Eastern Mojave Vegetation Field Notes (Continued)  

Tom Schweich  

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2008 Tour de Swertia albomarginata
Mono Lake, August 2008
Literature Cited
   When I first read the field notes of Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg, I was fascinated by the descriptions they wrote about the places they went and the plants and animals they found there. By publishing my field notes on the Internet I hope to follow a little bit in their tradition.

Literature Cited:
- Hammond, William C, Geoffrey Blewitt, Zhenhong Li, Hans-Peter Plag, and Corné Kreemer, 2012.

Other articles:
• Rush Creek Road:  40000;
Full Size ImagePlate Boundary Observatory GPS Station #P637  

  Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Station #P637







Other articles:
• Blake Ranch Road:  26000;

Locations: Hualapai Mountains, East Base.
Full Size ImageHabitat of Frasera albomarginata on the northeast slope of the Hualapai Mountains  

Full Size Image
Habitat of Frasera albomarginata on the northeast slope of the Hualapai Mountains
Received the following from John Anderson:
I was up at the Kingman BLM office last Friday so I stopped to check on the Hualapai Mountains collection sites for Frasera albomarginata figuring the dried stems would still be visible. I don’t remember what you said about whether you had been to those sites or not. The first (Butterwick 5238 ASU) is 1.4-1.5 miles south of I-40 at the truckstop on the Blake Ranch Rd at its junction with Palomino Dr. The plants are growing on the east side of the road on the slope above the road cut in openings in chaparral, 12S 0244530 3894406 to 12S 0244444 3894324. I’ve attached photos of this site. It’s on private land with houses on top of the hills. I looked for the second site (Reeves R-5508 ASU) which is 6.2 miles south of I-40 but didn’t find it, it was getting late so I didn’t spend a lot of time looking, the chaparral gets thick there so I didn’t really see any good habitat.

Full Size ImageSister Ramona Schweich  
  Mankato Mortuary
1001 N. Riverfront Drive
Mankato, MN 56001

Our beloved Sister M. Ramona Schweich, 89, died peacefully at 3:01 p.m., Sunday, March 11, 2012, in Notre Dame Health Care Center, Good Counsel Campus, Mankato, Minnesota. Several sisters and her niece, Susan Woodwick, were with her when she died.

The funeral Mass for Sister Ramona, with Fr. Paul Nelson and Fr. Charles Quinn as co-presiders, will be on Monday, March 19, at 10:30 a.m. in Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial in our cemetery. The vigil service will be at 7:00 p.m. on March 18. Loving sympathy to her sister, Jeanette Fox, and her brother, Ralph, her nieces and nephews and their families, her former students and colleagues, and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Sister Ramona was preceded in death by her parents, Peter and Susan Schweich, a sister, Monica, and brothers, Roman and Gerald.

Sister Ramona was born August 17, 1922, on the family farm near New Trier, Minnesota, and given the name Mildred Margaret. She described her first days, “The first three days of my sojourn on earth, I slept constantly and didn't cry at all. Early on August 20, the doctor advised that I be baptized since he feared I would never be able ‘to throw off sleep.'” She was the fifth child in the family; however, since one had died in infancy, there were now four children, two boys and two girls, in the family. When Mildred was six months old, their home burned and all contents were lost. No one was hurt, but for the next eighteen months, the family lived in temporary housing, either with relatives or in a made-over granary. Two more children were born later.

Mildred experienced strong family love as she was growing up. She wrote, “I used to pray that I would be the first one to die in my family because I thought I could never go on living if anyone in the family died.” She loved living on the farm, and always considered herself a “country girl.” For eight years she attended St. Mary's School, New Trier, where she was taught by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. During the winter months, the Schweich children usually boarded at the convent during the week. In her autobiography, Sister Ramona related an incident during her grade school years that directly impacted her choice of vocation: “When I was about ten years old, Reverend Mother Almeda from Germany visited America [1933]. My dad was asked to take the New Trier sisters to see her. When she heard that he had three daughters, she gave him three holy cards and said that some day she wanted to claim one of them as a School Sister of Notre Dame. That holy card haunted me and eventually I thought being a sister was a good idea. Sisters Tharcisia [Weingaertner], Seraphica [Guter], and Seraphine [Hochhausen] had a profound influence on me. Sister Seraphine was a fun person, and she was a good teacher. She was very strict, but always fair and just.”

In 1936, Mildred enrolled as a freshman aspirant at Good Counsel Academy, Mankato. She graduated in 1940 and entered the candidature the following September. In 1942 she was received into the novitiate and given the name Sister M. Ramona. She professed first vows on July 22, 1943. Later that summer she received her first teaching assignment: junior high grades at St. Andrew, St. Paul, where she stayed until 1946. In the following years she taught junior and senior high students, often in the fields of religion, math and science, in several schools: St. Felix, Wabasha (1946-47); St. Mary, Madelia (1947-50); Guardian Angel/Notre Dame Academy, Colton, Washington (1950-54); St. Peter, New Haven, Iowa (1954-56); St. Peter, Hokah (1956-60); Loyola High School, Mankato (1960-64); St. Agnes, St. Paul (1964-1969); and Cotter High School, Winona (1969-70). During these years, she earned a bachelor's degree in English from the College of St. Catherine, St. Paul (1949) and a master's degree in education from Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington (1956). She also earned several post-graduate credits in a variety of subjects.

Sister Ramona became campus minister at the Moorhead State College Newman Center in 1970. When one of the faculty members died unexpectedly, Sister Ramona was asked by the college administration to take the vacancy, which she did. One of her colleagues recalled, “Sister Ramona made many contributions, in terms of her teaching, but perhaps even more in her impromptu and intentionally non-structured counseling. She would take time to be available to students in the Student Union, or the Snack Bar or lounge, where they would be able to visit with her on an ostensibly casual basis, unobtrusively asking for her help while not appearing to be seeking assistance.”

In 1971, Sister Ramona became principal of Good Counsel Academy in Mankato, a position she held until 1973. At that time, she was diagnosed with lymphoma, and the prognosis was not good. In fact, she began preparing for death, and wrote about this in A Little Wine, the book that she and Father Paul Halloran co-authored in 1974. In the introduction, she wrote, “The articles in this volume are Father Paul Halloran's – written by him, alive, vibrant, and on the move. To each of these articles I have added a concrete thought ‘for the day' written as I sit here preparing for death. The articles are from a person full of life; the resolutions are penned by one who is in full view of death.” In actuality, her chemotherapy treatment was successful, and in a second collaboration, A Little More Wine, (1977) Sister Ramona expressed her appreciation to medical personnel for their role in bringing the lymphoma into remission. As she regained her health, Sister Ramona became the Coordinator of the Mankato Campus of Mount Mary College (1973-77) and an educational consultant for the Winona Diocese (1975-76). In 1977, she was welcomed back as principal of Good Counsel Academy. An October 1977 St. Paul Pioneer Press article featured Good Counsel and described Sister Ramona as “the new, new principal of just a few weeks. Hearty, ebullient, positive, Sister Ramona mirrors the enthusiasm with which the School Sisters of Notre Dame underscore that word – SCHOOL – in the name of their order.”

Sister Ramona stayed at Good Counsel for one year, and then became high school counselor at Loyola in Mankato (1978-83). In 1983, at the request of the pastor at SS. Peter & Paul, she began another ministry, that of pastoral worker, a position she held until 1991. She was recognized by the Mankato YWCA in 1986 as a Leaderdinner Award winner for her “help and ministry that reached beyond the parish. She has established numerous support groups which serve a variety of community needs, including parenting, marriage, divorce and chemical dependency counseling, and dealing with loss.” From 1991 until 1993, Sister Ramona assisted at Good Counsel Education Center as director of residents and pastoral minister.

Looking forward to retirement, Sister Ramona moved to St. Dominic Parish, Northfield, in 1993. After a sabbatical year, she served in part-time parish ministry until 2003. She remarked that she was looking for a place with rural ties. Northfield fit that description, and the parish appreciated the many ways she ministered to them.

After a short stay at Guardian Angels, Oakdale, Sister Ramona came to Good Counsel in 2004. She continued her outreach as much as she was able, and stayed in contact with family and friends via letters, phone and e-mail. She was a very welcoming presence to all who stopped by her room for a visit.

Throughout her life, Sister Ramona lived out three words, “God is love.” May she now enjoy the fullness of that love for all

Other articles:
• Fairview Avenue:   at Southwood;
Full Size ImageIntersection with evidence of "side shows."  

  The morning after the "side show."

Other articles:
• Adelphian Way:   Coll. No. 802;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 802, Crassula tillaea  

802    Crassula tillaea L. Moss Pgymy Weed.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. In low spots of a graveled median strip on the south side of Adelphian Way near the intersection with Sweet Road. 37.7392°N, 122.2585°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2 m.

Coll. No. 802, 2 Apr 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, 2.5-3.5 cm.; Stems, erect, not branched; Leaves, cauline, opposite, 2 mm., bases fused sheathing stem, margins entire; Inflorescence, axillary, 2 per node, parts in threes; Pedicels, 0.3 mm.; Sepals, 3, 1.5 mm.; Petals, 3, 1.0 mm.; Stamens, included; Seeds, 2, ellipsoid, 0.4 mm., surface reticulate.

Other articles:
• Bay Farm Shoreline Path:   Coll. No. 803;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 803, Medicago polymorpha  

803    Medicago polymorpha L. Bur Clover.

4-Apr-2012, Collection No. 803, characters observed while keying:

Annual prostrate, hairs 0; Stipules deeply toothed; Leaflet 4-10 mm, without dark-central part, glabrous; Flower yellow, 4 mm; Fruit several-seeded, spirally-coiled, prickly.

Other articles:
• Sea View Parkway:   Coll. No. 804;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 804, Stellaria media  

804    Stellaria media L. Vill. Common Chickweed.

Other articles:
• Bridge View Isle:   at Towata Pk;

Locations: Towata Park, City of Alameda.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 805, Plantago coronopus  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 805, Plantago coronopus
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Coll. No. 805, Plantago coronopus
Plantago coronopus L. Cut-Leaf Plantain.

Towata Park, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. In the wasteland across Bridgeview Isle street from the park. 37.7501°N, 122.2369°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2 m.

Coll. No. 805, 8 Apr 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual herb; Leaves in basal rosette, 10-15 cm., toothed, sparsely hairy; Corolla tube few hairs near base outside, glabrous inside (key states "corolla tube hairy"); Stamens 4.

Other articles:
• Bridge View Isle:   at Towata Pk;

Locations: Towata Park, City of Alameda.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 806, Crassula connata  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 806, Crassula connata
Crassula connata (Ruiz & Pav.) A. Berge. Pygmy Weed.

Towata Park, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. In the wasteland across Bridgeview Isle street from the park. 37.7501°N, 122.2368°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2 m.

Coll. No. 806, 8 Apr 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual herb, to 4 cm.; Leaves opposite, 3 mm, tip rounded; Pedicels to 2 mm.; Flowers 2 per node; Flower parts in 4's; Sepals = petals; Seeds 0.5 mm., grooved (rather than reticulated).




15 April 2012


Other articles:
• Chimney Rock Road:   at end;

Locations: Chimney Rock.
Full Size ImageChimney Rock  

  Chimney Rock at Point Reyes.




16 April 2012


Other articles:
• Fernside Blvd.:   at High;
• High Street:   at Fernside;
Full Size ImageControl Point "FERN HIGH 1947"  

  The "FERN HIGH 1947" control point.

Other articles:
• Skyline Boulevard:   at Skyline Serpentine;

Locations: Skyline Serpentine Prairie.
Full Size ImageSkyline Serpentine Prairie  

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Field discussion at the Jepson Poaceae Workshop.
Skyline Serpentine Prairie.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   200 m e. of bridge;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 808, Festuca perennis
Full Size ImageColl. No. 808, Festuca perennis  

808    Festuca perennis (L.) Columbus & J.P. Sm. Perennial Ryegrass.

Mount Trashmore, Alameda County, California. Northern slopes of Mount Trashmore, about 200 m east of the Bay Farm bicycle bridge. 37.748°N, 122.2334°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 3 m. Tall, spikelets sessile, short-awned.

Coll. No. 808, 8 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, to 75-90 cm; Roots fibrous; Stem herbaceous; Nodes dark and constricted; Internodes hollow; Leaf blades and sheath differentiated; Blade soft; Sheath open; Ligule membraneous, short (1 mm); Inflorescence 3-many, spike, > leaves, spikelets many, alternate; Compresson lateral (unremarkable); Disarticulation unknown; Spikelets similar, 1/node, sessile, 2-many flowered, length 15-20 mm; Florets, 12-13 per spikelet, lowermost pistillate; Glumes, upper, 10 mm, 5 veins prominent abaxially, lower absent except in terminal spikelets; Lemma veins 5, awns 1, to 10 mm.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:  300 m. east of bridge;  

809    Bromus diandrus Roth. Rip Gut Brome.

Mount Trashmore, Alameda County, California. Northern slopes of Mt. Trashmore, 300 m east of the Bay Farm bicycle bridge. 37.7479°N, 122.2323°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 3 . Plant has a reddish cast.

Coll. No. 809, 8 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual to 60 cm.; Roots fibrous; Stem herbaceous; Internodes hollow; Leaf, soft, blades and sheath differentiated; Sheath closed from just below the ligule; Ligule membraneous, 2 mm.; Inflorescence 3-many, panicle, > leaves; Compression lateral; Disarticulation above the glumes; Spikelets many, similar, 2-8 per node, 1° and 2° branches, to 8 cm including awns; Florets, 3-4 per spikelet, bisexual, fertile 2+, club-shaped rudiment 0; Glumes, upper and lower, veisn 3-9, upper < florets, awns 0; Axis short hairy, extending beyond upper floret, Lemma length 30 mm, rounded (not keeled), width < 2 mm dia when rolled, 4 mm wide when unrolled, veins = 5, tip 5 mm, 2 toothed, acute, awn 1, long (60 mm.), straight; Anthers 0.6 mm.; Fruit, achene, fused to lemma and palea.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   550 m e. of bridge;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 812, Avena fatua  

812    Avena fatua L. Wild Oat.

Mount Trashmore, Alameda County, California. Northern slopes of Mount Trashmore (the former Alameda city dump), about 550 m east of the Bay Farm bicycle bridge. 37.748°N, 122.2294°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 3 m.

Coll. No. 812, 8 Apr 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, to 100 cm; Roots fibrous; Stem herbaceous; Internodes hollow; Leaf blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath open; Blade soft, margins glabrous; Inflorescence many, panicle, > leaves; Spikelets many on 1° and 2° branches, 20-25 mm.; Florets 3 per spikelet; Glumes present, ±equal, veins 9, awns 0; Axis hairy on abaxial side; Callus bearded; Lemma 10-12 mm, rounded, veins >= 5, tip 2-forked, awns 1, attached at middle, 15 + 25 = 40 mm, single bent, twisted below, straightening when wetted; Palea, ±< lemma, glabrous, margins ciliate; Ovary hairy.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   200 m e. of bridge;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 807, Hordeum brachyantherum var. brachyantherum  

807    Hordeum brachyantherum var. brachyantherum

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. Northern slopes of Mt. Trashmore, along the bicycle path 200 m east of Bay Farm Island Bridge. 37.7481°N, 122.2341°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 3 m.

