Gulch, In the bed of the gulch, among boulders. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2356. 8/7/2021. .


Viola canadensis L.  (Syn: Viola rydbergii Greene , Viola scopulorum (A. Gray) Greene ) Canadian White Violet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2051. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Northwest facing forested slope. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south of Bull Gulch approximate centroid of parcel, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2037. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00071104 OBI ) Edge of a dry watercourse, in deep ponderosa pine forest duff. Also collected here: Symphoricarpos rotundifolius and Lactuca serriola. About mid-way between Bull Gulch and the county boundary, 1.74 km. north northwest of the main gate, 23.4 km. north northwest of Golden Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2820. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) . .

Viola nuttallii Pursh.  Nuttall's Violet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2050. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, In deep ponderosa pine forest duff near top of forested west southwest-facing slope. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, west side of ridge, 23.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2033. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. OBI183248 UCR ) Collected later on the north side of the drainage. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 1679. 4/24/2019. Grassy, open, southeast-facing slope. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south parcel, high prairie above Rocky Flats, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 2025. 24 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070552 REGIS ) .


Allium cernuum Roth.  Nodding Onion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), tentative, vegetative Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2041. 5/6/2021. Northern (Boulder County) portion of ranch, top of ridge in ponderosa pine forest Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2177. 7/20/2021. . .

Allium geyeri S. Watson.  Geyer's Onion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, geophyte, to 40 cm.; Bulb, 20 mm. × 20 mm. wide, ovoid, outer coat with coarse fibers; Leaves, #2-3, 24 cm. × 1.5 mm. wide, somewhat withered at anthesis; Inflorescence, umbel; Bracts, #3, 14 mm., prominently 1-veined; Flowers, #29, tepals, 7 mm., pink; Seed, unknown (Described from Coll. No. 1417, 10 June 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch, South margin of a small meadow in saddle between hogback and flatiron, quite wet from runoff of the meadow. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by City of Boulder and Jefferson County Open Space, approximate centroid of parcel, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2065. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072527 ) Nearly flat, open ponderosa pine woodland with grasses and forbs. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2086. 17 Jun 2019. ( CAS CDA0052292 OBI183161 REGIS UC ) Gentle rocky southwest-facing slope with forest duff near edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest base of hogback in center of parcel, 22.4 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden Tom Schweich 2157.1 13 Jul 2019. ( CS ) .


Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. ex A. Gray.  Star Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2068. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep ponderosa pine forest duff. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, west side of ridge, 23.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2034. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. OBI183242 UCR ) Grassy, open, southeast-facing slope. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south parcel, high prairie above Rocky Flats, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Irene Weber 2024. 24 Apr 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070554 REGIS ) .


Carex nebrascensis Dewey.  Nebraska Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Coll. No. 1924, 3 June 2018, characters observed: Perennial sedge, sometimes growing in running water; Habit, rhizomatous; Culms, to 50 cm., lightly scabrous below the head; Leaves, 4.3 mm. wide, green, sheaths, white-hyaline, ventrally smooth; Inflorescence, 120 mm. × 15 mm. wide, #3-5 spikes per culm, separated; Proximal bract, leaf-like, 130 mm., nearly equaling the inflorescence; Spikes, differentiated, terminal spike staminate, lateral spikes androgynous to proximal spikes pistillate; Pistillate spike, 30-40 mm. × 5-7.5 mm. wide, ength 6× width, peduncle 6 mm., stout, erect; Pistillate scales, 5 mm., including awn 1.2 mm., >perigynia, brown-black, mid-vein green; Perigynia, many per spike, body 1.8-3.0 mm. + beak 0.3-0.4 mm. = 2.1-3.4 mm. × 1.2-1.5 mm. wide, wingless, glabrous, faces veined, beak bidentate, ciliolate between teeth; Achene, 1.4 mm. × 0.9 mm. wide, biconvex; Stigma, #2. (Described from Coll. No. 508, 2 Aug 2007, Mono County, CA, and Coll. No. 1123, 1924, and 2489, Jefferson County, CO.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, northern portion of property, sunny site on the south bank of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2070. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070516 ) Also collected nearby: Erigeron flagellaris, Astragalus agrestis, Trifolium repens, Prunella vulgaris, Juncus bufonius, and Alopecurus carolinianus. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Central part of ranch, at the south end of the clay pit, where the emphemeral stream has been diverted through the pit, 22.2 km. north northwest of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2489. 4 Jun 2021. ( COLO2706430 Golden ) . .

Carex occidentalis L. H. Bailey.  Western Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial sedge; Habit, caespitose; Culms, to 50 cm., slightly scabrous especially below the inflorescence; Leaves, 1.7 mm. wide, green, sheaths, white-hyaline, ventrally smooth; Inflorescence, 29 mm. × 10 mm. wide, loosely clustered; Spikes, identical appearing, 6 mm. × 5 mm. wide, terminal and lateral androgynous (there are no anthers, but the flowers at the top of each spike contain white filaments); Bracts, 5 mm., proximal, 10 mm., <inflorescence, leaf-like; Pistillate scales, 3.5 mm., <perigynia, mid-vein green, brown laterally, hyaline margin; Perigynia, #12 per spike, 4 mm. × 1.6-1.8(2) mm. wide, weakly winged, ±veinless, glabrous, beak, 1 mm., flattish, dorsally bulged and the margin is displaced but not onto the ventral face; Achene, 2.3 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, biconvex, short oblong; Stigmas, #2; Anthers, n/a; (Described from Coll. No. 2056, 4 Jun 2019, but see also Coll. No. 1913.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Terrace above Spring Brook, edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.3 km. north of the main gate, 23.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2618. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden KHD00075353 OBI183796 ) .

- Bull Gulch, Many collections here, such as: Carex nebrascensis, Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare, Sisyrinchium montanum, and Juncus bufonius. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. In Lippincott Ranch, on the south bank of Bull Gulch, wet area above the active stream channel, just upstream of the ranch road crossing of Bull Gulch, 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2508. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd.  Pointed Broom Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial sedge, caespitose, to 60 cm., lightly scabrous below head; Leaves, 2 mm. wide, green sheaths, white-hyaline, centrally smooth; Inflorescence, 22 mm. × 15 mm. wide, spikes, #6, closely clustered; Spikes, identical appearing, gynecandrous, 10 mm. × 5 mm. wide, terminal spike clavate; Bracts, 9 mm. long, proximal, 20 mm., =inflorescence, bristle-like; Pistillate scales, <perigynia, mid-vein, green, margin, hyaline, awn, absent; Perigynia, many per spike, 5 mm. × 2 mm. wide, winged, faces, veined, adaxial veins, #7-9, glabrous, beak, 1.5 mm., ±sloping to tip, achene to beak tip, 2.5-2.8 mm.; Achene, 1.3 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, oval, biconvex; Stigma, #2. Described from Coll. No. 2163, 16 July 2019.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), In an open ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, just north of the Boulder County line, 2.20 km. north northwest of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2629. 20 Jul 2021. ( KHD00075352 ) . .

Eleocharis compressa Sull.  (Syn: Eleocharis elliptica Kunth var. compressa (Sull.) Drapalik & Mohlenbr. ) Flatstem Spikerush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Wet grassland with a few ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Central "wasp waist" of ranch, just below the ranch road, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2532. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075329 ) . .

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C.Gmel.) Palla.  (Syn: Scirpus lacustris L. var. validus (Vahl) Kük. , Scirpus validus Vahl ) Softstem Bulrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Edge of small pond. Also collected here: Prunella vulgaris, Dianthus armeria, Juncus sp., Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Potentilla recta, and Bromus japonicus. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the "panhandle" southern part of the ranch, on the south side of the upper of two artificial ponds, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2539. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) .


Iris missouriensis Nutt.  Western Blue Flag. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2057. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, In a gently southeastern sloping meadow of the central portion of the ranch. Tom Schweich 1688. 5/26/2019. Open prairie in small saddle. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, south of Bull Gulch approximate centroid of parcel, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2039. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00071102 REGIS ) . .

Sisyrinchium montanum Greene.  Rocky Mountain Blue-Eyed Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, northern portion of property, sunny site on the south bank of Bull Gulch, 22.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2071. 6 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072423 ) .


Juncus L.  Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2538. 29 Jun 2021. ( Deferred ) . .

Juncus articulatus L.  Joint-Leaf Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 68 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.35 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2655.1 7 Aug 2021. ( Deferred ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2540. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) . .

Juncus bufonius L.  Toad Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 15 cm., of wet places; Leaves, basal and cauline, sheath 19-20 mm., not bristle-tipped, auricles 0, blade, 45 mm., rolled, not equitant (leaves of two ranks each folded in half); Inflorescence, >½ total height of plant, appears terminal, bract erect, ±=inflorescence, but does not appear be a continuation of stem, 12-15 heads per inflorescence; Perianth, 3-5-4.0 mm.; Capsule, 3 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, oblong; Seeds, 0.3 mm., brown, not tailed. Described from Coll. No. 1203, 12 Jul 2015.

- Bull Gulch, In a muddy spot beside Bull Gulch. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2153. 6/4/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Aloperucus carolinianus, Prunella vulgaris, and Trifolium repens. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, in flowing water diverted through former clay pit, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2142. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO COLO2435360 JCOS s.n. KHD00070783 REGIS ) . .

Juncus ensifolius Wikstr.  Sword-Leaf Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bull Gulch, Growing in the stream channel that was scoured out by the floods of September 2013. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 68 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.35 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2655. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075330 OBI183699 ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, In mud with a little flowing water, also collected here: Gratiola neglecta and Mentha arvensis. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern portion of the ranch, in an unnamed drainage that is tributary to Bull Gulch, 1.11 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2749.2 7 Sep 2021. ( UCR297677 ) . .