Collection No. 807, 22 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial (?) to 45 cm.; Internodes 2/3 hollow, typical (not woody, not swollen); Leaf differentiated into sheath and blade; Sheath open, glabrous; Ligule membrane; Auricles a very small appendage, < 1 mm.; Blades generally soft, few hairs; Infloresence well-developed, panicle, 2° branched, fully exserted; Compression not remarkable; Disarticulation along the infloresence axis; Spikelets 3 per node, all similar, central spikelet sessile, lateral spikelets stalked; Florets 1 per spikelet (but there is also some other accessory stucture); Glumes 26 mm., generally straight with age, short hairy; Lemma 10 mm + 25 mm awn, 5 veins; Palea tip forked.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   about 675 m e. of bridge;  

810    Bromus commutatus Schrad. Meadow Brome.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. Northern slopes of Mount Trashmore, along the bicycle path, 700 m east of the bicycle bridge, and 100 m west of the east end of Mount Trashmore. 37.748°N, 122.228°W. Elev. 3 m. Large head, small-awned.

Collection No. 810, 24 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual to 90 cm.; Leaf differentiated into sheath and blade; Sheath closed, lower sheaths hairy; Ligule membraneous, but with few hairs on abaxial side; Infloresence > sheath, panicle, spreading slightly, 2° branching evident, 1-3 spikelets per branch; Spikelets all similar, many per infloresence, axis glabrous, axis < spikelet, disarticulation along the axis; Florets 8+ per spikelet; Glumes < lemma, lower 3-veined, upper 5-veined; Lemma 8 mm., rounded (not keeled or ciliate), 7-veined not raised, 2-toothed inconspicuous; Awn 3-5 mm., abaxially attached, < 1.5 mm. below tip; Anthers 1.0-1.5 mm (i.e., < 2.5 mm.); Fruit flat to C-shaped (not U- or V-shaped).

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   about 80 m e. of bridge.;

Locations: Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda.
Full Size ImageSmilo Grass (Stipa miliacea) growing with Wild Oats and Mustard.  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 813, Stipa miliacea var. miliacea
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 813, Stipa miliacea var. miliacea
Stipa miliacea (L.) Hoover var. miliacea. Smilo Grass.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. Northern slopes of Mount Trashmore, just west of the single tree along the bicycle path. 37.7481°N, 122.2347°W. Elev. 3 m. Perennial bunchgrass.

Collection No. 813, 10 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial bunchgrass, to 1 m.; Internodes 40%-50% hollow, basal not swollen; Nodes purple-black; Leaf sheath and blade differentiated; Sheath open; Ligules membraneous, auricles 0; Blades soft, flat, 9 mm wide, rolled or folded in age; Infloresence proximal node 7-branched, fewer branched above, 3°-4° branched, < uppermost leaf at this stage; Spikelets many, all similar, not subtended by bristles or hairs; Florets 1 per spikelet, 2.5 mm., calus small; Glumes > lemma, 3 mm., rounded not keeled, glabrous; Lemma 1.5-2.0 mm., 3-veined, smooth, glabrous, not crowned, margins overlapping; Palea not grooved.

Other articles:
• Bay Farm Shoreline Path:   120 m w.;

Locations: Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda.
Full Size ImageTypical appearance of Coll. No. 815, Poaceae Dactylis glomerata  

815    Dactylis glomerata L. Orchard Grass.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. In shaded area along the northern shore of Bay Farm Island, opposite the basketball court of the Harbor Bay Club. Also common along channel-side of bicycle path to the west. 37.7479°N, 122.2384°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1 m.

Collection No. 815, 9 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial to 1.0-1.1 m; Basal or subterranean internodes not swollen; Stem herbaceous; Sheath closed; Leaf blade differentiated from sheath, base not constricted, blades soft, not sharp pointed; Ligule membraneous; Infloresence exceeding leaves, panicle, well developed, branching 4° or 5°; Spikelets not enclosed in a bur-like involucre, not subtended by bristles or long silky hairs, similar throughout plant, 1 per node, axis few hairy, some spikelets appear to be infertile; Glumes < lowest floret, glabrous; Florets not modified into bulblets 4+ per spikelet , have feathery stigma-like material but no ovary (immature?), uppermost vestigal floret not club-shaped rudiment (as seen in Melica); Lemma keeled, line of hairs on keel, 5 veins, tip forked, awn 1.5 mm.; Palea light green with 2 veins forked at tip.



Other articles:
• Shell Creek Road:   n. of Shell Ck;   at Shell Creek tree;
Full Size ImageThe tree at Shell Creek, May 2012
Full Size ImageLooking north along Shell Creek, 2011  


May 11, 2012

Very dry this year at Shell Creek.



Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   n.e. corner of lagoon;
Full Size ImageEBRPD Lagoon  


May 15, 2012


Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   at Coll. No. 818;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 818, Rumex crispus  

818    Rumex crispus L. Curley Dock.

Mount Trashmore, Alameda County, California. East end of Mount Trashmore, along bicycle path, 175 meters north of Doolittle Drive. 37.7471°N, 122.2269°W. WGS 1984.

Coll. No. 818, 15 May 2012, characters observed: Perennial, to 1 m., terrestrial; Stem erect, leafy axillary shoots below terminal inflorescence; Leaves basal and cauline, petiole 15-20 cm., leaves 4x long as wide (Obs: 20 cm. x 5 cm. wide, 25 cm. x 6 cm. wide); Pedicels, 5-8 mm., joints swollen; Flowers bisexual; Perianth, inner lobes 3 mm. x 2 mm. wide, margins entire, tubercles 3, width < 1/3 inner lobe; Stamens, 6; Styles, 3, Stigmas, feathery.

Other articles:
• North Loop Road:   Coll. No. 819;
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 819;
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 819, Oenothera laciniata
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 819, Oenothera laciniata  

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Coll. No. 819, Oenothera laciniata
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Coll. No. 819, Oenothera laciniata
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Coll. No. 819, Oenothera laciniata
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Coll. No. 819, Oenothera laciniata
Oenothera laciniatum Hill. Cutleaf Evening Primrose.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. In the median strip of North Loop Road, Harbor Bay Business Park, City of Alameda. 37.7301°N, 122.243°W. Elev. 3 m.

Collection No. 819, 23 May 2012, Characters observed while keying: Herb, annual or short-lived perennial; Stem decumbent; Leaves cauline, alternate, to 35 mm, oblanceolate, entire; Stipule absent; Bud curved upward, sepal tips free in bud 2 mm.; Flowers in distal axils, parts in 4s, open, bisexual; Hypanthium 22 mm.; Perianth in 2 or more whorls; Sepals reflexed, 12 mm., deciduous after flowering; Petals free at hypanthium, 17 mm., yellow, base not spotted; Stamens 8 in one series; Ovary inferior, tip projection 0; Style 1; Stigma 4-lobed in maturity; Fruit cylindric, 4-chambered, elongate 35-42 mm., dehiscent; Seeds many, rounded or ovoid in shape (not angled, ribbed, or winged). Native to eastern US, widely naturalized, but occurrences scattered. Self pollinated.

Other articles:
• North Loop Road:  47000;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 820, Lotus corniculatus  

820    Lotus corniculatus L. Bird's Foot Trefoil.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. In the median strip of North Loop Road, Harbor Bay Business Park, Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda. 37.73°N, 122.2428°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 3 m. Very sandy soil.

Collection No. 820, 24 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb; Leaf palmate compound; Leaflets 3, entire, not gland-dotted, length of longest upper leaflet 3.15 x width; Infloresence 5-flowered; Flower bilateral; Sepals fused 4 mm., tips 2 mm.; Corolla 10 mm.; Stamens 10, filaments of 9 fused, 10th upper free; Fruit exserted from calyx.



Other articles:
• Kessler Springs Road:   at Veterans Cross;
Full Size ImageSunrise Rock, sans Cross, June 2012  


May 27, 2012





May 28, 2012


Full Size ImageA last look at my plot on Pinto Mountain.  
  Pulled out my plot on Pinto Mountain.

Full Size ImageWW II archeological site
Full Size ImageWW II archeological site  
  Archeological site with Howitzer shells.

Other articles:
• Winkler's Cabin Road:  29990;  30010;   where I park;
Full Size ImageView east on Winkler Cabin road, May 2012
Full Size ImageView west on Winkler Cabin road, May 2012  

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Where I parked to hike up to my experimental plots.
View of post-fire road.

Other articles:
• Frasera albomarginata:  129000;
Full Size ImageA last look at my plot on Wild Horse Mesa
Full Size ImageFlower at Wild Horse Mesa  

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Mexican Bladder Sage Salazaria mexicana
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Location of experimental plot on the north face of Wild Horse Mesa
A last look at my plot on Wild Horse Mesa.

Other articles:
• Winkler's Cabin Road:  Winkler's Cabin (Site);

Locations: Winklers Cabin.
Full Size ImageSite of Winklers Cabin, May 2012.  

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The plaque at Winklers Cabin, May 2012
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The adit at Winklers Cabin
Visit to Winklers Cabin.

Other articles:
• Lobo Point Road:   near Wild Horse Cyn Rd;
Full Size ImageA couple of skinny cows.  

  Along the drive into Lobo Point for lunch.

Other articles:
• Lobo Point Road:   in the Valley of Lobo Point;   at the camp site;

Locations: Lobo Point.
Full Size ImageLobo Point, May 2012  

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Lunch stop at Lobo Point, May 2012
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Lunch time view of Lobo Point, May 2012
Lobo Point for lunch.

Other articles:
• Lobo Point Road:  65000;
Full Size ImageLast view before removing stakes.
Full Size ImageLast view before removing stakes.  

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Last view before removing stakes.
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View of the rim from which I take "aerial" photos.
Pulled out my plot in Salvia dorrii.

Other articles:
• Lobo Point Road:   north of Lobo Point;  65000;
Full Size ImageLobo Point road, seven years after the Hackberry Complex Fire.
Full Size ImageLocation of my former plot in Salvia dorrii  

  View from the rim.




May 29, 2012


Other articles:
• Kelso Cima Road:   in Kelso;

Locations: Kelso.
Full Size ImageKelso Depot  

  Kelso Depot

Other articles:
• California Highway 203:   at Shady Rest;

Locations: Shady Rest Campground.
Full Size ImageShady Rest Campground  

  Shady Rest Campground

Very highly groomed; the pine needles have been raked away exposing the volcanic sand underneath. I think I would prefer to camp on the pine needles.




Wednesday, May 30th

Stopped at Airfield Flat to look for Astragalus monoensis.

Other articles:
• F. R. 2S114:   at x-2S259;

Locations: Airfield Flat.
Full Size Imagex-Forest Road 2S259 to the west  

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x-Forest Road 2S259 to the northeast
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Astragalus monoensis as found in Airfield Flat.
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Habitat of Astragalus monoensis in Airfield Flat.
Stopped at Airfield Flat to look for Astragalus monoensis.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1S05:   near US Hwy 395;
Full Size ImageInterpretive sign at Deadman Summit  

  Forest Service interpretive sign; mostly about vehicle use of the forest, the maps in the box at left are pretty useful.

Other articles:
• Leonard Dr:   on Leonard Dr;
• Golden Checklist Flora:  Agropyron cristatum;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   at June Lake;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Agropyron cristatum near June Lake.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 821, Agropyron cristatum  

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Coll. No. 821, Agropyron cristatum, "Crested Wheat Grass"
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Crested Wheat Grass.

Gull Lake, Mono County, California. Disturbed land north of Gull Lake, on Leonard Drive, near Lauterbrunnen Strasse. 37.779°N, 119.0876°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2348 m. Common here, and in other near-by disturbed areas. Also collected on the beach at June Lake.

Other articles:
• Leonard Dr:   on Leonard Dr;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 822, Festuca idahoensis  

822    Festuca idahoensis Elmer. Idaho Fescue.

Gull Lake, Mono County, California. Disturbed areas north of Gull Lake, off Leonard Drive near Highland Drive. 37.779°N, 119.0876°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2347 m.

Coll. No. 822, 30 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial, to 50 cm; Roots fibrous; Stem herbaceous; Internodes hollow; Leaf blade and sheath differentiated, soft; Sheath open; Ligule membraneous, 0.5 mm.; Blade rolled inward; Inflorescence 1-2, 8-9 cm., > leaves, branching evident, panicle, spikelets many; Spikelets similar, 1/node, 1° and 2° branches, many flowered, 10 mm.; Florets, 4-6 per spikelet, bisexual (1-2 staminate, 3-4 staminate and pistillate, 5-6 staminate and ?pistillate); Glumes lower 4.5 mm, upper 3.0 mm, lower < lowest floret, veins 3-9, awns 0; Axis sparsely hairy, not extended beyond upper floret; Lemma 5 mm., rolled, veins 5, outer faint, tip entire, awns 1, 2.0-2.5 mm, straight, attached at tip; Palea < lemma, keel glabrous, margin glabrous, Anthers 3, 2 mm.; Ovary glabrous.

Other articles:
• Leonard Dr:   on Leonard Dr;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 823, Linum lewisii  

823    Linum lewisii Pursh.

Gull Lake, Mono County, California. Disturbed areas north of Gull Lake, on Leonard Drive, near Lauterbrunnen Strasse. 37.779°N, 119.0876°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2346 m. .

The most recent previous collection of Linum lewisii was by Chesnut and Drew at the foot of Bloody Canyon in 1889.




Thursday, May 31st

Went out to Sagehen Meadow to visit Bill.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1N02:   at Sagehen Mdw;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 824, Anisocoma acaulis
Full Size ImageColl. No. 824, Anisocoma acaulis  

824    Anisocoma acaulis Torr. & A. Gray. Scale Bud.

Sagehen Meadow, Mono County, California. Disturbed places near residence. 37.8731°N, 118.858°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2550 m.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1N02:   at Sagehen Mdw;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 825, Bromus tectorum  

825    OK, I'm going with Bromus carinatus var. carinatus on this one …

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. Var. carinatus. California Brome.

Bromus tectorum L. Cheat Grass. (as annotated by Andy Sanders).

Sagehen Meadow, Mono County, California. Previously disturbed soil around the house on the north side of Sagehen Meadow. 37.8731°N, 118.8581°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2550 m.

Coll. No. 825, 30 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial, to 40 cm.; Roots fibrous; Stem herbaceous; Internodes hollow; Leaf blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath closed; Ligule membraneous, 2 mm.; Blade flat, to 4 mm wide, short hairy, margin sparse wavy hairy; Inflorescence 3-many, 10-12 cm., panicle, branching evident, longest branch 25 mm., > leaves, spikelets many; Compression lateral; Spikelets similar, 1 / node, 1° and 2° branches, length 30-35 mm., 5-6 florets; Florets 2+ bisexual; Glumes lower 7 mm., upper 10 mm., margins thin translucent, upper glume has 3 prominent veins (keeled), awns 0; Lemma, lower 12 mm., keeled, veins = 3 or 7, outer 2 appear doubled, tip 2-forked, awns 1, 13 mm, straight, attached to back at 9 mm.; Palea, 8 mm, < lemma, keel hairy, margin ciliate; Anthers 3, 0.7 mm., brown; Ovary 5 mm., glabrous below, hairy near tip.