Juncus interior Wiegand.  Inland Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial graminoid, to 45 cm., Culm, 40 cm, round, 1 mm. dia.; Leaves, basal, outer, 7 mm., sheath-like, inner, sheath, 80 mm., open, ligule, 0.5 mm., membraneous, blade, 225 mm., rolled; Bracts, #2, 85 mm., 46 mm.; Pedicel, 3 mm., bract, 2 mm.; Flowers, #17, closely subtended by a pair of scarious bracteoles; Tepals, 3.2 mm. lanceolate, tip acuminate, green center, then light brown strips, then scarious margin; Capsule, 3.5 mm., rounded at summit, placenta extends nearly to tip; Seeds, 0.5 mm., oblong, not tailed, annular grooves; (Described from Coll. No. 1527, 5 August 2014).

- Lippincott Ranch, In small ravine, open below. Smut infested. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2109. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070520 OBI183240 ) Wet grassland with a few ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Central "wasp waist" of ranch, just below the ranch road, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2532.1 29 Jun 2021. ( COLO2718526 ) . .

Juncus longistylis Torr.  Long-Style Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Seasonally wet slope with a few ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southeastern "panhandle" portion of ranch, near the north boundary of Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space, nearly under the power line, 21.8 km. north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2535. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075403 OBI183420 ) .


Calochortus gunnisonii S. Watson.  Gunnison's Mariposa Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Deep grasses in openings of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, north-facing slope overlooking Spring Brook. 2.2 km. north of the main gate, 23.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2611. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Northeast slope, small swale; also collected here: Lithospermum occidentale and Claytonia rosea. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2108. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070542 OBI183250 ) . .

Prosartes trachycarpa S. Watson.  (Syn: Disporum trachycarpum (S. Watson) Benth. & Hook. f. ) Roughfruit Fairybells. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2867. 7/2/2022. .


Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb. var. gramineum (Rydb.) Brasher.  (Syn: T. gramineum (Rydb.) Rydb. , Zigadenus gramineus Rydb. , Zigadenus paniculatus (Nutt.) S. Watson var. gramineus (Rydb.) Ackerfield ) Meadow Death Camas. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In thick soil and forest duff on the exposed east side of a ridge. Jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, near the northern edge of the property and the Boulder County boundary, east side of ridge, 25.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2032. 26 May 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00071106 ) .


Corallorhiza Gagnebin.  Coralroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2083. 5/6/2021. . .

Corallorhiza maculata (Raf.) Raf.  Summer Coralroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), lateral lobes at the base of the lower lip are folded up on the lip Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2862. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Southeast portion of ranch, in deep forest duff in (mostly) ponderosa pine woodland, 7 plants seen. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2142. 6/4/2021. . .

Pipera unalascensis (Spreng.) Rydb.  Slender-Spire Orchid. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2866. 7/2/2022. .


Achnatherum Beauv.  (=Stipa L.) Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Observation No. 423, Achnatherum? Tom Schweich 1790. 9/30/2019. Observation No. 424, Achnatherum? Tom Schweich 1791. 9/30/2019. . .

Alopecurus carolinianus Walter.  Carolina Foxtail. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, clumped, to 25 cm.; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Internodes, hollow, glabrous; Sheath, 30 mm., open; Ligule, membranous, 3.8 mm., auricles, 0; Blade, 37 mm., × 2.5 mm. wide, flat, glabrous, margins, glabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, tightly contracted panicle, appearing to be a spike, 35 mm. × 6 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended, glabrous; Spikelets, many, similar, borne singly, 1-flowered, 2.6 mm.; Disarticulation, below the glumes; Glumes, lower, 2.8 mm., veins (3), upper, 2.8 mm., veins (3), lateral veins pillose, keeled, keels ciliate, awns 0; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Lemma, 2.6 mm., ±=glumes, ovate, glabrous, margins connate ½, tip obtuse, awns, #1, 4 mm., bent, attached middle; Palea, absent; Anthers, 0.5 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1917, 3 June 2018.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Juncus bufonius, Prunella vulgaris, and Trifolium repens. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, in flowing water diverted through former clay pit, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2142.1 13 Jul 2019. ( UCR ) . .

Andropogon gerardii Vitman.  Big Bluestem. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 85 cm., clumped, rhizomes unknown; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 11 cm., open; Ligule, membraneous (though surrounded by hairs), 3 mm., auricles 0; Blade, soft, flat, 27 cm., hairy near ligule; Inflorescence, 80 mm., > leaves, 1-2 per stem, in 5-6 digitate branches, spikelets many; Rachis, soft bristles on margins and at nodes; Disarticulation at nodes of rachis; Spikelets in pairs, Sterile spikelet, 7 mm., pedicel 4.5 mm.; Fertile spikelet, Florets #1, Glumes, awns 0, ±equal, lower keeled, upper flattened and grooved; Lemma, 6 mm., membraneous, rolled, glabrous, tip 2-forked, awn, #1, 13 mm., bent, twisted, attached on back; Stamens, 3; Anthers, yellow; Ovary, glabrous; Stigma, feathery. (Described from Coll. No. 1060, 28 Aug 2014).

- Lippincott Ranch, Central portion of ranch, base of railroad embankment, openings in ponderosa pine and douglas fir. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2436. 9/7/2021. . .

Bromus L.  Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), “mountain brome” Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2874. 7/2/2022. . .

Bromus briziformis Fisch. & C. A. Mey.  Rattlesnake Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual grass, 30-40 cm., clumped; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated, soft; Sheath, closed; Ligule, membraneous, ciliate; Blade, 120 mm. × 4 mm. wide, flat, hairy; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, nodding, raceme or few-branched panicle, >leaves; Rachis, not extended, scabrous; Spikelets, many, 16-20 mm. × 8-10 mm. wide, similar, borne singly, pedicels, 18-22 mm.; Compression, lateral; Disarticulation, unknown, rachilla seems pretty tough; Glumes, spreading at 45° to rachilla, lower, 5.5 mm., veins, #5, terete, upper, 7.0 mm., <lowest floret, veins, #9, ±parallel, membraneous, tough, awns, #0; Florets, 10-12 per spikelet, spreading at 45° to rachilla; Lemma, 8 mm., >glumes, ovate, membraneous, rolled, glabrous, tan, veins, #9, not uniformly spaced, ±parallel, margins, scarious, tip acute, awns, #0; Palea, 6 mm., membraneous, ciliate, tip, unknown, color, tan; Stamens, none seen; Achene, 5 mm., brown, fused to lemma and palea (Described from Coll. No. 2167, 21 July 2019).

- Lippincott Ranch, Gentle rocky southwest-facing slope with forest duff near edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, southwest base of hogback in center of parcel, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2158. 13 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070785 OBI UCR ) Other grasses collected nearby: Bromus lanatipes and Danthonia spicata. Northernmost Jefferson County, jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, moderate slope above and on the north side of Bull Gulch, 23. km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2167. 21 Jul 2019. ( CDA52309 OBI ) . .

Bromus ciliatus L.  Fringed Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, 85-90 cm., caespitose; Sheath, closed, basal sheath retrorsely pilose; Ligule, membranous, 1 mm., auricles 0; Blade, 200 mm. × 4 mm. wide, flat, barely scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, open panicle, 90 mm. × 25 mm. wide, 1-3 branches; Rachis, not extended, scabrous; Spikelets, 10-14, 20 mm. × 6 mm. wide, similar, borne singly, pedicels 20-25 mm.; Glumes, lower, 8 mm., veins, 1, somewhat keeled, upper, 9 mm., <lowest floret, veins, 3, keeled, sparsely pilose toward left margin, awns, 0; Florets, 6 per spikelet, #1 is bisexual; Callus, hairs, 0; Lemma, 11.5 mm., body > glumes, lanceolate, membranous, not strongly keeled, veins, 5, tip, entire, awns, 1, 3.8 mm., straight, attached, end, pilose, hairs concentrated proximally and towards the margins, true for upper lemmas; Palea, 10.5 mm., membranous, veins, green, ciliate; Anthers, 1.3 mm.; Achene, 7-8 mm., green, adhering to lemma. (Described from Coll. No. 2638, 5 Aug 2021.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), John Vickery 2092. 5/6/2021. . .

Bromus japonicus Thunb.  Japanese Cheat Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Coll. No. 1207, 13 Jul 2015, characters observed: Annual grass, to 40 cm.; Leaves, sheath, 60 mm. closed + 12 mm. open, pilose (but not densely so), ligule, membraneous, + some hairs, blade, hairy; Inflorescence, panicle, >leaves; Pedicel, 20 mm.; Spikelets, 1-3 per panicle branch, 22 mm. × 6 mm. wide, elliptical, drooping; Glumes, #2, <lowest floret, lower, 4.5 mm., veins 3, upper, 5.5 mm., veins 5; Rachilla, short hairy; Callus, glabrous; Florets, #12, 2-ranked, closely held hiding rachilla; Disarticulation between florets; Lemma, 8 mm. × 4 mm. wide, margin, hyaline, 0.5 mm., tip bifid, awn, #1, 5-12 mm. long, mid-spikelet awns longest, flattened at base, not twisted, attached near bifid tip. Described from Coll. No. 1207, 13 Jul 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Dianthus armeria, Heterotheca villosa, Potentilla recta, Prunella vulgaris, and Veronica anagallis-aquatica. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2115. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO COLO2433563 JCOS s.n. KHD00070511 ) . .