Wednesday, June 6th


Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   corner of Mt Trashmore;
Full Size ImageGopher snake on Bay Farm bicycle train  

  In the mid-morning, en route from the gym to home, I saw this gopher snake on the edge of the bicycle trail.




Friday, June 8th


Full Size ImageColl. No. 826, Bromus diandrus  
826    Bromus diandrus Roth. Rip Gut Brome.

Alameda, Alameda County, California. 37.7624°N, 122.2303°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 7 m. Garden weed. Shaded habitat.

Coll. No. 826, 8 June 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, to 90 cm, spreading; Internodes hollow; Leaf differentiated into sheath and blade; Sheath closed; Ligule membraneous; Inflorescence panicle 2°, > sheath; Compression unremarkable; Disarticulation above the glumes; Spikelets all the same, 1 per node; Glumes < lemma; Florets per spikelet 5-6, fertile 3, male 1, 1-2 infertile; Lemma 26 mm x 3 mm wide, rounded (i.e., not keeled), 2-toothed, translucent teeth, Veins 3 prominent + 2 intermediate = 5; Awns from the back of the lemma, 70 mm., straight; Palea very thin, < lemma, veins and margin variously ciliate; Achenes fuse to lemma and palea as floret matures.

Other articles:
• Arapahoe Street:   at alley;
Full Size ImageCondition of the alley in June 2012.  


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Google car goes by.




Sunday, June 17th


Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   at Tioga Lodge;  

827    Melilotus albus Medik.

Tioga Lodge, Mono County, California. At the shoreline of Mono Lake opposite Tioga Lodge, 2.6 miles by road north of Lee Vining, California. 37.9903°N, 119.1396°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1950 m.

Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   in Lee Vining;
Full Size ImagePinyons in Love; gusty winds blow pollen in the Pinyon groves above Lee Vining  

  When we pulled into Lee Vining, we saw great clouds of yellow "smoke." Took a while, but we decided it was great clouds of Pinyon pollen stirred up by gusty winds.




Monday, June 18th


Other articles:
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   n.w. shore;
• U. S. Highway 395:   n. of Tioga Lodge;

Locations: Mono Lake, northwest shore (as a col. locality).
Full Size ImageCalochortus bruneaunis growing in sagebrush above Tioga Lodge.  

Full Size Image
The Northwest Shore of Mono Lake.
View of the northwest shore of Mono Lake, from a bench (former delta and shoreline) above Tioga Lodge.

Also saw a few Calochortus bruneaunis growing in the sagebrush here, just north of the burned area. Did not see any growing in the burned area. Only a very few here, so did not collect.

Full Size ImageLocation of collection nos. 828-831.  
  The rock outcrop around which collections 828 to 831 were made.

Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   n. of Tioga Lodge;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Scrophularia desertorum
Full Size ImageColl. No. 828, Scrophularia desertorum  

828    Scrophularia desertorum

Coll. No. 828, 18 Jun 2012, characters observed: Herbaceous shrub, to 1 m.; Stem square, glandular; Petiole 4.5 cm.; Leaf 9 cm. x 6 cm. wide, triangular-deltate, base cordate below to oblique above, green (not yellow, not gray-green); Inflorescence a panicle, glandular, 9+ flowers per branch; Pedicels curved upward; Corolla dark red, 5 (6-7) mm. Leaf color and base point toward S. californica; pedicel and corolla characters point to S. desertorum.

Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   n. of Tioga Lodge;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 829, Chaenactis douglasii var. douglasii.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 829, Chaenactis douglasii var. douglasii  

829    Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii. Douglas' Dustymaiden.

Tioga Lodge, Mono County, California. Granite outcrop surrounded by very sandy soil, likely a former shoreline or deltaic deposit from a high-stand of Mono Lake, above Tioga Lodge, along a powerline road, 2.8 miles north of Lee Vining. 37.991°N, 119.1474°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2093 m. This area burned several years ago.

Coll. No. 829, 18 Jun 2012, characters observed: Perennial, woody at base, to 40 cm.; Stem hairs white; Leaves cauline (basal leaves absent); Inflorescence, flowers of 1 kind, rayless, discoid; Heads solitary on peduncles 4-6 cm. at flowering; Phyllaries in two overlapping series, outer 5-7 mm., inner 9 mm., tips appressed; Receptacle epaleate; Pappus a well-developed crown of scales, 1.0-5.0 mm., not alternating with awns or bristles; Fruit 6 mm.

Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   n. of Tioga Lodge;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 830, Symphyotrichum campestre  

830    Symphyotrichum campestre (Nutt.) G. L. Nesom. Western Meadow Aster.

Tioga Lodge, Mono County, California. Granite outcrop surrounded by very sandy soil, likely a former shoreline or deltaic deposit from a high-stand of Mono Lake, above Tioga Lodge, along a powerline road, 2.8 miles north of Lee Vining. 37.9909°N, 119.1474°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2096 m.

Coll. No. 830, 18 Jun 2013, characters observed: Perennial herb to 50 cm.; Stems ascending, appressed short hairy; Leaves, alternate, sessile, strap-like, to 22 mm., short hairy glandular, margins entire; Peduncle barely glandular; Involucre 5 mm., glandular; Phyllaries, 2.5 - 4.5 mm., in 4+ series, herbaceous especially at tips, tips appressed, densely glandular, inner bases straw colored, margins scarious; Heads radiate, composed of 2 kinds of flowers, in few flowered flat topped clusters; Receptacle epaleate, Pappus of single bristles, not alternating with scales, 16 (but going with > 20 while keying), well-developed in ray and disk flowers, ± cylindric, small plumose; Rays blue-purple, conspicuous, fruiting, style present; Disk corolla 4 mm, yellow.

Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   n. of Tioga Lodge;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 831, Caulanthus sierrae  

831    Caulanthus sierrae ined. Sierra Jewelflower.

Tioga Lodge, Mono County, California. Granite outcrop surrounded by very sandy soil, likely a former shoreline or deltaic deposit from a high-stand of Mono Lake, above Tioga Lodge, along a powerline road, 2.8 miles north of Lee Vining. 37.9909°N, 119.1474°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2095 m.

Coll. No. 831, 18 Jun 2013, characters observed: Perennial, from tap root, to 75 cm., caudex woody, hairs proximal simple, distal 0; Leaves basal withered, cauline petioled lobed, distal sessile, smaller than mid cauline; Raceme not bracted, terminal cluster fertile; Pedicels 2 mm. in flower to 3.5 mm. in fruit; Flowers radial; Stigma entire; Stamens 6, ± equal in length, well exserted; Fruit ascending silique, ± sessile on receptacle, linear, glabrous.

Keys poorly in TJM2, can be forced into C. pilosus. Keys fairly easily to C. sp. In Taylor (2010), i.e., the undescribed Sierra Jewelflower (Caulanthus sierrae ined.).

Other articles:
• California Highway 120:   at turnout;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 832, Mentzelia congesta  

832    Mentzelia congesta Torr. & A. Gray. United Blazing Star.

Mono Mills, Mono County, California. Along California Highway 120 about 1 mile east of Mono Mills, while looking for M. monoensis Brokaw & Hufford. 37.8819°N, 118.9448°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2278 m.

Coll. No. 832, 18 Jun 2012, characters observed: Annual, tap root, 15 cm.; Stem, white, ascending, branched, straight hairy; Bracts, conspicuous, concealing fruits, mostly white body with green edges, 5 lobed; Petals, 3.5 mm.; Fruit, somewhat obconic (tapered proximally, cylindric distally), 6 mm. x 2.1 mm. wide, seed rows >1 above mid-fruit.

Other articles:
• F. R. 01S04A:  10300;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 833, Trisetum spicatum
Full Size ImageColl. No. 833, Trisetum spicatum  

833    Trisetum spicatum (L.) K. Richt. Spike Trisetum.

Dry Creek, Mono County, California. In very sandy area on the edge of Dry Creek, where Dry Creek enters Big Sand Flat, about 90 meters southeast of California Highway 120, 13.7 air miles southeast of Lee Vining, California. 37.8818°N, 118.8854°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2410 m.

Coll. No. 833, 18 Jun 2012, characters observed: Perennial, 13cm; Stem, herbaceous, soft hairy; Leaf sheath and blade differentiated, sheath open, blade soft, soft hairy; Ligule ciliate, 1 mm.; Inflorescence spike-like panicle 4.5 cm., barely exceeding leaves, purple interior; Compression lateral; Spikelets similar, 2-8 per node on 1° and 2° branches, Florets 4± per spikelet, bisexual; Glumes, lanceolate, lower 3.5 mm < upper 4.5 mm.; Lemma 4 mm., veins 3+, awns 1 attached to back;

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1N02:   near Sagehen Pk;  

834    Abronia turbinata S. Watson. Transmontane Sand Verbena.

Sagehen Peak, Mono County, California. In deep powdery sand beside Sagehen Meadows Road, about ½ mile north northwest of Sagehen Peak. 37.8575°N, 118.8484°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2647 m.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1S17:   near head of meadow;

Locations: Crooked Meadows.
Full Size ImageSpring in Crooked Meadows  

Full Size Image
Small creek in Crooked Meadows
Little stream in Crooked Meadows.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1S17:   at Crooked Mdws;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   Penstemon cinicola;

Locations: Crooked Meadows.
Full Size ImagePenstemon cinicola in Crooked Meadows  

  Penstemon cinicola in bloom in Crooked Meadows.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1N02:   at Wild Horse Mdw;

Locations: Wild Horse Meadow.
Full Size ImageView north in Wild Horse Meadow  

Full Size Image
View south in Wild Horse Meadow
Stopped in Wild Horse Meadow for a look.




Tuesday, June 19th


Other articles:
• Forest Road 01S30:   at spur rds;
Full Size ImageDisturbed habitat of Coll. No. 835, Potentilla biennis  

835    Potentilla biennis Greene. Biennial Cinquefoil.

Rush Creek, Mono County, California. Disturbed areas near Rush Creek, near the confluence of the return ditch and the original course of the creek, 7 miles by road south of Lee Vining, CA. 37.8695°N, 119.1061°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2157 m.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 02S30C:   at beach;  

836    Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Crested Wheat Grass.

June Lake, Mono County, California. On the beach at the northeast shore of June Lake. 37.7959°N, 119.0697°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2328 m. Growing among Purshia tridentata.

    Wilson Butte flat, found Lupinus duranii and some little composite with folded leaves and flower heads on long pedicels, but did not find Astragalus monoensis.

Locations: Piagi Park.
Full Size ImageLarvae of the Pandora moth  

  Saw this Pandora larva while climbing into the inner crater.

Locations: Punch Bowl.
Full Size ImageView of the innermost crater in the Punch Bowl
Full Size ImageChamaebatiaria millefolium growing on the rim of the inner crater.  

  Climbed to the rim of the innermost crater.

Full Size ImageFrasera puberulenta in the Punch Bowl.  
  I saw several Frasera puberulenta on the south-facing slope of the rim of the inner crater.

Other articles:
• Inyo Forest Road 1S127:   near saddle;
Full Size ImageView northwest from saddle between Mono Craters and Punch Bowl  


Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   near Wilson Butte;

Locations: Airfield Flat.
Full Size ImagePanorama of Wilson Butte sand flat.  

  Not-so-good photo of the little sand flat to the south of Wilson Butte. I stopped here to look for Astragalus monoensis since the type locality is described as "near Deadman Summit." I have already found the species in nearby "Airfield Flat," but I could not find it here, leading to the suggestion that "Airfield Flat" is the likely type locality.




Wednesday, June 20th


Other articles:
• Forest Road 4N01:   on top of terrace;
Full Size ImagePowerline road just north of Deep Wells.  

  View of powerline road just north of Deep Wells.

Other articles:
• 4N01G:   in area of patterned ground;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   at Deep Cañon;
Full Size ImageRidges in the patterned ground near Deep Canon
Full Size ImageAnchor eyes embedded in the ridges of patterned ground.  


Other articles:
• Forest Road 3N101:   in Sect. 16;
Full Size ImageView west on 3N101
Full Size ImageView east on 3N101  


Other articles:
• 3N06:   at Sulphur Pond;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   at Sulphur Pond;

Locations: Sulphur Pond.
Full Size ImageGeneral view of Sulphur Pond  

  General view of Sulphur Pond, some water, but not as much as usual.
  837    See Collection No. 840.

Other articles:
• 3N06:   at Sulphur Pond;

Locations: Sulphur Pond.  

838    Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla. (Syn: Scirpus pungens Vahl ) Threesquare.
    12-24 large-size pollywogs in pond outside the exclosure.

Other articles:
• 3N06:   at Sulphur Pond;
• Field Notes:   19 Jun 2011, Coll. No. 765.;

Locations: Sulphur Pond.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 839, Distichlis spicata  

839    Distichlis spicata (L.) E. Greene. Saltgrass.

Sulphur Pond, Mono County, California. 38.0859°N, 118.9654°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1966 m. Common among dunes and rabbitbrush in dry areas around Sulphur Pond.

Coll. No. 839, 20 Jun 2012, characters observed: Perennial, herbaceous, to 20 cm. above ground; Rhizomes, 3-5 mm. dia., scaly when young, buried 15-20 cm. below surface; Stem, cylindric (and don't you forget it!), herbaceous, leafy, unisexual; Leaf differentiated into sheath and blade, arranged in two (not three!) rows, blade 6-7 cm., glabrous, stiff; Ligule soft hairy around exterior; Inflorescence of many crowded spikelets, compressed laterally; Flowers, staminate and pistillate on different stems; Glumes 2, Stigmas 2 per flower; Fruit an achene.

Other articles:
• 3N06:   at Sulphur Pond;

Locations: Sulphur Pond.  

840    Thelypodium integrifolium (Nutt.) Endl. ex Walp. ssp. complanatum Al-Shehbaz. Entireleaved Thelypody.

Other articles:
• Cottonwood Canyon Road:   at miners cabin;
• Field Notes:   Coll. No. 690.1;

Locations: Cottonwood Canyon.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 841, Epilobium sp.  

841    Epilobium, no flowers or fruit. Collected at the same location, and probably the same as Collection Number 690.1.

Other articles:
• Cottonwood Canyon Road:   at miners cabin;

Locations: Cottonwood Canyon.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 842, Ranunculus cymbalaria  

842    Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh. (Syn: Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh var. saximontanus Fernald ) Alkali Buttercup.

Cottonwood Canyon, Mono County, California. In the spring between Cottonwood Canyon Road and the miner's shack, 6.3 miles by road northeast of Goat Ranch. 38.1794°N, 119.0123°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2449 m.

Other articles:
• Cottonwood Canyon Road:   at miners cabin;

Locations: Cottonwood Canyon.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 843, Carex aquatilis var. aquatilis  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 843, Carex aquatilis var. aquatilis
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 843, Carex aquatilis var. aquatilis
Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. Var. aquatilis. Water Sedge.

Cottonwood Canyon, Mono County, California. In the spring between Cottonwood Canyon Road and the miner's shack, 6.3 miles by road northeast of Goat Ranch. 38.1794°N, 119.0123°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2448 m.

Coll. No. 843, 20 June 2012, characters observed: Perennial, herbaceous, to 20 cm. above ground, rhizomed; Stem, bisexual, pistillate and staminate spikelets on same stem; Leaf, differentiated into sheath and blade, sheath, 6 cm., front fibrous (but … how much fibrous is fibrous?), crosswalls irregular (though not a specified character for this taxon), blade, 11cm.; Inflorescence, 1 terminal staminate spikelet, and 3-4 lateral pistillate spikelets (puts us in Group 8); Bract, > inflorescence, sheath 1.5 mm.; Spikelets, erect; Perigynum, 2.5-3.0 mm. x 1.0-1.3 mm. wide, not fleshy, ±flat, walls thin, (faint veins); Stigmas, 2.