Bromus lanatipes (Shear) Rydb.  (Syn: Bromopsis lanatipes (Shear) Holub ) Wooly Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass (short-lived?), 50 cm., clumped; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Internodes, glabrous; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated, soft; Sheath, 60-70 mm., closed, long shaggy hair; Ligule, 1.5 mm., membraneous, auricles, absent; Blade, 160 mm. × 5 mm. wide, adaxial scaberulous, tip, acute; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, panicle, 130 mm. × 60 mm. wide, 2+ branches; Rachis, not extended, scabrous; Spikelets, #12-13, 23 mm. × 5 mm. wide, similar, borne singly; Compression, lateral; Disarticulation, unknown, should be above the glumes; Glumes, lower, 5 mm., veins, #1, keeled, keel scabrous, upper, 6 mm., <lowest floret, veins, #5, keeled; Lemma, 7.5 mm., >glumes, hairy laterally becoming more broadly hairy distally, veins, #5, convergent, awns, #1, 3 mm., straight, barbellate, attached near end; Palea, 9 mm., ±=lemma, membraneous, keel ciliate, veins, lt. green, margin, glabrous, tip, entire; Anthers, #3, 2.3 mm., yellow; Achene, immature (Described from Coll. No. 2170, 21 July 2019).

- Spring Brook, Terrace above Spring Brook, edge of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Northern part of ranch, shaded forest south side of Spring Brook, 2.3 km. north of the main gate, 23.9 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2620. 20 Jul 2021. ( Golden ) South-facing slope, bouldery opening in ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, on boulders north side of and above Spring Brook, 2.4 km. north of the main gate, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2623. 20 Jul 2021. ( COLO2718351 Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Deep forest duff in ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, moderate slope above and on the north side of Bull Gulch, 23.2 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden Tom Schweich 2170. 21 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070521 OBI186004 ) . .

Bromus sterilis L.  Poverty Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual grass, 22-33 cm.; Leaves, sheath, closed, scantily pilose, ligule, membranous, 1.5 mm., lacerate, auricles, absent, blade, 15 cm., × 1.8 mm. wide, flat; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, panicle, 14 cm. × 2.5 cm. wide; Rachis, not extended, scabrous; Spikelets, #5, 42 mm. × 5 mm. wide, similar, borne singly, pedicels, 25 mm., Compression, lateral; Glumes, lower, 9 mm., upper 13.5 mm., <lowest floret; Florets, 6 per spikelet; Axis, scabrous; Callus, minutely hairy; Lemma, 16.5 mm., >glumes, oddly rolled rather than keeled, mid-vein to margin 0.9-1.1 mm., awn, subterminal, 17.5 mm., straight. (Described from Coll. No. 2841, 2 Jul 2022.)

- Lippincott Ranch, Moderate south-facing slope in open ponderosa pine woodland. Other grasses collected nearby: Bromus briziformis, B. lanatipes, and Danthonia spicata. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. About 150 m. north of Bull Gulch, 1.49 km. north northwest of the main gate, 3.38 km. south of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2841. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078679 ) . .

Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.  (=Bouteloua dactyloides (Nutt.) J.T. Columbus) Buffalo Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Wet gravel bench above ephemeral stream. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest quadrant of the "panhandle" southern part of the ranch, bear the lower of two artificial ponds, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2541. 29 Jun 2021. ( COLO2718476 Golden OBI183418 ) . .

Danthonia spicata (L.) P. Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.  Poverty Oatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, Bouldery south-facing slope in openings of ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, among boulders north side of and above Spring Brook, 2.4 km. north of the main gate, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2626. 20 Jul 2021. ( COLO2718369 Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Ponderosa pine woodland; a little immature compared to the same grass collected at Ranson/Edwards in full sun a week earlier. Northernmost Jefferson County, jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, moderate slope above and on the north side of Bull Gulch, 23.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2168. 21 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070510 OBI186010 ) . .

Dichanthelium linearifolium (Scribn.) Gould.  Slimleaf Panicgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Spring Brook, South-facing slope, bouldery opening in ponderosa pine woodland. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. North part of Lippincott Ranch in Boulder County, on boulders north side of and above Spring Brook, 2.4 km. north of the main gate, 24.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2624. 20 Jul 2021. ( KHD00075348 ) . .

Elymus albicans (Scribn. & J.G.Sm.) Á.Löve.  (Syn: Agropyron albicans Scribn. & J.G.Sm. ) Montana Wild Rye. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also collected here: Pseudognaphalium canescens. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Along the western parcel boundary, just north of the power line, at the base of a rock outcrop below the Union Pacific railroad, 1.16 km. northwest of the main gate, 22.6 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2745.1 7 Sep 2021. ( KHD00075619 ) . .

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey.  (Syn: E. longifolius (J. G. Sm.) Gould , Sitanion hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. Sm. ) Squirreltail Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass to 50 cm., clumped; Inflorescence, bilateral spike; Rachis, internodes, 6.4 mm., breaking apart when mature; Spikelets, 2 per node; Glumes, #2, subulate, 62-65 mm.; Florets, #3, lowest 2 fertile, upper sterile; Lemma, 10 mm. + awn 50 mm., veins, #5, converging; Palea, 9 mm., 1 of 2 veins slightly extended as bristle. Variety brevifolius if infraspecific names are to be applied. Described from Coll. No. 1717, 28 July 2017.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2888. 7/2/2022. .

- Lippincott Ranch, With ponderosa pines, grasses and forbs. Northernmost Jefferson County, jointly owned by City of Boulder OSMP and Jefferson County Open Space, on the spoils pile east side of the clay pit, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2165. 21 Jul 2019. ( CAS CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070509 ) . .