Other articles:
• Cottonwood Canyon Road:   in middle reaches of canyon;

Locations: Cottonwood Canyon.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 843, Potentilla millefolia  

844    Potentilla millefolia Rydb. Cutleaf Cinquefoil.

Cottonwood Canyon, Mono County, California. In a small wet area on the east side of Cottonwood Canyon Road, in a section of the canyon where the landscape is more open, 4.6 miles by road northeast of Goat Ranch, Mono County, California. 38.1599°N, 119.0179°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2231 m. This may be the southernmost collection of this taxon, and a range extension south into the Mono Lake watershed from the Walker River watershed.

Other articles:
• Cottonwood Canyon Road:   in middle reaches of canyon;
Full Size ImageNest beside Cottonwood Canyon Road  

  Grackle nest just outside the road berm, and on the edge of a roadside wetland.




Thursday, June 21st


Other articles:
• Cemetery Road (FR 02N40):   crossing Mill Creek;

Locations: Mill Creek.
Full Size ImageMill Creek just below Cemetery Road  

  We tried to walk down the east side of Mill Creek. Was a mistake. Next time we'll try to west side.

Other articles:
• Cemetery Road (FR 02N40):   crossing Mill Creek;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   at Mill Creek;

Locations: Mill Creek.
Full Size ImageMill Creek above Cemetery Road.  

Full Size Image
Mill Creek above Cemetery Road.
Just above Cemetery Road was a small gravel bar that provides some streamside habitat.

Other articles:
• Cemetery Road (FR 02N40):   along Mill Ck;

Locations: Mill Creek.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 845, Juncus macrandrus  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 845, Juncus macrandrus
Juncus macrandrus Coville. Long-Anther Rush.

Mill Creek, Mono County, California. On islands of Mill Creek, 240 m upstream of the Cemetery Road crossing. 38.0253°N, 119.1335°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1976 m.

Coll. No. 845, 21 Jun 2013, characters observed while keying: Herbaceous perennial, aquatic but not submersed; Leaves, true leaves, not scale- or needle-like, sheath open, veination parallel, multiple veins, blade flattened, iris-like, oriented edge toward stem, glabrous; Inflorescence 4-14 clusters of flowers; Bract exceeding only lowest flower cluster, not cylindric; Clusters <= 10 mm.; Flowers present, bisexual; Perianth in 2 whorls of 3, sepals and petals, very similar, all brown; Anther 1.2 mm., > filament; Ovary superior; Pistil 1; Style 1, 1.0 mm.; Stigmas 3; Fruit [ gradually | abruptly ] tapered toward beak.

Other articles:
• Cemetery Road (FR 02N40):   along Mill Ck;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   at Mill Creek;

Locations: Mill Creek.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 846, Myosotis laxa  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 846, Myosotis laxa
Hackelia micrantha Jessica's Sticktight.

Myosotis laxa Lehm. Bay Forget-Me-Not.

Mill Creek, Mono County, California. Moist partially shaded areas along creek, about 240 m upstream of Cemetery Road. 38.0253°N, 119.1335°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1976 m.

Coll. No. 846, 21 Jun 2013, characters observed while keying: Herbaceous annual or perennial, to 20 cm.; Roots fibrous; Leaves 25 mm x 5 mm wide, oblanceolate, upper cauline much-reduced, elliptical-lanceolate; Inflorescence scorpioid cyme; Calyx tube ±= lobes, tube hairs simple, appressed; Receptacle flat; Corolla salverform, radial, yellow-white tube 1.3 mm + yellow appendages + blue lobes 1 mm = 2.3 mm. x 3 mm. dia.; Stamens included; Anthers 0.6 mm.; Ovary deep-lobed; Style 1, base hidden among lobes, < nutlets; Nutlets, 1.5 mm., black, smooth, erect, margin prominent, scar basal without thick rim.

Possibly, like many people, I saw this plant, thought ... “Jessica Stick Tight (Hackelia micrantha),” threw it in my press, and went on. Only later, under my microscope, did I discover it could not be a Hackelia. The main thing I noticed was that the nutlets were very smooth, and had no prickles. Working through the key, there are two other significant differences. In Hackelia the receptacle is conic and the attachment scar is lateral. In Coll. No. 846, the attachment scar is definitely basal, and the receptacle does not appear conic or elongated. So this collection is definitely Myosotis.

The Jepson Manual, 2nd Ed., notes that M. scorpioides is most easily confused with M. laxa. Taylor (2010) notes that M. scorpioides is expected on both slopes of the Sierra, citing a collection in Mono County, at Lake George, E. Cardiff, s.n., in 1967 (UCR9081). That collection is determined as Hackelia sp.

In the case of my Collection No. 846, the small size of the corolla, 3 mm., the calyx tube is not much greater than the lobes, and the style is definitely shorter than the nutlets, strongly leading one to M. laxa.

Other articles:
• Cemetery Road (FR 02N40):   along Mill Ck;

Locations: Mill Creek.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 847, Erythranthe utahensis  

847    Mimulus guttatus DC. Seep Monkeyflower.

Mill Creek, Mono County, California. Moist areas along creek, about 250 m north of the Cemetery Road crossing. 38.0253°N, 119.1335°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1976 m. Characters consistent with Erythranthe utahensis (Pennell) Nesom.

Coll. No. 847, 21 June 2012, characters observed while keying: Herbaceous annual or perennial, green photosynthetic, suberect to erect, 25-30 cm.; Rhizomes numerous, 0.5-0.8 mm. dia., i.e., larger than filiform; Leaves cauline opposite, glabrous-puberulent; Flowers 12-16; Pedicels at anthesis 13 mm., in fruit 24-25 mm.; Calyx five-angled, cleft < 1/2 length, at anthesis 11 mm., in fruit moderately inflated, upper 13 mm., lower lobes turned upagainst upper lobe; Corolla yellow, upper lobe 20-25 mm., lobes entire, dehiscent soon after anthesis, upper lobes not united, spur absent; Stamens 4, staminode absent; Stigmas 2-lobed.

Other articles:
• Cemetery Road (FR 02N40):   along Mill Ck;

Locations: Mill Creek.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 848, Epilobium ciliatum var. ciliatum  

848    Epilobium ciliatum Raf. ssp. ciliatum. Fringed Willowherb.

Mill Creek, Mono County, California. In a gravel bar of Mill Creek, about 245 m north of the Cemetery Road crossing. 38.0253°N, 119.1335°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2120 m.

Other articles:
• Cemetery Road (FR 02N40):   along Mill Ck;

Locations: Mill Creek.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 849, Ranunculus aquatilis var. diffusus  

849    Ranunculus aquatilis L. var. diffusus With. Threadleaf Crowfoot.

Mill Creek, Mono County, California. In slack water of gravel bar in Mill Creek, about 245 m upstream from the Cemetery Road crossing. 38.0253°N, 119.1335°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1981 m.

Other articles:
• 2N14:   at 2N14A;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 850, Wyethia mollis
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 850 Wyethia mollis  

850    Wyethia mollis A. Gray. Woolly Mule-Ears.

Mill Creek, Mono County, California. Open stony ground near Mill Creek, on Forest Road 02N14, just above US Highway 395. 38.038°N, 119.1624°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2120 m.

Other articles:
• 2N14:   at Frog Rk;

Locations: Lundy Canyon.
Full Size ImageFrog Rock  

  Frog Rock

Other articles:
• Lundy Dam Rd:  30000;

Locations: Lundy Canyon.
Full Size ImageLakes Canyon Trail trailhead.  

  Lakes Canyon Trail trailhead.

Other articles:
• Lundy Dam Rd:  25000;

Locations: Lundy Lake.
Full Size ImageLower side of Lundy Lake dam.  

  I walked down below the dam to look at the habitat, because there are several collections that have been made just below the dam.

Other articles:
• Lundy Lake Road:   at picnic area;

Locations: Lundy Canyon.
Full Size ImageMore rock art in Lundy Canyon.  

  Some rock art in a picnic area of Lundy Canyon.

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   at Coyote Spr;

Locations: Coyote Spring.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 851, Muilla transmontana  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 851, Muilla transmontana
Muilla transmontana Greene. Inland Muilla.

Coyote Spring, Mono County, California. Along the water course above Coyote Spring and about 50 m northwest of Bridgeport Canyon Road. 38.12°N, 119.0857°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2183 m.

Coll. No. 851, 21 June 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial geophyte to 45 cm.; Leaves 4-5; Bracts subtending inflorescence and individual pedicels; Flowers in umbellate clusters; Perianth free at base; Filaments 4.5 mm., much wider at base; Anthers 1 mm. yellow; Ovary superior.

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   at Coyote Spr;

Locations: Coyote Spring.  

852    Potentilla gracilis Hook. var. fastigiata (Nutt.) S. Watson. Slender Cinquefoil.

Coyote Spring, Mono County, California. Along the water course above Coyote Spring and about 40 m west of Bridgeport Canyon Road. 38.1199°N, 119.0854°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2183 m.

Coll. No. 852, 21 June 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb to 40 cm.; Stolons 0; Stem (and petiole) hairs spreading; Leaf palmate compound; Leaflets 5, pinnate-lobed to base, 1/2 to mid-vein; Inflorescence many-flowered; Style 1.4 mm., attached near top of achene, base slightly larger, not warty; Achene glabrous.

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   at Coyote Spr;
• Field Notes:  Coll No. 479;

Locations: Coyote Spring.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 853  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 853
Brassicaceae, looks the same as my Coll. No. 479 from Coyote Spring that I can't determine.

Brassicaceae. Mustard Family.

Coyote Spring, Mono County, California. Adjacent to the pool in the main part of the Coyote Spring, next to Bridgeport Canyon Road. 38.1199°N, 119.0852°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2181 m.

Coll. No. 853, 21 June 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual or short-lived perennial, terrestrial, wetlands; Root tap; Rhizomes present(?); Hairs 0; Glands, very few dark glands on both surfaces of leaves; Leaves basal 0, cauline present, auriculate, compound, leaflets 5-7; Inflorescence not bracted, Pedicels narrower than fruit; Flowers radial; Perianth yellow; Petals 4 mm. x 1.5 mm., narrowed to base, not dark-veined; Stamens 6, included, unequal length, not 4 long and 2 short, more like 2 long and 4 short, possibly 3 pair of different length; Ovary (and young fruit) linear, unsegmented, overtopping petals; Fruit 11-12 mm., cylindric; Stigma 2-lobed (more like draped over end of style on 2 sides); Seeds wing 0

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   at Coyote Spr;

Locations: Coyote Spring.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 854, Descurainia sophia  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 854, Descurainia sophia
Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb. Tansy Mustard.

Coyote Spring, Mono County, California. At Coyote Spring in Bridgeport Canyon, adjacent to Bridgeport Canyon Road, 4.1 miles by road from the intersection of Cottonwood Canyon Road and California Highway 167. 38.1199°N, 119.085°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2182 m. Coyote Spring has an disused water trough, near-by meadows are grazed by sheep.

Coll. No. 854, 21 June 2012, characters observed whilst keying: Annual, to 50 cm., not scapose; Tap root; Stem simple at base, branched distally; Hairs many-branched; Leaves basal 0, cauline compound, 2-pinnate dissected, sessile, not lobed, saggitate, or clasping at base; Inflorescence bracts 0; Pedicel, in fruit widely spreading; Petals yellow; Ovary linear; Stigma entire; Fruit 7-15 mm, linear (not fusiform or club-shaped), glabrous.

Fruit is quite short for D. sophia, but definitely not fusiform (D. californica) or club-shaped (D. pinnata).

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   in Bridgeport Cyn;

Locations: Bridgeport Canyon.
Full Size ImageCirsium scariosum, the Meadow Thistle, in Bridgeport Canyon.  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 855, Cirsium scariosum var. congdonii
Cirsium scariosum

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   in canyon;

Locations: Bodie Hills.
Full Size ImageDescending into Mormon Meadow from Bridgeport Canyon  

  Continued on Coyote Springs Road to Mormon Meadow past this brightly colored outcrop.

Other articles:
• California Highway 270:   21 Jun 2012;

Locations: Bodie Hills.
Full Size ImageSheep in lower Mormon Meadow  

  Sheep at the lower end of Mormon Meadow




Friday, June 22nd


Other articles:
• Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Road 180:   above Mono basin;
• Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Road 181:   near Jordan Spr;

Locations: Jordan Spring.
Full Size ImageMono Lake and Lee Vining from Copper Mountain  

Full Size Image
Jordan Spring.
Today we went to Jordan Spring, and explored a bit on Copper Mountain.

Other articles:
• Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Road 181:   at Jordan Spr;

Locations: Jordan Spring.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 856, Allium bisceptrum  

856    Allium biseptrum S. Watson. Twincrest Onion.

Jordan Spring, Mono County, California. Dry area beside lower part of the spring. 38.0559°N, 119.2097°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2742 m.

Coll. No. 856, 22 June 2012, characters observed: Geophyte, onion odor present, to 20 cm. from base of bulb to top of inflorescence; Bulbs, 12 mm., ovoid, bulblets, many, << bulb, not clustered on short rhizome; Leaves, > 1 per stem (obs: 3), not fully withered at flowering; Inflorescence, many-flowered (obs: 27), without bulblets; Pedicels, 11 mm.; Perianth, parts free, lanceolate, pink, without a darker crescent adaxially, not or weakly keeled, tip margins inrolled (eek!), acuminate, papery in fruit; Stamens, included; Filaments unappendaged; Ovary 2 mm. x 2.5 mm wide, prominently crested; Style, 4 mm. from top of ovary, simple, arising from base of ovary.

Other articles:
• Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Road 181:   at Jordan Spr;

Locations: Jordan Spring.
Full Size ImageHabitat of Leptosiphon nuttallii near Jordan Spring.  

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Typical appearance of Leptosiphon nuttallii on open slopes.
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Typical appearance of Leptosiphon nuttallii in forest edges.
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 857, Leptosiphon nuttallii ssp. pubescens
Leptosiphon nuttallii (Gray) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson ssp. pubescens (R. Patt.) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson. Nuttall's Linanthus.

Jordan Spring, Mono County, California. Dry areas around the spring, 8.4 miles by air north northwest of Lee Vining, California, accessed by way of Virginia Lakes Road from US Highway 395 at Conway Summit. 38.0559°N, 119.2097°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2742 m. Common here and on upper slopes to the south.

Coll. No. 857, 22 Jun 2013, characters observed: Herbaceous perennial, woody below, densely short hairy at proximal ends of internodes and on proximal leaf surfaces, less densely hairy on herbaceous surfaces elsewhere; Leaves opposite, primary fused by membrane (though generally not so in Leptosiphon), palmately lobed, lobes 5, 11 mm., secondary leaves difficult to separate and count lobes; Calyx, lobes 5, equal, 9 mm., fused 1/2, short white hairy; Corolla, tube 8 mm. + blade 5 mm., tube < calyx, open in day; Stamens, all attached in throat, barely exserted; Filaments, 1.0 mm.