Elymus glaucus Buckley ssp. glaucus.  Blue Wild Rye. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 85 cm., not rhizomatous; Cauline nodes visible; Sheath open; Ligule membraneous, 1 mm.; Auricles absent; Blade 250 mm. × 13 mm. wide, flat, lax; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, two-sided spike, straight or slightly curved but not drooping; Spikelets, 2 per node, sessile; Disarticulation between the florets; Glumes, lower, 10 mm. + awn 2-4 mm., veins 1, upper 12 mm. + awn 2-4 mm., ±= lowest floret, veins 5; Florets, 3 per spikelet; Lemma, 10 mm., awns 1, 16 mm., slightly curved; Palea, 9 mm., <lemma, tip bifid. (Described from Coll. No, 2825, 2 July 2022.)

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Ponderosa pine forest, also collected here Jamesia americana, Urtica dioica, and Heuchera bracteata. Northern portion of the ranch in Boulder County, base of boulders above south fork of Spring Creek, 2.33 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.67 km. south southwest of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2825. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden ) . .

Glyceria elata (Rydb.) M. E. Jones.  Fowl Manna Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 60-70 cm., of wetlands; Leaf sheath and blade differentiated, Sheath closed to near top; Ligule membraneous; Blade 25-30 cm. x 8 mm. wide, soft, thin, rows of dots parallel to veins; Inflorescence well-developed, open; Compression weak lateral; Spikelets, many, similar, 1 per node on 1° and 2° branches, ovoid (not cylindric), many florets; Glumes, reduced to small scales, glabrous, awns 0; Lemma, glabrous, veins many, awns 0, tip boat-shaped; Ovary (can't visualize, immature?) (Described from Coll. No. 869, 23 Jun 2012).

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Streambed shaded by Ponderosa pines, previously collected nearby: Corylus cornuta, Circaea alpina, and Parietaria pensylvanica. Prosartes trachycarpa also observed nearby. In the streambed of the south fork of Spring Brook, 2.38 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 2.56 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2829. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00078680 ) . .

Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc.  Striate Manna Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 1 m.; Leaf, sheath closed, ligule membraneous, blade, 3 mm. wide; Inflorescence, loose panicle; Spikelets, one per node on short pedicels, laterally compressed, 2+ fertile florets, all similar; Glumes, #2, lower < upper, lower 1-nerved; Disarticulation, above the glumes; Lemma, 7-nerved, well-developed, evenly spaced, apices prow-shaped, awns, 0. (Described from Coll. No. 1446, 22 Jun 2016).

- Lippincott Ranch, Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest quadrant of the "panhandle" southern part of the ranch, in the bed of the lower of two artificial ponds, 21.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2542. 29 Jun 2021. ( COLO2718492 Golden OBI183417 ) . .

Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth.  (Syn: Stipa comata Trin. & Rupr. ) Needle and Thread. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, 50 cm., clumped, nonrhizomatous; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 100-120 mm., open ≥½, glabrous; Ligule, membranous, length 3.7 mm., lacerate into 2 equal parts, auricles 0; Blade, 60 mm., involute, glabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, panicle, 200 mm. × 30 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended, somewhat scabrous throughout; Spikelets, many, similar, borne singly; Compression, unremarkable; Disarticulation, above the glumes; Glumes, lower, 23-34 mm., veins #3, upper, 23-29 mm., veins #5, awl-shaped, rounded, membranous, ±equal, tip, very narrow, not awned; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Callus, 4.5-50 mm., sharp, straight hairs 1.0-1.5 mm., color tan; Lemma, 9.5-10.0 mm., rolled, indurate, straight hairy 0.5 mm., color white-tan, veins #3(?), awns, #1, 125-160 mm., twisted and short straight hairy proximal 45 mm., bent, scabrous distally; Palea, 9 mm., ±lemma, few white hairs on mid-vein; Stamens, #3; Anthers, 6.5 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1890, 28 May 2018).

- Lippincott Ranch, Southeast slope of southern hogback, Observation No. 421, per microscopic examination of florets. Tom Schweich 1789. 9/30/2019. Edge of open ponderosa pine woodland at break in slope. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2082.1 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070518 UCR ) . .

Hordeum murinum L.  (Syn: Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve ) Mouse Barley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Disturbed site at junction of two ranch roads on the edge of a flat, open ponderosa pine woodland. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2087. 17 Jun 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070778 ) . .

Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult.  Prairie Junegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial bunch grass, to 45-55 cm., non-rhizomatous; Leaves, mostly basal or lowest cauline, cauline, sheath, 90 mm., open, ligule, <1-1.5 mm., membraneous, auricles, 0, blade, 40 mm., tip prow-shaped or merely constricted; Inflorescence, panicle, 60 mm. × 9 mm., shiny in anthesis due to exposure of translucent palae, short branches, branches short soft hairy; Spikelets, 5 mm., 1 per node on 1°-3° or indistinct panicle branches; Glumes, lower, 3 mm., veins 1, upper, 4 mm., veins 3; Florets, 3, #1 and #2 pistillate, #3 staminate, or variously mixed bisexual and pistillate, open, i.e., palea separated from lemma; Disarticulation, between florets; Rachilla hairy, extends nearly 1 mm. above upper floret (or not); extension undecorated; Lemma, 4.5 mm., veins 5, short hairy throughout, awn, 0-0.5 mm., short, soft; Palea, =lemma, translucent or colorless, exposed, i.e., outside lemma.; Stamens, 3, 1.8 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1131, 9 June 2015, and Coll. No. 1144, 15 Jun 2015.

- Lippincott Ranch, Edge of open ponderosa pine woodland at break in slope. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, narrows of the parcel between central and southeast portions, 22 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2082. 17 Jun 2019. ( CAS CIBO EIU JCOS s.n. KHD00070517 ) . .

Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.  (Syn: Festuca arundinacea Schreb. , Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort. ) Tall Fescue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Edge of ponderosa pine woodland, just above the creek. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. South fork of Spring Brook, 2.36 km. north northwest of the main gate, 2.51 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Eldorado Springs. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2837. 2 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00079104 ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Grassland with a few ponderosa pines. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Central "wasp waist" of ranch, just below the ranch road, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2531. 29 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075401 OBI183676 ) . .

Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc.  Mountain Muhly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 50 cm., caespitose; Leaves, sheath, open, ligule, membraneous, 4.5 mm., auricles, 0, blade, 110 mm. × 1 mm. wide; Inflorescence, rather sparse contracted panicle, 120 mm.; Florets per spikelet, #1; Glumes, #2, papery, toothed, lower, 1.5 mm., upper, 2 mm., teeth 3; Lemma, 3 mm. + awn 13 mm., flexuous, tuft of hairs at base; Palea, 2.8 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1282, 28 Aug 2015.

- Bull Gulch, Shaded south bank of gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 297 m. west from the eastern boundary, south bank of the gulch, 1.43 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2666. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden ) .

- Lippincott Ranch, Open ponderosa pine woodlland on steep rocky slope of hogback, also collected nearby: Bromus briziformis and Hesperostipa comata. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, approximate centroid of parcel, south end of hill above clay pit, 22.2 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2245. 30 Sep 2019. ( CDA0052321 CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD 70519 ) Central portion of ranch, bedrock slab just below railroad, openings in ponderosa pine and douglas fir. Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo & John Vickery 2433. 9/7/2021. . .

Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) Britton, Stern & Poggenb.  Marsh Muhly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 60 cm., rhizomatous; Leaves, Sheath, 38 mm., open; Ligule, membranous, 0.7 mm., lacerate; Auricles, absent; Blade, 65-135 mm. × 3-4 mm. wide, flat, scabrous, margins, scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, spike-like panicle, 70 mm. × 6 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended, scabrous; Spikelets, many, 4.0-4.5 mm. ×0.5 mm. wide, similar, borne singly, pedicels, 0.6-0.8+ mm.; Glumes, body 2 mm. + awn 3 mm.; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Lemma, 2.5 mm., body < glumes (body+awn), membranous, proximal spreading hairs, distal scabrous, veins, 3, green, tip, acute, awns, 0, [dark green splotches proximally, maybe a smut(?)]; Palea, 2 mm., membranous, glabrous, veins, green; Stamens, Ovary, Achene, none found (Described from Coll. No. 2658, 7 Aug 2021).

- Bull Gulch, Also collected (No. 2667) 180 m. farther west. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 129 m. west from the eastern boundary, north side of the giant boulder, 1.35 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2658. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden KHD00075664 ) Same as Coll. No. 2658. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, mid-channel bar, 311 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.47 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2667. 7 Aug 2021. ( Golden OBI183696 ) . .

Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth.  (Syn: Stipa viridula Trin. ) Green Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, 70-100 cm., clumped, non-rhizomatous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, cauline, sheath, 17 mm., ligule, 3 mm., membraneous, collar with few hairs at sides, blade, to 30 cm., convolute; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, panicle, 20-25 cm.; Rachis, lightly scabrous, not extended beyond upper spikelet; Compression, unremarkable; Spikelets, 1 per node; Florets, 1 per spikelet, bisexual; Glumes, 2, 8-9 mm., ±equal, rounded, membraneous, colorless, exc. 3 green veins, tip, short (2 mm.) hair-like awn; Disarticulation, above the glumes, Florets, 1 per spikelet; Callus, short; Lemma, 5-6 mm. × 1.2 mm. wide, <glumes, green, hairy, <1 mm., indurate, enclosing grain, awns, #1, 20-25 mm., twisted, bent, short hairy (±0.2 mm.); Palea, 1.5-2.0 mm., <lemma, membraneous, glabrous; Stamens, #3. Described from Colls. No. 1146, 1652, and 1698.