Locations: Jordan Spring.  

858    Hackelia micrantha (Eastw.) J. L. Gentry. Jessica Sticktight.

Jordan Spring, Mono County, California. Growing around bases of trees just a few meters west of and above the spring, about 8.5 miles by air north northwest of Lee Vining, California, accessed by way of Virginia Lakes Road from US Highway 395 at Conway Summit. 38.0567°N, 119.2118°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2761 m.

Coll. No. 858, 22 June 2012, characters observed: Perennial or biennial, from ±woody caudex, erect, to 60 cm., green, photosynthetic; Stem hairy, not photosynthetic; Leaves basal 16 cm, >> cauline leaves, petiole winged, oblanceolate, margins entire, green at flowering, cauline alternate, ±sessile, narrowly oblong; Inflorescence coiled, unrolling in development; Perianth 2+ whorls, parts in 5s; Flowers open, bisexual; Calyx lobes equal; Corolla radial, petals fused to form tube, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 3 mm., throat constricted by petal appendages; Ovary 1, superior, 1 mm, round, entire; Style short, < 1 mm.; Stamens 5, included; Filaments free (from each other), fused to corolla throat, 1 mm.; Fruit -- not developed.

Other articles:
• Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Road 181:   just n. of Copper Mountain;
Full Size ImageMono City from Copper Mountain
Full Size ImageConway Ranch from Copper Mountain  

  View from overlook on north shoulder of Copper Mountain.

Other articles:
• Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Road 181:   near Copper Mountain;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   Lundy Cyn;

Locations: Deer Creek.
Full Size ImageLundy Canyon from Copper Mountain  

Full Size Image
Deer Creek canyon above Lundy Canyon
View west into Lundy Canyon.




Saturday, June 23rd


Other articles:
• Forest Road 01S23:   at end;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   near Walker Lk;

Locations: Walker Lake.
Full Size ImageWalker Lake in June 2012  

Full Size Image
Meadow just upstream of Walker Lake
View of Walker Lake from the Bloody Canyon trail.
  859    Leptosiphon nuttallii (Gray) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson ssp. pubescens (R. Patt.) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson. Nuttall's Linanthus.

Walker Lake, Mono County, California. Widely distributed on the north slope of the southern moraine of Bloody Canyon, from the Walker Lake Trailhead down to the lake. 37.8719°N, 119.1662°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2447 m.

Other articles:
• Farrington Siphon:   near Parker Creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 860, Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis  

860    Poa pratensis L. ssp. pratensis. Kentucky Bluegrass.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. In a small wetland near the Parker Creek intake to the Los Angeles aqueduct, just above the aqueduct road, about 2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.875°N, 119.1197°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2204 m.

Coll. No. 860, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed: Perennial to 40-50 cm., dioecious; Roots fibrous; Rhizomes slender; Leaf blades and sheath differentiated, soft, folded, not inrolled, tips ±prow-shaped; Sheath open ± ½; Ligule membraneous, <= 1 mm.; Inflorescence 10-13 cm., > leaves; Spikelets many, similar, on 1° or 2° branches, with both pistillate and staminate florets; Florets per spikelet 3-4, flowers mostly unisexual; Glumes 2, 2.5-2.7 mm., < lemma, keeled, glabrous; Callus with long cobwebby hairs; Lemma 2.7 mm, >= 5, shory hairy; Palea keel serrate; Anthers 1 mm., purple streaked.

Other articles:
• Farrington Siphon:   near Parker Creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 861, Poa compressa  

861    Poa compressa L. Canada Bluegrass.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Dry roadside on the edge of a small wetland near the Parker Creek intake to the Los Angeles aqueduct, just above the aqueduct road, about 2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8751°N, 119.1197°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2185 m.

Coll. No 861, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed: Perennial, to 80 cm.; Root fibrous; Rhizomes not seen; Leaf blade and sheath differentiated, soft; Sheath open; Ligule membraneous, 4 mm.; Inflorescence 1, panicle, > leaves, spikelets many; Compression lateral; Spikelets similar, 1 per node, 1°-3° branches, bisexual; Florets per spikelet 3-4; Glumes 2, 3 mm., < lemma; Callous glabrous; Lemma veins 5 (much easier to see if you soften the lemmas with Pohl's solution!), awns 0; Palea keels serrate; Anthers 3; Ovary glabrous.

Rhizomes form in late summer and early fall. While a useful character, the rhizomes may not be evident on specimens merely picked or pulled hastily from ground.

Other articles:
• Farrington Siphon:   near Parker Creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 862, Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes
Full Size ImageColl. No. 862, Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes  

862    Stellaria longipes Goldie ssp. longipes. Longstalk Starwort.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. In a small wetland near Parker Creek intake to the Los Angeles aqueduct, just below the aqueduct road, about 2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8751°N, 119.1192°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2175 m.

Coll. No. 862, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 20 cm.; spreading by rhizomes, without tuber-like thickening or vertical fleshy root; Leaves opposite; Stipules 0; Inflorescence panicle; Flowers 4-9(10); Pedicels ascending; Sepals free; Petals 2-lobed, > sepals; Fruit a capsule, ovoid (turns wetting solution purple); Seed many, 0.8 mm, ovoid, light brown, slightly rugose.

Other articles:
• Farrington Siphon:   near Parker Creek;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   near Parker Ck;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 863, Salix geyeriana
Full Size ImageColl. No. 863, Salix geyeriana  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 863, Salix geyeriana
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 863, Salix geyeriana
Salix geyeriana Andersson. Geyer Willow.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. On the edge of a small wetland near the Parker Creek intake to the Los Angeles aqueduct, just below the aqueduct road, about 2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8751°N, 119.1194°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2175 m.

Coll. No. 863, 23 June 2012, characters observed: Woody spreading tree, to 2.5 m.; Twigs glaucus (and feel waxy); Bud scale margins fused; Petiole 5 mm., glabrous, not glandular; Leaves, alternate, young leaves reddish and adaxially hairy, hairs decreasing as leaves mature, mature leaves largest 4 cm x 1 cm wide, lanceolate to elliptic, margins generally flat, occasionally ±rolled basally, tip acute (some rounded), adaxially dull with thinning hairs, abaxially glaucus; Flower bracts deciduous; Ovary not hairy, beak gradually tapered to style.

Other articles:
• Farrington Siphon:   near Parker Creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 864, Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis  

864    Penstemon rydbergii A. Nelson var. oreocharis (Greene) N. H. Holmgren. Rydberg's Penstemon.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. In a small wetland near the Parker Creek intake to the Los Angeles aqueduct, just below the aqueduct road, about 2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.875°N, 119.1193°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2176 m.

Coll. No. 864, 23 June 2012, characters observed: Herbaceous perennial, to 45 cm., Stem, ascending, unbranched, base above ground; Herbage glabrous; Leaves opposite, basal and cauline, thin, basal oblanceolate, cauline well-developed, sessile, lanceolate; Inflorescence glabrous; Corolla 10 mm., mouth open, floor hairy; Anther sacs, 0.5 mm., dehiscing full length, glabrous.

Other articles:
• Farrington Siphon:   near Parker Creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 865, Salix exigua var. exigua  

865    The smaller willow …

Salix exigua Nutt. var. exigua. Coyote Willow, Narrow-Leaved Willow.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. In a small wetland near the Parker Creek intake to the Los Angeles aqueduct, just below the aqueduct road, about 2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8749°N, 119.1194°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2172 m.

Coll. No. 865, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed: Woody perennial shrub, Bud scale margins fused; Petiole very short = 1 mm., glands 0; Leaf linear, 45 mm. x 3.5 mm. wide, length 12-13 x width, abaxial surface obscured by hair.

Other articles:
• Farrington Siphon:   near Parker Creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 866, Sisyrinchium idahoense var. occidentale  

866    Sisyrinchium idahoense E. P. Bicknell var. occidentale (Bicknell) Hend. Idaho Blue-Eyed Grass.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. In a small wetland near the Parker Creek intake to the Los Angeles aqueduct, just below the aqueduct road, about 2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8749°N, 119.1194°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2340 m.

Coll. No. 866, 23 June 2013, characters observed; Herbaceous perennial; Rhizome, 19 mm. x 1.5 mm. dia., compact(?); Stem, not branched, 1.8-1.9 mm. wide at widest, distal margin entire; Leaves, basal; Bracts, outer 18 mm., inner 15 mm., translucent margin < tip; Perianth, blue, outer parts 7 mm.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near campground;  

867    Thalictrum sparsiflorum Turcz. Fewflower Meadow-Rue.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Just upstream from the informal campground on Parker Creek, 3.5 miles by air southwest of the intersection of US Highway 395, and California Highway 158. 37.8558°N, 119.1381°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2340 m.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near campground;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 868, Carex multicostata  

868    Carex multicostata Mack. Manyrib Sedge.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Just upstream from the informal campground on Parker Creek, 3.5 miles by air southwest of the intersection of US Highway 395, and California Highway 158. 37.8558°N, 119.1381°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2340 m. Shaded streamside.

Coll. No. 868, 23 June 2012, characters observed: Perennial herb, aquatic, strongly emergent, glabrous, Stem hollow; Leaf veins parallel, differentiated into sheath and blade; Sheath front with extensive white-translucent area; Blade flattened, iris-like, oriented edge toward stem; Inflorescence terminal, composed of many spikelets; Spikelets 25-30 flowered, 12 mm wide; Perianth scale-like; Flowers, pistillate above staminate flowers; Scales, pistillate with hyaline margin; Perigynum, 4.7 mm., winged 0.3 mm. at mid-fruit, veins 4-6, 0 exceeding perigynum; Stigmas 2.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near campground;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 869, Glyceria elata
Full Size ImageColl. No. 869, Glyceria elata  

869    Glyceria elata (Rydb.) M. E. Jones. Fowl Manna Grass.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Just upstream from the informal campground on Parker Creek, 3.5 miles by air southwest of the intersection of US Highway 395, and California Highway 158. 37.8558°N, 119.1381°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2340 m. Shaded streamside.

Coll. No. 869, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed: Perennial grass, to 60-70 cm., of wetlands; Leaf sheath and blade differentiated, Sheath closed to near top; Ligule membraneous; Blade 25-30 cm. x 8 mm. wide, soft, thin, rows of dots parallel to veins; Inflorescence well-developed, open; Compression weak lateral; Spikelets, many, similar, 1 per node on 1° and 2° branches, ovoid (not cylindric), many florets; Glumes, reduced to small scales, glabrous, awns 0; Lemma, glabrous, veins many, awns 0, tip boat-shaped; Ovary (can't visualize, immature?).

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near campground;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 870, Ribes inerme var. inerme  

870    Ribes inerme Rydb. var. inerme. White Stem Gooseberry.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Just upstream from the informal campground on Parker Creek, at the end of Forest Road 01S25 "Parker Creek Road," 3.5 miles by air southwest of the intersection of US Highway 395, and California Highway 158. 37.8558°N, 119.1381°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2340 m. Shaded streamside.

Coll. No. 870, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed: Woody perennial, to 50 cm., shaded streamside; Stem erect; Nodal spines present (single spine, just below node, often dehiscent); Internode prickles sparse; Leaves 3-4 cm., deeply lobed, toothed, not glandular; Inflorescence 1-flowered; Pedicel, joint absent; Stamen, = petals; Ovary glabrous in fruit; Style, 6 mm., hairy proximal 1/2; Fruit dark reddish-purple(?), brown when dry.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near campground;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 870.1, Equisetum arvense  

870.1    Equisetum arvense L. Field Horsetail.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Just upstream from the informal campground on Parker Creek, at the end of Forest Road 01S25 "Parker Creek Road," 3.5 miles by air southwest of the intersection of US Highway 395, and California Highway 158. 37.8558°N, 119.1381°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2340 m. Deep shade at streamside.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near unnamed creek;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   near Parker Ck;
Full Size ImageSmall unnamed creek and wetland tributary to Parker Creek.  

  Small creek and wetland tributary to Parker Creek.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near unnamed creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 871, Descurainia californica
Full Size ImageColl. No. 871, Descurainia californica  

871    Descurainia californica (A. Gray) O. E. Schulz. Sierra Tansymustard.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Near the intersection of Parker Creek Trail Road (01S25A) and Parker Creek Road (01S25), 3.1 miles south southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8569°N, 119.1261°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2301 m.

Coll. No. 871, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed: Annual, to 90 cm.; tap root; Hairs branched, but not stellate; Leaves basal ? withered; cauline many, petioled, pinnate dissected, not rigid; Infloresence not bracted; Stigma simple, entire; Fruit a silique, 3-4 mm x < 1 mm. dia., fusiform, cylindric in cross-section, many have a little circum-silique dimple or crimp, surface glabrous.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near unnamed creek;
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 942;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 942, Salix
Full Size ImageColl. No. 872, Salix geyeriana  

872    Salix geyeriana Andersson. Geyer Willow.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Along Parker Creek Road (F. R. 01S25), where it crosses a small unnamed creek, 3.2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8571°N, 119.1261°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2298 m.

Coll. No. 872, 23 Jun 2012, characters observed while keying: Shrub, 1m.; Twigs, glaucus, brittle at base when dry; Bud scale margins fused; Leaves, alternate, 40 mm x 9 mm, entire, margins not rolled, young white hairy, adaxial and abaxial surfaces equally hairy; Catkins; on leafy shoots, 14 mm.; Bracts, persistent, wider distally, tip entire, medium brown; Stipe, length 1.5 mm. when mature; Ovary sparsely hairy; Style 0.4 mm.; Stigma deciduous.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near unnamed creek;
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 941;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 873, Salix lasiolepis
Full Size ImageColl. No. 873, Salix lasiolepis  

873    Salix lasiolepis Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Along Parker Creek Road (F. R. 01S25), where it crosses a small unnamed creek, 3.2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8571°N, 119.1261°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2298 m. large willow This is the large willow at this location, which was collected again, with no flowers, as my collection number 941.

Coll. No. 873, 23 June 2012, characters observed while keying: Twigs green, aging brown, to mottled black and green; Bud scales (those forming ? appear fused); Stipules leaf-like, deciduous; Petiole 5 mm., glandless; Leaf 40-42 mm. x 11-12 mm. wide, length to width ratio 3.5-3.7:1, base acute to rounded; young leaves with white soft straight hairs on both surfaces; mature leaves dull above, glaucus below, with few hairs remaining around mid-vein; margins rolled slightly, not revolute, gland-dotted giving a slight crenulate appearance.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near unnamed creek;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 874, Senecio triangularis
Full Size ImageColl. No. 874, Senecio triangularis  

874    Senecio triangularis Hook. Arrowleaf Ragwort.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Along Parker Creek Road (F. R. 01S25), where it crosses a small unnamed creek, 3.2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8572°N, 119.1263°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2297 m. Perennial, bank of creek, shade. Very sticky when collected, dried leaves are very thin, and have a glandular exudate on adaxial surface.