- Lippincott Ranch, South end of the hogback, at the edge of a small group of Ponderosa pines. Also collected nearby: Crataegus succulenta and Potentilla fissa. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, west of the clay pit and adit, 22.2 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2148. 13 Jul 2019. ( CAS CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00070784 ) . .

Phleum pratense L.  Timothy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), John Vickery 2091. 5/6/2021. .

- Lippincott Ranch, Collected with Poa secunda and Cerastium brachypodum. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2119. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. ) . .

Piptatherum micranthum (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth.  Littleseed Ricegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 50 cm., caespitose; Leaves, sheath, 75 mm., open, ligule, membranous, 1.5 mm., blade, 250 mm. × 3.2 mm. wide, some flat, some involute; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, <leaves, panicle, contracted [more so than would be expected], 120 mm. × 5 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended; Compression, not remarkable; Glumes, lower, 3.2 mm., veins, 5(7?), upper, 3.5 mm. >lowest floret, veins, 5(7?), membranous to transparent distally, awns, 0; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Lemma, 2.2 mm., <glumes, coriaceous, rolled, sparsely pubescent, veins, 3, awns, #1, 9 mm., wavy, deciduous; Palea, 2 mm., <lemma, coriaceous. (Described from Coll. No. 3079, 12 July 2023.)

- Bull Gulch, In the shade of trees on the south bank of the gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, south side of gulch, 529 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.54 km. northwest of the main gate, and 23.1 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2673. 7 Aug 2021. ( KHD00075663 OBI183695 ) . .

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey.  Muttongrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, of shady dry places and eastern slopes, to 40-60 cm., clumped, not rhizomatous; Roots, fibrous; Stems, herbaceous; Internodes, hollow, glabrous; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 120 mm., open ½, minutely scabrous, reddish color proximally or not; Ligule, membraneous, 1-2 mm., Auricles 0, Blade, soft, short and rolled distally, 25 mm., scabrous, margin scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, 110 mm. × 20 mm. wide, >leaves, panicle, 3°-4° branches, somewhat contracted, i.e., not broad, branches sparsely scabrous, spikelets many; Rachis, sparsely scabrous on all sides, not extended beyond upper spikelet; Pedicels, 1.5-2.5 mm., short ascending hairs or sparsely scabrous; Spikelets, many, similar, 1 per node, 6 mm.; Compression lateral; Disarticulation, above the glumes; Glumes, 2, lower, 3-3.7 mm., <lowest lemma, upper, 4-4.3 mm., veins 3(5); Florets, 5-6 per spikelet, lowest 1-3 or all pistillate, no evidence of stamens; Callus glabrous; Rachilla, hairy, extends beyond upper floret; Lemma, 4-5 mm., >glumes, keeled, wavy hairs proximal half of keels and margins, hairs to 0.7 mm., veins ≥3, 5, indistinct, tip obtuse, awns 0, Palea, 2.3-2.5 mm., <lemma, transparent, keels green and hairy; Stamens, none found; Ovary, glabrous, yellow-brown; Stigma, feathery; Described from Coll. No. 1126, 1 June 2015, and Coll. No. 1807, 7 May 2018.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also seen or collected nearby: Juniperus communis, J. scopulorum, Pinus ponderosa with Arceuthobium vaginatum, Hieracium albiflorum, Berberis repens, and Corallorhiza maculata. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwest corner of the ranch, near the railroad tracks, in deep ponderosa pine forest duff, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2494. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden KHD00075351 ) . .

Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.  (=Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.) Tall Fescue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, In the bottom of a swale with timothy grass. Probably subspecies juncifolia if infraspecific names are to be applied. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, open wet prairie in southeast portion, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2118. 1 Jul 2019. ( CIBO JCOS s.n. KHD00072742 OBI186014 ) . .

Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp.) Z.-W. Liu & R.-C. Wang.  (Syn: Elymus elongatus (Host) Runemark ) Rush Wheatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2190. 7/20/2021. .


Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link ssp. amplexicaule (Nutt.) LaFrankie.  (Syn: Maianthemum amplexicaule (Nutt.) W. A. Weber ) Feathery False Lily of the Valley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch, Also seen or collected nearby: Arnica cordifolia, Pseudognaphalium macounii, and Pterospora andromedea. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space. Southwestern corner of the ranch, just below the railroad, on wooded northwest slope with ponderosa pine and Juniperus communis, 22.3 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2495. 4 Jun 2021. ( Golden ) .


Smilax lasioneuron Hook.  Blue Ridge Carrionflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lippincott Ranch (North), large patch Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2876. 7/2/2022. .

Total number of taxa: 296
Native Taxa:
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Exotic Taxa:
(sans-serif, italic)
Nativity Undetermined:
(default font, italic)
Listed Weeds:
Identified as Weed


† -- Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/).
‡ -- Southwest Environmental Information Network, SEINet. 2009-2014. http//:swbiodiversity.org/seinet/index.php. Accessed from July 2009 to September 2014.

Locations Included in This Area


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Date and time this article was prepared: 9/22/2024 4:54:57 PM.