Coll. No. 874, 23 June 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, to 80 cm., in shaded streamside, not strongly scented; Root and caudex unknown; Petiole 100 mm.; Leaves alternate, largest 100 mm. x 60 mm., distributed along stem gradually becoming smaller, ovate, base truncate, margin toothed, adaxial surface sticky with glandular exudate, glands inconspicuous; Inflorescence gen. flat-topped, 10-15 flowers; Phyllaries, in 1-series, few short narrow outer phyllaries, tips dark brown macroscopically; Receptacle palea 0; Flowers of 2 kinds, both ray and disk; Pappus of bristles (no scales or needle-like awns), well developed on ray and disk flowers; Ray flowers yellow, exceeding involucre.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near unnamed creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 875, Cardamine breweri  

875    Cardamine breweri S. Watson. Brewer's Bittercress.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Along Parker Creek Road (F. R. 01S25), where it crosses a small unnamed creek, 3.2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8572°N, 119.1263°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2297 m.

Coll. No. 875, 23 June 2012, characters observed whilst keying: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., erect, terrestrial, growing in a shaded streamside; Rooting at nodes; Hairs 0; Leaves cauline, compound, pinnate lobed, leaflets 3, lower cauline leaves withering at flowering; Flowers radial; Petals white, 5 mm. x 2.5 mm. wide, blade wider than claw; Stamens 6, 4 long 2 short; Ovary linear; Fruit a silique, linear 28 mm. x 1 mm wide, dehiscent by valves, not stipitate; Seeds 14, wingless.

Other articles:
• Parker Creek Road:  near unnamed creek;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 876, Galium trifidum var. columbianum
Full Size ImageColl. No. 876, Galium trifidum var. columbianum  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 876, Galium trifidum var. columbianum
Galium trifidum L. var. columbianum (Rydb.) Hultén. Three-Petal Bedstraw.

Parker Creek, Mono County, California. Along Parker Creek Road (F. R. 01S25), where it crosses a small unnamed creek, 3.2 miles southwest of the intersection of California Highway 158 and US Highway 395. 37.8572°N, 119.1263°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2297 m.

Coll. No. 876, 23 June 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial, sprawling over a small stream, stems to 25 cm.; Leaves in whorls of 4, ±equal in size; Inflorescence, branchlets > thread-like; Flowers bisexual; Corolla lobes 3; Fruit, 1 mm. dia., in pairs, hairs 0, black when dry.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   near Coll. No. 877;  285 m e. of bridge;   near Coll. No. 877;

Locations: Mount Trashmore, Alameda.
Full Size ImageHabitat of Kickxia spuria  

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Appearance of Kickxia spuria in the field.
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Habitat of Kickxia spuria in front of day pack.
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Flower of Kickxia spuria showing spur.
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Coll. No. 877, Kickxia spuria
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Coll. No. 877, Kickxia spuria
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Coll. No. 877, Kickxia spuria
Kickxia spuria (L.) Dumort. Roundleaf Cancerwort.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. About 25 m west of golf course lagoon outfall. 37.748°N, 122.2324°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 3 m. Three plants seen in immediate area.

Collection No. 877, 7 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, Stem decumbent, hairy, Leaves alternate, cordate on short petioles, Pedicels, 6 mm., ± straight with sharp curve at distal end, Bracts 5, overlapping, Flowers bilateral, 6 mm. (excl. spur), upper lip 2-lobed, purple, lower lip 3-lobed, yellow, spurred to 5 mm., Stamens 4 each with 1 pollen sack, Ovary superior, Dry gravelly habitat.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   near bicycle bridge;   at Coll. No. 878;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Centromadia pungens on Mt. Trashmore.
Full Size ImageHabitat of Centromadia pungens on Mt. Trashmore.  

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Coll. No. 878, Centromadia pungens
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Coll. No. 878, Centromadia pungens
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Coll. No. 878, Centromadia pungens var. pungens
Centromadia pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Greene ssp. pungens. Common Spikeweed.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. Just east of the intersection of the bicycle bridge with the Veterans Court bicycle path. 37.748°N, 122.2355°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 3 m. Gravelly side of bicycle path, subject to foot and bicycle traffic. Five plants seen in the immediate area.

Collection No. 878, 7 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, faint citrus smell, Leaf spine-tipped, margins sparsely ciliate, Receptacle bearing scale-like bracts, Phyllaries in 2+ series, not all subtending ray flowers, inner phyllary margins folded, ± clasping ray ovaries, Head radiate, with two kinds of flowers, Ray flowers yellow, fruiting, compressed side-to-side, Disk flowers yellow, paleae each folded around disk flower ovary, style short-hairy.

Other articles:
• Bay Farm Shoreline Path:   near Veterans Ct.;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 879, Distichlis spicata  

879    Distichlis spicata (L.) E. Greene. Saltgrass.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. Along the northern shoreline of Bay Farm Island, about 40 meters west of the Veterans Court cul de sac. 37.7479°N, 122.2374°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1 m.

Other articles:
• Bicycle Spur:   at Coll. No. 880;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 880 Centaurea solstitialis.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 880, Centaurea solstitialis  

880    Centaurea solstitialis

Adjacent to the short spur bicycle path that connects the Bay Farm Bicycle Bridge to Doolittle Drive.

Collection No. 880, 10 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, Stem winged, tomentose, Phyllaries graduated in 5-6+ series, tip appendages palmately spined, lower phyllaries have central spine to 2 cm, straw colored, Head of disc flowers, Receptacle flat with pappus of hairs, Flowers outer sterile, inner fertile bisexual, Fruit crown of soft bristles.

Other articles:
• Bicycle Spur:   at Coll. No. 880;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 881, Brassica nigra  

881    Brassica nigra

Adjacent to the short spur bicycle path that connects the Bay Farm Bicycle Bridge to Doolittle Drive.

Collection No. 881, 10 August 2012, characters observed while : Annual, Hairs simple, Leaves basal and cauline, Cauline leaves sessile but not basally lobed, sagittate, or clasping, barely compound, sometimes appearing dentate, Inflorescence not bracted, Sepals erect (not spreading or reflexed), Petals 4 Stamens 6, 4 long, 2 short, Style 4-5 mm., Stigma entire, Fruit linear when young,

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   at sea wall;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 882, Grindelia hirsutula Coll. No. 1039, Cuscuta pacifica
Full Size ImageGrindelia hirsutula  

882    Grindelia hirsutula Hook. & Arn. Salt Marsh Gumplant.

Keys to G. stricta DC. var. angustifolia (A. Gray) M. A. Lane. in the Jepson Manual, 2nd Edition, but treated as G. hirsutula Hook. & Arn. in FNANM and other collections of this taxon in Alameda have annotated as such.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. In a small salt marsh near Veterans Park, accessed from Veterans Court across the sea wall. 37.7475°N, 122.2367°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1 m.

Perennial shrub, faint camphor scent, to 50-60 cm, glabrous throughout, Leaves alternate, coriaceous, lanceolate to 8 cm., entire, Involucre gummy, 12-13 mm. dia., Phyllaries in 4-5 series, outer phyllary without oil glands, gradually narrowing to tips, tips acute, erect, not coiled, Heads radiate, with both ray and disk flowers, Rays 20, yellow, Disk flowers yellow, Pappus bristles, "flattened" (actually appear triangular in cross-sections, but definitely not cylindric), Habitat salt marsh and tidal flat.

Other articles:
• North Loop Road:  Coll. No. 883;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 883, Heterotheca grandiflora
Full Size ImageColl. No. 883, Heterotheca grandiflora  

883    Heterotheca grandiflora Nutt. Telegraph Weed.

Harbor Bay Business Park, Alameda, Alameda County, California. In disturbed areas along North Loop Road. 37.7289°N, 122.2405°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 4 m.

Collection No. 883, 17 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, scent reminiscent of Pine-Sol, Leaves alternate, distal leaves not clasping, Phyllaries in 4 series, tip not adorned, Heads radiate with both ray and disk flowers, Receptacle epaleate, Ray flowers, yellow, pappus 0, fruit glabrous, Disk flowers pappus of hairs well developed.

Other articles:
• Bay Farm Shoreline Path:   along n. shore;   along n. shore;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. No. 884, Lathyrus latifolius
Full Size ImageColl. No. 884, Lathyrus latifolius  

884    Lathyrus latifolius

Collection No. 884, 17 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Vine, Stem winged to 3 mm., Leaves pinnate compound, main leaf axis extended as tendril, Leaflets 2, Inflorescence of 9-11 flowers, Sepals fused at base, Flower bilateral, Corolla 20 mm., wing 33 mm. wide, Stamens 10, Filaments top free, bottom 9 fused.

Full Size ImageTarweed Class with Bruce Baldwin and John Strother, August 18-19, 2012  
  Tarweed Class with Bruce Baldwin and John Strother, August 18-19,2012.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1N02:   at Sagehen Mdw;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 885, Ericameria nauseosa var. hololeuca  

885    Ericameria nauseosa (Pursh) G. L. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. hololeuca (A. Gray) Nesom & Baird. Rubber Rabbitbush.

Sagehen Meadow, Mono County, California. Northwest edge of the meadow, in an area of mixed Sagebrush and Jeffrey pines. 37.8727°N, 118.8588°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2545 m.

Coll. No. 885, 22 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Shrub, ±1 m,; Stem, tomentose through 2nd-3rd year; Leaves, 21 mm. x 2.5 mm. wide, sessile, erect, strap-shaped, entire; Involucre bell-shaped; Phyllaries, unequal, several series, but not in 5± ranks, margins thick(?), mid-ribs brown; Flowers of 1 kind, ray flowers; Receptacle epaleate; Corolla 7 mm., yellow, lobes 1 mm.; Pappus of many well-developed bristles; Style appendages (1.0 mm.) < stigma (2.2 mm.); Fruit (silky) hairy.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1N02:   at Sagehen Mdw;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 886, Ericameria nauseosa var. hololeuca
Full Size ImageColl. No. 886, Ericameria nauseosa var. hololeuca  

886    Ericameria nauseosa (Pursh) G. L. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. hololeuca (A. Gray) Nesom & Baird. Rubber Rabbitbush.

Sagehen Meadow, Mono County, California. In a recently disturbed area of brush just north-northwest of the meadow. 37.8729°N, 118.8583°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2545 m.

Coll. No. 886, 22 Aug 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial shrub, 1 m., lacking resin pits or translucent oil glands; Stem tomentose; Leaves alternate, 21 mm. x 1.5 mm. wide, linear, sharp-pointed, folded, ±keeled; Involucre obconic; Phyllaries in several series, appearing spiral (but involucre is not elongate), unequal, entire, tips acute to acuminate, margins not papery; Flowers 1 kind, rays 0; Receptacle epaleate; Pappus of many bristles; Corolla yellow, 7-8 mm., lobes ≤1 mm.; Style appendages (1.8 mm.) < stigmas (2.2 mm.); Fruit silky hairy.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1N02:   at Sagehen Mdw;
• Glossary:  style appendage;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 887, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. puberulus, illustrating “style appendages.”
Full Size ImageColl. No. 887, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. puberulus  

887    Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. Ssp. puberulus (D. C. Eaton) H. M. Hall & Clem. Yellow Rabbitbrush.

Sagehen Meadow, Mono County, California. North of the meadow, in sagebrush, just at the edge of the Jeffrey pines. 37.8726°N, 118.859°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2547 m.

Coll. No. 887, 22 Aug 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial shrub, to 1 m., juice with latex, not thistle-like; Stem generally glabrous (very few hairs), young stem few hairs (but not tomentose); Leaves alternate, linear, 30 mm. x 0.8-1.2 mm. wide, margins entire, not ciliate, adaxial surface with tangled hairs, oil glands 0; Heads, conical, not overtopped by distal leaves, ray flowers 0, disc flowers present; Involucre obconic, 8-9 mm.; Phyllaries in 3 distinct vertical ranks, graduated in size, lower << rest of involucre, opaque, tips acute, oil glands 0; Flowers 6; Pappus of many bristles, ±cylindric; Corollas yellow; Style, appendages (2.0 mm.) > stigmatic portion (1.6 mm.); Fruit moderately hairy.

Locations: Sagehen Meadow.
Full Size ImageSagehen Meadow in a summer monsoon shower.
Full Size ImageSagehen Meadow in a summer monsoon shower.  

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In the morning, we were treated to a little shower from the summer monsoonal flow.




Thursday, 23 August 2012


Locations: Sagehen Meadow.
Full Size ImageEarly Morning.  

  Clear morning.

Other articles:
• McPherson Grade:   near divide;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:  110470;

Locations: Mono Basin.
Full Size ImageLooking into the Mono Basin  

  Driving into the Mono Lake basin on the way to Indian Spring.

Other articles:
• Indian Spring Spur:   near Indian Spr;

Locations: Indian Spring.
Full Size ImageIndian Spring after the Indian fire.  

  Driving into Indian Spring.

Other articles:
• Indian Spring Spur:  37000;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   at Indian Spr;

Locations: Indian Spring.
Full Size ImageIndian Spring  

  Indian Spring after the Indian Fire.

Other articles:
• Indian Spring Spur:   along creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 888, Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea, pistillate flowers  

888    Urtica dioica L. ssp. holosericea (Nutt.) Thorne. Stinging Nettle.

Indian Spring, Mono County, California. About 4.1 miles by air north of Sagehen Summit, collected near the water tank about 350 m downstream from the GNIS location of Indian Spring. 37.9504°N, 118.8626°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2278 m. Collected about a week after the Indian Fire of August 8-15,2012.

Coll. No. 888, 23 Aug 2013, characters observed whilst keying: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., with stinging hairs; Stem gray-green, stinging and non-stinging hairs, non-stinging hairs 0.2-0.4 mm.; Leaves opposite to 70 mm., non-stinging hairs on abaxial veins erect; Petioles to 23 mm.; Inflorescence axillary, to 35 mm., structure indistinct; Staminate flowers: Sepals 4, fused at base, free otherwise; Stamens 4, incurved in bud, surrounding a cup-like abortive ovary (?); Pistillate flowers: Sepals 4, fused at base, ±free otherwise, paired size differential indistinct; Stigmas 1, hairy, hairs tangled purple; Fruit, 1.5 mm., ovate.

Other articles:
• Indian Spring Spur:   along creek;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 889, Nasturtium officiniale  

889    Nasturtium officinale R. Br. Watercress.

Indian Spring, Mono County, California. About 4.1 miles by air north of Sagehen Summit, collected near the water tank about 350 m downstream from the GNIS location of Indian Spring. 37.9503°N, 118.8625°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2279 m. Collected about a week after the Indian Fire of August 8-15,2012.

Coll. No. 889, 23 August 2012, characters observed whilst keying: Perennial herb to 15 cm., aquatic, hairs 0; Caudex 0; Roots, fibrous, rooting at nodes; Stem decumbent, leafy; Leaves cauline, compound, pinnately divided, petioled, Inflorescence not bracted, not one-sided; Flowers radial; Sepals 2mm., ovate to obovate; Petals 2.5-2.7 mm., white, obovate to spoon-shaped, margins entire; Stamens 6; Filaments plain; Fruit, young linear, mature 13 mm. x 1.8 mm. wide; Ovules (seeds) many, 2 rows.

Other articles:
• McPherson Grade:   at pass;   near pass;
Full Size ImageView of the McPherson Grade area after the Indian Fire.
Full Size ImageView west down McPherson Grade  

  At the top of the McPherson Grade, we walked to the top of a little hill for a view.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1S160B:   near gate;
Full Size ImageThe gate at the south end of the road.  

  The gate at the south end of the meadow was missing.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1S160B:   at spring;
Full Size ImageSpring boxes on Dry Creek  

  The spring at the north end of the meadow has two spring boxes.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 1S160B:   near creek;
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 890, Carex aquatilis var. aquatilis.  

890    Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. var. aquatilis. Water Sedge.

Dry Creek, Mono County, California. 2 miles south southeast of the outlet of Dry Creek onto Big Sand Flat at California Highway 120. Small marshy area in Dry Creek, just below the crossing of Dry Creek by the former (now closed) Forest Road 1S438. 37.8575°N, 118.8655°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2562 m.

Coll. No. 890, 23 Aug 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb to 50-60 cm., monecious, aquatic, generally glabrous, except veins on older leaf blades scabrous, rhizomed; Leaves, lower sheaths not scabrous, blades to 7 mm wide; Inflorescence, 1-5 spikelets; proximal bract, sheath short, blade longer than inflorescence; pistillate and staminate flowers on same stem, terminal spikelet staminate, lateral spikelets pistillate, spikelets erect, peduncle of lowest proximal spikelet 1.5 cm; Flowers unisexual, enclosed in a sac-like structure (perigynum); Bracts (scales), > perigynum, brown, pale mid-vein, margins brown; Perigynum 2.7 mm + beak 0.3 mm = 3.0 mm x 1.5-2.0 mm wide, obovoid, not fleshy, flat, open at tip, weakly or diffusely veined, minutely papillate; Beak brown, barely notched, a few small hairs on some beaks; Stigmas 2.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 01S55B:   at end;

Locations: Crooked.
Full Size ImageMono Craters and the Sierra crest from a small hill near Crooked.  

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Glass Mountain from a little knoll near Crooked.
Drove to the top of a little hill near Crooked. Was wondering whether this was a good place to start climbing Crooked.

Locations: Crooked Meadows.
Full Size ImageSpring in Crooked Meadows  


Other articles:
• Forest Road 1S56:   along Dry Ck;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 890, Muhlenbergia richardsonis  

891    Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb. Mat Muhly.

Dry Creek, Mono County, California. Uppermost Dry Creek, along Forest Road 01S56 “Dexter Canyon Cutoff,” ½ mile north of Crooked Meadows, 1.4 miles south of Sagehen Peak, 17.2 air miles southeast of Lee Vining. 37.8334°N, 118.847°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2693 m.

Coll. No. 891, 23 August 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial, to 15 cm, terrestrial, spreading by scaly rhizomes; Stem, nodes green; Leaf, sheath and blade differentiated, ligule membraneous, 1 mm; Inflorescence, exceeding upper leaves, 3 mm wide, axis partially hidden by branches and spikelets, not extended above spikelets; Spikelets, many in a well-developed inflorescence, attached to 1° and 2° branches, not subtended by bristles or long silky hairs, all spikelets similar, 1- flowered, laterally compressed, breaking apart above glumes; Glumes, 2, 1 mm, ±½lemma, equal, not: keeled, ciliate keeled, winged, or tapered to points; Lemma, glabrous, veins 1 obvious + 2 faint, not hardened, awns 0; Palea, well-developed.

Other articles:
• California Highway 120:   in Pumice Vy;
Full Size ImageDense growth of Coll. No. 892 Eriogonum baileyi var. baileyi two years after the Crater Fire.  

892    Eriogonum baileyi S. Watson var. baileyi. Bailey's Buckwheat.

Pumice Valley, Mono County, California. South side of California Highway 120, 3 miles east of US Highway 395. 37.9125°N, 119.0483°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2111 m. Large plants growing in high density. Pumice derived sand near north end of Mono Craters. This area burned in the Mono Fire of July 26-29, 2010.

Coll. No. 892, 23 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, to 30 cm; Stem glabrous; Leaves, basal, ±round, tomentose, but withered at anthesis; Peduncles 0; Involucre, 2 mm, 5-toothed, slightly ribbed, sessile, appressed along branched and at tips of branchlets, glabrous, ciliate at margins; Flowers 1.8-2.0 mm; Petals, oblong, constricted toward middle giving the perianth a bell shape, small patches of color tending toward red rather than yellow, should be minutely glandular but not visible at 50x.




Friday, August 24, 2012


Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 395:   near Conway Summit;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 893, Grindelia squarosa var. serrulata at Conway Summit.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 893, Grindelia squarrosa var. serrulata  

893    Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal var. serrulata (Rydb.) Steyerm. Curlycup Gumweed.

Conway Summit, Mono County, California. East side of US Highway 395 just north of Conway Summit. 38.089°N, 119.1816°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2450 m.

Coll. No. 893, 24 Aug 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial shrub, to 40 cm; Stem glabrous; Leaves alternate, 5 cm x 9 mm wide, oblanceolate, margins serrulate, margin teeth glandular; Inflorescence, head enclosed by involucre, flat-topped, not overtopped by leaves, heads with gummy exudate; Phyllaries in 4-6 series, unequal, eglandular, tips acute, coiled 360°; Receptacle epaleate; Flowers of 2 kinds, many; Pappus, few well-developed awns; Corolla yellow.

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   in canyon;

Locations: Bodie Hills.
Full Size ImageOutcrop near Coyote Springs Road.  

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Coyote Springs Road descends to Mormon Meadow
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A little puzzle found in a very difficult habitat.
Stopped at the brightly colored outcrop.

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   along the road;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:  in Bodie Hills;

Locations: Bodie Hills.
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 894, Madia glomerata  

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Coll. No. 894, Madia glomerata
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Coll. No. 894, Madia glomerata
Madia glomerata Hook. Mountain Tarweed.

Bodie Hills, Mono County, California. Outside the Mono Lake basin, along Coyote Springs Road, 0.9 miles south of California Highway 270. 38.1502°N, 119.1295°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2284 m. This collection was an attempt to relocate Tim Messick #1155 of Madia gracilis (HSC81306).

Coll. No. 894, 24 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual herb to 25 cm; Stem, proximal soft-hairy or peeling, distal hairy and glandular, full glands yellow; Leaves, alternate, tips not spiny; Inflorescence, heads not showy, involucre narrowly ellipsoid; Phyllaries, margins folded, enclosing ovaries; Flowers ±4, 2 kinds, rays ±1, disc ±3, mature ray flower pie-shaped in x-section; Pappus 0; Fruit, 5 mm x 1 mm wide, dull black, beakless

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   in Bridgeport Cyn;

Locations: Bridgeport Canyon.
Full Size ImageMeadow cleaned out by sheep.  

  This meadow was pretty well cleaned out.

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   at Coyote Spr;

Locations: Coyote Spring.
Full Size ImageLow water level in the pool at Coyote Spring.  

  The water level was very low in the pool at Coyote Spring.

Other articles:
• Coyote Springs Road:   at Coyote Spr;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Iva axillaris near Coyote Spring.
Full Size ImageColl. No. 895, Iva axillaris  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 895, Iva axillaris
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 895, Iva axillaris
Iva axillaris Pursh. Povertyweed.

Coyote Spring, Mono County, California. 60 m west of Coyote Spring in Bridgeport Canyon, 4.1 miles by road, north northwest of the intersection of Cottonwood Canyon Road and California Highway 167. 38.12°N, 119.0859°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2187 m.

Coll. No. 895, 24 August 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial, herb, to 50 cm; Stems ascending; Leaves alternate, all cauline, lanceolate, 20 mm x 5 mm wide, margin entire, tendrils 0; tip obtuse, both faces alike, strigose, gland-dotted, petiole 2 mm; Inflorescence, a head enclosed in an involucre, head disciform (ray flowers 0); [Perianth, 2 or more whorls, 4 or 5 parts per whorl;] Phyllaries, few, 1 series, fused, margins green; Flowers, not imbedded in wooly hairs, open, of 2 kinds, all with corollas, staminate and pistillate flowers in same head, outer flowers pistillate; Palea, linear; Ovary inferior; Pappus 0; Petals fused into a ring; Pistil 1; Style tip branched (should be truncate or tack-shaped); Stamens, number equals corolla lobes; Anthers fused (?).

  896    … the dimorphic "grass" that's probably a Carex … turned out to be:

Distichlis spicata (L.) E. Greene. Saltgrass.

Hector Station, Mono County, California. 38.0828°N, 119.085°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2059 m. Destroyed, Pistillate stems only.

Other articles:
• Rattlesnake Gulch Road:   at upper cabin;

Locations: Rattlesnake Gulch.
Full Size ImageUpper cabin in Rattlesnake Gulch  

  Drove into Rattlesnake Gulch and parked at the upper cabin.
  897    Castilleja miniata Hook. ssp. miniata. Giant Red Indian Paintbrush.

Rattlesnake Gulch, Mono County, California. About 300 m east of the GNIS location of Mono Diggings, 10.6 miles by road north of Lee Vining. 38.0928°N, 119.085°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2282 m.

Coll. No. 897, 24 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb to 50 cm; Stems ascending, hairs unbranched, not glandular below spike; Leaves entire Inflorescence reddish; Calyx cleft equally half-way on dorsal (adaxial) and ventral (abaxial) side.

Other articles:
• Rattlesnake Gulch Road:   at upper cabin;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 898, Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana
Full Size ImageColl. No. 898, Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana  

898    Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. ludoviciana. White Sagebrush.

Rattlesnake Gulch, Mono County, California. Along the watercourse at a cabin, about 300 m east of the GNIS location of Mono Diggings, 10.6 miles by road north of Lee Vining. 38.0908°N, 119.1567°W. WS 1984. Elev. 2283 m.

Coll. No. 898, 24 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, to 40 cm, unarmed, spreading by rhizomes; Leaf tomentose abaxially, sparse tomentose adaxially, proximal wedge-shaped, 40 mm × 15 mm wide, 3+-toothed, ≤⅓ leaf-width, distal lanceolate, entire;

Frequency and depth of leaf lobing distinguishes between ssp. ludoviciana and ssp. incompta. These leaves are neither 2°-divided, nor deeper than ⅓-width, nor divided nearly to the mid-rib. Therefore, ssp. ludoviciana is applied rather than ssp. incompta.

  899    Geum macrophyllum Willd. Large-leaf Avens.

Rattlesnake Gulch, Mono County, California. Along the watercourse at a cabin, about 300 m east of the GNIS location of Mono Diggings, 10.6 miles by road north of Lee Vining. 38.0909°N, 119.1566°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2283 m.

Other articles:
• Rattlesnake Gulch Road:   at upper cabin;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 900, Scirpus microcarpus
Full Size ImageColl. No. 900, Scirpus microcarpus  

900    Originally described as a “giant Carex”, turned out to be:

Scirpus microcarpus J. Presl & C. Presl. Panicled Rush.

Rattlesnake Gulch, Mono County, California. Along the watercourse at a cabin, about 300 m east of the GNIS location of Mono Diggings, 10.6 miles by road north of Lee Vining. 38.091°N, 119.1566°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2283 m. Also collected here: Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. ludoviciana, Castilleja miniata Hook. ssp. miniata, and Geum macrophyllum Willd.

Coll. No. 900, 24 Aug 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial terrestrial herb of wet places, to 50 cm, glabrous throughout; Stem leafy, flowering stems with cauline leaves > 1; Inflorescence of many spikelets on pedicels up to 3 cm; Spikelets not flat; Flowers many per spikelet, open, pistillate and staminate flowers in same spikelet; Perigynium absent; Perianth bristles ≥fruit, slightly recurved, uniformly finely-toothed; Pistils 1; Stigmas 2; Fruit, achene, 1-seeded, 2-angled.

Other articles:
• California Highway 158:   at Gt. Lk. O'look;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 901, Juniperus grandis  

901    Juniperus grandis R. P. Adams. Sierra Juniper, Western Juniper.

Grant Lake, Mono County, California. At the Grant Lake Overlook day use area at the south end of Grant Lake. 37.8146°N, 119.1117°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2194 m. Leaves scale-like, whorls of 3, berries blue-black, bark red-brown.

Other articles:
• Minaret Road:   near Coll. Lo.;   at Coll. Loc.;
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata
Full Size ImageLocation of Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata  

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Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata
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Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata
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Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata
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Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata
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Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata
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Coll. No. 902, Madia glomerata
Madia glomerata Hook. Mountain Tarweed.

Reversed Creek, Mono County, California. In a open field at the west end of Minaret Road, Peterson Tract, south of the Reverse Creek Lodge, and 2 miles west of the town of June Lake (as measured from the Tiger Bar). 37.7653°N, 119.1022°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 2258 m. Open sunny waste place that may have been mowed earlier in the season.

Coll. No. 902, 25 August 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, Leaves, basal 0, cauline linear, 15 mm. × 2 mm. wide, sessile, spine 0; Heads not showy; Phyllaries in 1 series, individually subtending ray flowers, margins folded ±clasping ray ovaries; Rays yellow, mature ray flowers 3-angled, or “pie-shaped”; Pappus 0.

  903    Frasera puberulenta

Other articles:
• F. R. 2S114:   in s. flat;

Locations: East Craters Sand Flat.
Full Size ImageView west, Oh Ridge in the middleground  


Other articles:
• F. R. 2S114:   at n. end of flat;

Locations: Airfield Flat.
Full Size ImageLooking south through Airfield Flat  

  South through Airfield Flat.

Other articles:
• Forest Road 02S11:   s. of dome;
• Forest Road 02S79:   near Obsidian Dome;

Locations: Obsidian Dome.
Full Size ImageObsidian Dome  

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Obsidian chunk on the south side of Obsidian Dome.
Circumnavigation of Obsidian Dome.




Sunday, August 26, 2012


Other articles:
• Rush Creek Delta Trail, East:   in sight of end;   in delta;   on strand;

Locations: Rush Creek delta.
Full Size ImageMono Lake near the Rush Creek delta.  

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Rush Creek delta in August 2012.
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Who is that guy? And, what's he doing at the Rush Creek delta?
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Negit Island and the Bodie Hills from the Rush Creek delta.

Other articles:
• Rush Creek Delta Trail, East:   in delta;
Full Size ImageHabitat of short-rayed comp., Coll. No. 904, Symphyotrichum frondosum
Full Size ImageColl. No. 905, Asteraceae Symphyotrichum frondosum  

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Coll. No. 905, Asteraceae Symphyotrichum frondosum
Small-rayed comp, not easy to figure out. For now, I think it's:

Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G. L. Nesom. Short-Rayed Alkali Aster.

Rush Creek delta, Mono County, California. On low-lying very wet strands in the Rush Creek delta. 37.9554°N, 119.0526°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1952 m.

Annual herb, to 30 cm., sap milk unknown; Root neither clearly fibrous nor a single tap root; Stem branched at base or not, young stem sparsely hairy; Leaves cauline, alternate, 4 cm × 6 mm wide, oblanceolate, puberulent, sparsely ciliate; Inflorescence, head enclosed by involucre, not overtopped by leaves; Involucre bell- or conic-shaped; Phyllaries unequal, in 3± series, inner thin, nearly transparent; Receptacle epaleate; Flowers of 2 kinds, ray flowers, blade 2 mm, lavender, inconspicuous; disc flowers ...; Pappus of many well-developed bristles, ±equal, barely plumose, some disc flowers also have a single long scale.

  905    Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh. Alkali Buttercup.

Rush Creek delta, Mono County, California. On low-lying very wet strands in the Rush Creek delta. 37.9553°N, 119.0518°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1948 m.

Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. Nos. 906 and 907, Senecio hydrophilus Nutt.  
906    Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. Water Speedwell.

Rush Creek delta, Mono County, California. On the edge of a fresh-water lagoon, southeast side of the Rush Creek delta, very near the alkaline water of Mono Lake. 37.9552°N, 119.0514°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1950 m.

Coll. No. 906, 26 Aug 2012, characters observed while keying: Terrestrial herb of very wet and possibly alkaline places, to 35 cm; Leaves cauline, opposite 20 mm × 12 mm wide, length 1.67 × width, elliptical to obovate, pinnate-veined, few proximally petioled 2 mm to sessile above; Inflorescence racemes axillary; Pedicels 5 mm, curved; Calyx sepals 4; Corolla petal-like, 4-lobed, deciduous in fruit; Stamens 2, staminodes 0; Fruit 2.5 mm × 2.5 mm wide, rounded (not notched).

  906.1    Veronica serpyllifolia L. ssp. humifusa (Dickson) Syme. Bright Blue Speedwell.

Rush Creek delta, Mono County, California. On the edge of a fresh-water lagoon, southeast side of the Rush Creek delta, very near the alkaline water of Mono Lake. 37.9552°N, 119.0514°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1950 m. Found in Collection No. 906, Veronica anagalis-aquatica.

Coll. No. 906.1, 26 Aug 2012, characters observed while keying: Herb, annual/perennial unknown, appressed hairy; Main stem terminated by inflorescence; Pedicels 3-5 mm; Calyx 2.5 mm; Style short; Capsule not exceeding calyx.

Full Size ImageHabitat of Coll. Nos. 906 and 907, Senecio hydrophilus Nutt.  
907    Large comp., keyed out somewhat vaguely as:

Senecio hydrophilus Nutt. Alkali-Marsh Butterweed.

Rush Creek delta, Mono County, California. On the edge of a fresh-water lagoon, southeast side of the Rush Creek delta, very near the alkaline water of Mono Lake. 37.9552°N, 119.0514°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1980 m.

Coll. No. 907, 26 Aug 2012, characters observed while keying: Herbaceous plant of sand bar in Rush Creek delta, likely with some alkali, life history, rhizome, or caudex unknown, mostly glabrous; Leaves, basal: rosette unknown, lower: petiole 10 cm, not winged, blade to 33 cm × 6.5 cm wide, lanceolate, entire, upper: reduced in size, to 11 cm × 3 cm wide, sessile, denticulate; Heads radiate; Phyllaries in 1 series, tip dark, margin scarious; Receptacle epaleate; Flowers, ray pistillate, 11 mm, disc bisexual; Pappus of well-developed equal bristles in a single series; Corolla yellow; cypsela 3 mm, glabrous.

Other articles:
• California Highway 158:  at gaging stn;
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:   Rush Creek;

Locations: Rush Creek (in Horseshoe Canyon).
Full Size ImageGood-looking antenna installation at the Rush Creek gaging station.  

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Coll. No. 908, Pinus ponderosa?
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Coll. No. 908, Pinus ponderosa?
Pinus ponderosa Laws. A few trees above and below California Highway 158 at the Gaging Station about 0.4 miles south of Grant Lake.

The scale prickles hang straight down, the adaxial surface of the cone scales are lighter than the abaxial surface, and the leaves are green without any blue.

Other articles:
• California Highway 158:   below Silver Lk;

Locations: Silver Lake.
Full Size ImageView from outlet of Silver Lake to Carson Peak  


Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   Coll. No. 909;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 909, Dittrichia graveolens
Full Size ImageColl. No. 909, Dittrichia graveolens  

909    Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter. Stinkwort.

Mount Trashmore, Alameda, Alameda County, California. Beside the bicycle path connecting the intersection of Doolittle Drive and Island Way to the intersection of the Veterans Way bicycle path and the Bay Farm bicycle bridge. 37.7476°N, 122.2357°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 6 m. Sticky glandular, strongly aromatic.

Collection No. 909, 3 October 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual sticky-glandular, strongly aromatic, Leaves alternate throughout, lanceolate, entire, Phyllaries in many series, unequal, Phyllary tip without a prominent tack-shaped gland, Receptacle epaleate (not a tarweed!), Flowers of two types, some flowers have strap-shaped corollas, Ray and disc flowers yellow, Pappus of bristles on ray and disc flowers, single layer of bristles, ± cylindric, Fruit not long-tapered distally.

First collected in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1984; spreading rapidly.

Other articles:
• Veterans Court:   near the cul de sac;   at cul de sac;
Full Size ImageHabitat of Parietaria judaica
Full Size ImageHabitat of Parietaria judaica  

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Coll. No. 910, Parietaria judaica
Full Size Image
Coll. No. 910, Parietaria judaica
Parietaria judaica L. Spreading Pellitory.

Bay Farm Island, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California. Growing in a crack in the curb, at the cul-de-sac of Veterans Court. 37.7479°N, 122.237°W. Elev. 1 m.

Collection No. 910, 4 Oct 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial terrestrial herb, Stem hairs simple, Leaves alternate, stipules 0, pinnate-veined, hairs simple, Flowers in axillary clustered involucres, Involucral bracts 4, Male and female flowers in same involucre, Male flowers stalked, developing first, petals white, Female flowers sessile, petals fused, petals white, Ovary superior, 4-lobes(?) but lobes concave, Stigma not obviously lobed.

  911    Lactuca serriola L. Prickly Lettuce.

Mount Trashmore, Alameda, Alameda County, California. Along the Veterans Court bicycle path, very close to the southern landing of the Bay Farm bicycle bridge on Bay Farm Island. 37.748°N, 122.2354°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 5 m.

Collection No. 911, 4 Oct 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual herb, Stems erect, Leaves basal 0 at flowering, cauline coarsely lobed, margins prickly-toothed, Fruit beak slender, many-ribbed, ~8 adaxial, ~5 abaxial.

  912    Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl. Red Sand Spurry.

Alameda, Alameda County, California. In the parkway in front of 2936 Southwood Drive. 37.7626°N, 122.2318°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 5 m.

Coll. No. 912, 28 Oct 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual; Leaves opposite, 2-ranked, simple, awl-like; Inflorescence terminal; Sepals 5, free; Petals 5, free, magenta; Stamens 10 in 2 series of 5; Ovary superior; Stigmas 3, partly fused; Seed 0.6 mm., dark brown.

Literature Cited:
- Davis, Steven J., William R. Dickinson, George E. Gehrels, Jon E. Spencer, Timothy F. Lawton, and Alan R. Carroll, 2010.  

  The Paleogene California River

U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons in samples from the Paleogene Colton Formation in the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah and the Late Cretaceous McCoy Mountains Formation of southwestern Arizona (United States) are statistically indistinguishable. This finding refutes previous inferences that arkosic detritus of the Colton was derived from cratonic basement exposed by Laramide tectonism, and instead establishes the Cordilleran magmatic arc (which also provided sediment to the McCoy Mountains Formation) as the primary source. Given the existence of a north-south–trending drainage divide in eastern Nevada and the north-northeast direction of Laramide paleofl ow throughout Arizona and southern Utah, we infer that a large river system headed in the arc of the Mojave region fl owed northeast ~700 km to the Uinta Basin. Named after its source area, this Paleogene California River would have been equal in scale but opposite in direction to the modern Green River–Colorado River system, and the timing and causes of the subsequent drainage reversal are important constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Cordillera and the Colorado Plateau.

Other articles:
• Blanding Street:   near 2520 Broadway;
• Everett Street:   near 1926 Everett;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 913, Parietaria judaica
Full Size ImageHabitat of Parietaria judaica  

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Coll. No. 913, Parietaria judaica
Parietaria judaica L. Spreading Pellitory.

Alameda, Alameda County, California. Multiple places along the southwest side of Blanding Avenue, from 2510 to 2520 Blanding Avenue. Also around the corner at 1914-1926 Everett Street, and 2516 Clement Avenue. 37.7694°N, 122.2353°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 4 m. Mostly growing in cracks of sidewalks at the edge of a building.

Coll. No. 913, 6 Nov 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, stinging hairs 0; Stem decumbent to erect, maybe becoming woody(?); Petiole to 25 mm.; Leaves alternate, to 70 mm., simple, veins pinnate, simple hairs ad/abaxial; Inflorescence monoecious (male and female flowers on the same plant); Sepals 4; Flowers 4 male flowers and 1 female flower contained in each calyx; Male flowers developing before female flower, coiled introrse, flinging pollen everywhere when snapping to an uncoiled position; Ovary superior; Ovule 1; Fruit shiny black, tip acute.

Literature Cited:
- Thompson, David G., 1929.

Locations: Cave Spring.
Full Size ImageCave Spring.  

  Received the following: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 11:38:29 -0800 From: John Subject: Re: Cave Spring

A few years back I visited Death Valley while doing some research about Ernie Pyle's travels in the area. He wrote a fascinating piece about the dwelling a guy named Adrian Egbert had blasted out of the rock at Cave Spring on the southern rim of Death Valley. I understand he lost the place when the Army moved to create Fort Irwin in 1940 or so. I see you've got a photo of Cave Spring on your website, so I guess you visited?

I'm interested in gleaning any information I can on what the Army did with Egbert's unusual dwelling, and I would appreciate any information or contacts you can provide that might help.

And would you give me permission to use your photograph on my blog, which practically no one reads?


Sent the following information: From: Thompson, David G. 1929. The Mohave Desert Region, California. Water-Supply Paper 578. Washington, DC: United States Geological Survey, 1929, p. 589.

Cave Springs.—Cave Springs are near the enter of T. 17 N. R. 5 E (unsurveyed), on the road from Barstow to South Death Valley. They are about 65 miles northeast of Barstow by the road by way of Paradise Springs and Garlic Springs, and 9 miles almost due south of Saratoga Springs (11 1/2 miles by road). The springs are on the east side of the wash 2 miles north of the point where the road crosses the divide of the Avawatz Mountains. They consist of two caves or short tunnels, about 40 feet apart, dug about 10 feet into the low wall of the canyon. Apparently there is seldom, if ever, any overflow from the springs. The water is clear and cool. As shown by analyis 3, the water is only moderately mineralized. Although the water would be rated as only fair for domestic use as compared to waters In many other parts of the Mohave Desert region it is of better quality than samples collected by the writer from other watering places in the Lower Amargosa Basin.

A number of mesquite growing in the wash near the spring indicate that water is probably near the surface in the vicinity of the springs. A huge block of quartzite crops out on the west side of the wash, and Probably a rock barrier lies near the surface in the wash, behind which some water is impounded.

From Vredenburgh, Larry M. 1994. Fort Irwin and Vicinity: History of Mining Development. Pp. in Reynolds, Robert E. (ed.) 1994.. Off limits in the Mojave Desert: Field Trip Guidebook and Volume for the 1994 Mojave Desert Quaternary Research Center Field Trip to Fort Irwin and Surrounding Areas. San Bernardino County Museum Association Special Publication 94-1, p. 85.

Cave Spring. Between 1883 and 1887 Cave Spring was a water and rest stop for wagons laden with borax from William T. Coleman's operation at Shoshone. During the hot summer months, mining was shifted from the Harmony Borax works at Furnace Creek in Death Valley to the cooler Amargosa works just south of Shoshone (Lingenfelter, 1986, p. 181-182). Spears (1891, p. 139-140) reported that a mining claimant who had filed on Cave Spring sold water to the borax teamster for 25 cents per man and per animal for each night. At the time of Spear's visit to Cave Spring in 1891 he found a stone corral erected by Borax Smith's borax company and a ruined hut.

The Spears reference is: Spears, John R., 1892, Illustrated Sketches of Death Valley and other Borax deserts of the Pacific Coast. Rand, McNally and Company: New York.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 298;  

  Lupines collected in White Pine County, Nevada, per SEIN, 1 Dec 2012.

Not in CA
CA, syn for L. a.Lupinus arbustus ssp. calcaratusUT
CALupinus argenteus var. argenteusUT
Not in CALupinus argenteus var. holosericeus (=Lupinus holosericeus Nutt.) 
 Lupinus argenteus var. utahensis (S. Watson) Barneby (=Lupinus caudatus ssp. caudatus Kellogg)UT, as L. caudatus
 Lupinus aridus Douglas ssp. aridus
(Syn: Lupinus lepidus ssp. aridus (Douglas) Detling, Lupinus lepidus var. aridus (Douglas) Jeps.
UT, as L. l. var. a. 
 Lupinus caudatus ssp. caudatus Kellogg (Syn: Lupinus argenteus var. utahensis (S. Watson) Barneby)UT
CALupinus flavoculatusUT
Not in CALupinus holosericeus Nutt.
(Syn: Lupinus argenteus var. holosericeus (Nutt.) Barneby)
Five collections in Utah, but excluded from Welch, et al. Other collections from CO, ID, OR
CALupinus latifoliusUT
CALupinus lepidusUT
 Lupinus lepidus var. aridus (=Lupinus aridus Douglas ssp. aridus)UT
CALupinus lepidus var. utahensisUT
CALupinus polyphyllusUT
 Lupinus polyphyllus var. prunophilus (=Lupinus prunophilus M.E. Jones)UT
 Lupinus prunophilus (Syn: Lupinus polyphyllus var. prunophilus (M.E. Jones) L.Ll. Phillips) 
CALupinus pusillus var. intermontanusUT
CALupinus uncialis 

Other articles:
• Grand Street:   at end;
• McKay Avenue:   at tidepool;
• Shoreline Drive:  54000;
Full Size ImageBus splashes through bay water during king tide.
Full Size ImageSan Francisco from the dunes.  

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End of Grand Street at high tide.
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Crab Cove artificial tide pool at high tide
A bus splashes through bay water that leaked through the dunes during a high tide.

Other articles:
• Grand Street:   at Shoreline;
• Shoreline Drive:   at Grand;
• Veterans Court:   near seawall;
Full Size ImageGrand Street at Shore Line Drive.
Full Size ImageVeterans Court Seawall  

  High tide on December 13th.

Other articles:
• Grand Street:   at end;
• McKay Avenue:   at tidepool;
Full Size ImageCrab Cove artificial tide pool at low tide
Full Size ImageEnd of Grand Street at low tide.  

  Artificial tide pool at Crab Cove at low tide.

Other articles:
• Buena Vista Avenue:   near Hibbard;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 914, Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia
Full Size ImageColl. No. 914, Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia  

Full Size Image
Coll. No. 914, Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia
Quercus agrifolia Née var. agrifolia. Coast Live Oak.

Alameda, Alameda County, California. In a vacant lot near the corner of Buena Vista Avenue and Hibbard Street, on former Alameda Belt Line property. 37.7751°N, 122.2546°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 16 ft. No fruit observed in tree or on ground. Not a mature tree, one of several in the neighborhood.

Coll. No. 914, 19 Dec 2012, characters observed: Tree; d.b.h. 22 cm; Bark gray-brown (not light gray or white); Leaf, to 5.5 cm., entire, pinnately-veined, (5) 7 (9) short spines at ends of veins including midrib, abaxial vein axils hair tufted; Fruit none seen on plant or surrounding ground.

Other articles:
• U. S. Highway 6:   near Mounds;
Full Size ImageBeckwith Plateau seen from Amtrak  

  View of Beckwith Plateau from Amtrak's California Zephyr on a winter morning.
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Date and time this article was prepared: 7/13/2024 8:09:41 AM